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Labodie, Elmer P.....edition date..... 22 February 1923
Lamb, John .....edition date..... 20 February 1902
Lamb, Mrs William George.....edition date..... 26 September
Lampe, Henry .....edition dates..... 27 July and 3 August 1899
Lampe, Henry .....edition date..... 5 January 1928
Lampe, Theodore C.....edition date..... 19 May 1938
Lampe, Mrs Theodore (Lohrmann).....edition date.....
4 September 1941
Lampson, Mrs Lucy Jan (Tinker) .....edition dates.....
30 August and 6 September 1894
Lancaster, Benjamin F .....edition date..... 20 October 1932
Lancaster, Elizur.....edition date..... 8 March
Lancaster, Fanny .....edition date..... 14 June 1910
Lancaster, Francis .....edition date..... 8 September 1932
Lancaster, Jay.....edition date..... 22 February 1934
Lancaster, LaVern.....edition date..... 9 February 1905
Lancaster, Lydia Marie (Farley) .....edition date.....
11 May 1911
Lancaster, Martha (Ferris) .....edition date..... 10
September 1936
Lancaster, Silas .....edition date..... 8 May 1913
Lancaster, Theodore Jr.....edition date..... 8 June 1911
Lantz, Mrs Ira.....edition date..... 21 December 1905
Lathrop, Mrs May.....edition date..... 24 January 1895
Latta, David Aaron .....edition date..... 22 July 1897
Lautz, Mrs Daniel.....edition date..... 3 September 1891
Laylon, Pierce.....edition date..... 8 March 1888
Learman, Fred.....edition date..... 30 July 1931
Ledyard, Lydia.....edition date..... 15 October 1903
Lee, Delose W.....edition date..... 11 November 1926
Lee, Francis Silvia (Taylor) .....edition date..... 11
January 1912
Lee, George O .....edition date..... 27 July 1938
Lee, George W .....edition date..... 24 February 1898
Lee, Hattie .....edition date..... 9 June 1938
Lee, Lorinda S (Vinton).....edition date..... 20 April
Lee, Minnie (Neindorf).....edition date..... 26
June 1941
Lee, Oscar .....edition date..... 26 September 1929
Lemmon, John M .....edition date..... 28 January 1904
Lemon, James, infant .....edition date..... 21 May 1902
Lens, William .....edition date..... 16 July 1908
Leplie, Joseph....update......edition date..... .25 July 1889
Lester, Miss Mida .....edition date..... 28 September 1893
Leudders, William.....edition dates..... 24 May and 31
May 1923
Leuth, Caroline.....edition date..... 15 July 1897
Leverence, John.....edition date..... 7 November 1918
Leverence, Minnie.....edition dates..... 2 April and 14
April 1931
Lewis, Albert .....edition date..... 30 January 1890
Lewis, Myrtle (Richardson) .....edition date..... 3 August
Lewis, Percilla Ellen (West).....edition date.....
22 March 1928
Lieb, Vern .....edition date..... 14 July 1910
Lilly, Carlton .....edition date..... 28 March 1907
Lilly, Clyde .....edition dates..... 12 February and 5 March
Lilly, David.....edition date..... 5 May 1910
Lilly, David .....edition date..... 19 May 1910
Lilly, Fanny.....edition date..... 6 December 1888
Lilly, Henry .....edition date..... 8 February 1906
Lilly, Mrs Henry (Swihart).....edition date..... 14 December
Lilly, Ida .....edition date..... 28 August 1930
Lilly, Jacob C (Noble).....edition date..... 18
August 1893
Lilly, Jane.....edition date..... 23 April 1931
Lilly, Libbie.....edition date..... 25 June 1896
Lilly, Sylvester .....edition date..... 19 September 1901
Lilly, Mrs Theodore (Fry).....edition date.....
21 March 1895
Lilly, William (Bill) .....edition date..... 5 September
Lindley, Samuel K.....edition date..... 14 June 1923
Lindsley, Mrs Ralph.....edition date..... 27 September
Lindsley, Mrs Ralph.....edition date..... 4 October 1925
Link, David .....edition date..... 2 August 1903
Link, David .....edition date..... 1 August 1907
Link, Mrs David(
) (Noble).....edition date..... 6 May 1897
Link, Lillian (Sagar) .....edition date..... 13 October
Link, Mrs Richard.....edition date..... 23 October 1890
Link, Thomas.....edition date..... 3 October 1901
Linser, Mrs Fred.....edition date..... 23 July 1908
Linsner, Allen .....edition date..... 9 June 1932
Linsner, Flossie.....edition date..... 28 January 1915
Linsner, William.....edition dates..... 28 February and
7 March 1895
Livermore, Daniel.....edition date..... 7 January 1926
Livermore, Olive (Benedict) .....edition dates..... 4
June and 27 June 1935
Locke, Henry .....edition date..... 13 August 1896
Locke, Rachel (Gardner).....edition date..... 1
September 1898
Locke, Rebecca.....edition date..... 2 September 1897
Locke, Thomas .....edition date..... 16 November 1911
Lockhart, Sarah.....edition date..... 8 December 1898
Lockwood, Mae.....edition date..... 6 May 1926
Lockwood, Hiram.....edition date..... 2 June 1910
Lockwood, Ira .....edition date..... 5 June 1930
Lockwood, Martha Jane (West).....edition date.....
11 January 1923
Lockwood, Mary Bryant (Card).....edition date.....
31 October 1901
Lohrmann, Christian .....edition date..... 30 May 1907
Lohrman, Miss Henrietta.....edition date..... 26 October
Lohrmann, Henry .....edition date..... 3 October 1901
Lohrman, John G .....edition date..... 29 March 1917
Long, Amos.....edition date..... 25 January 1917
Loomis, Edgar A .....edition date..... 19 October 1933
Loomis, Dr Harvey.....edition date..... 4 September 1890
Loomis, Minnie C.....edition date..... 4 May 1939
Loris, Vern..infant .....edition date..... 27 August 1902
Lorish, Hazel May.....edition date..... 4 June 1896
Lorish, Henry.....edition date..... 23 September 1915
Lorish, Phoebe (Smith).....edition date..... 18
August 1938
Loudenslager, Mrs Ann.....edition date..... 2 May 1901
Louder, Tobyas.....edition date..... 3 March 1914
Louder, Mary (Knepp).....edition date..... 5 November
Loumis, Mary A (Blair).....edition date..... 5
July 1906
Love, James Alfred.....edition date..... 10 June 1915
Love, William H .....edition date..... 24 December 1936
Lowe, Gladys Vivian.....edition date..... 4 June 1896
Lowry, Jefferson .....edition date..... 10 December 1903
Luce, Cyrus G.....edition date..... 23 March 1903
Ludwick, Mrs Marlin .....edition date..... 29 October 1896
Luedder, Mina Chandler.....edition date..... 20 November
Luedders, Caroline .....edition date..... 28 February 1895
Lupold, Delbert .....edition date..... 20 December 1917
Lupold, John .....edition date..... 12 May 1904
Lupold, Mrs Melvin .....edition date..... 19 April 1900
Luton, Merle .....edition date..... 2 December 1897
Lyon, Amer .....edition date..... 29 May 1930
Lyons, Charles.....edition date..... 12 December 1918
Lyons, Florence .....edition date..... 7 April 1910
Lyons, Florence .....edition dates..... 17 March and 24 March
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