![]() |
Mabie, Charles .....edition dates.....
2 May and 9 May 1929
Mabie, Hazel Urual (Cumming) .....edition dates.....
2 May and 9 May 1929
NOTE: See #99 in Gleanings 4, St Joseph County Genweb for more on the
Mabie Family
Mabie, Myrtle.....edition dates..... 2 May and 9 May 1929
Mabie, Ruby.....edition dates..... 2 May and 9 May 1929
MacLoughlin, Marie.....edition date..... 11 February 1909
Magner, Milliam.....edition date..... 23 May 1889
Main, Benjamin W.....edition date..... 21 July 1932
Maines, Isaac .....edition date..... 14 July 1892
Mallery, Bessie, 8 years, Diptheria.....edition date.....
2 November 1893
Mallery, L.H. 24 November and 1 December 1932
Mallery, Walter, 11 years, Diptheria .....edition dates.....
16 November and 23 November 1893
Mallory, Edward.....edition date..... 9 April 1908
Mallow, Mrs Dale (Monroe).....edition date.....
11 October 1945
Mallow, Ella (Boyer).....edition date..... 29 March
Mallow, Peter.....edition date..... 25 June 1891
Mallow, William .....edition date..... 25 March 1926
Malone, Majority Juanita.....edition date..... 30 May
Malone, Majority Juanita.....edition date..... 30 May
Maloney, Hanorah .....edition date..... 20 February 1896
Maloney, Katherine (Donahue)(See 27 September 1934 9
June 1927
Maloney, Thomas.....edition dates..... 26 September and
10 October 1935
Malovey, John .....edition date..... 3 December 1903
Man, Margarette (Hoover) .....edition date..... 22 June
Mankin, Albert Wilborn.....edition date..... infant 5
April 1888
Mann, Ann Elizabeth .....edition date..... 19 August 1915
Mann, Frank.....edition date..... 2 May 1929
Mann, Franklin Granger.....edition date..... 9 February
Mann, Martha Jane .....edition date..... 27 August 1916
Mann, Wiber A.....edition date..... 12 September 1895
Marble, Calvin .....edition date..... 10 January 1907
Martin, Cyrus.....edition date..... 19 February 1914
Martin, Emma .....edition date..... 17 April 1941
Martin, John.....edition date..... 12 August 1915
Martin, Lulu Bell .....edition date..... 30 March 1911
Martin, Sarah .....edition date..... 19 February 1920
Martin, William.....edition date..... 12 October 1899
Marvin, Calvin Osmar.....edition date..... 9 October 1902
Marklam, Fred .....edition date..... 13 October 1892
Marvin, Ann (Schermer).....edition date..... 29
June 1916
Marvin, Edgerton R .....edition date..... 3 June and 10 June
Marvin, Edwin.....edition date..... 21 October 1909
Marvin, Ester Pernilla .....edition date..... 28 May 1903
Marvin, Francis (Cross) .....edition date..... 12 October
Marvin, Marshall.....edition date..... 6 November 1919
Marvin, Mary.....edition date..... 20 April 1904
Marvin, Mary (Doolan).....edition date..... 5 April
Marvin, Orien.....edition date..... 24 December 1896
Mast, Jacob.....edition date..... 17 November 1904
Mathews, Timothy .....edition date..... 5 April 1928
Mathews, W.R.....edition date..... 22 May 1919
Mathewson, Lucy (Bryant).....edition date.....
27 June 1912
Mathewson, Myron G.....edition date..... 4 February 1926
Mathewson, Mrs Wealthy .....edition date..... 15 February 1984
note:....this date cannot be correct, the Acorn wasn't in print in
Matson, Mary Pyle .....edition date..... 13 December 1945
Mattiotti, Henry "Beck" J .....edition date..... 18 December
Maxwell, G.W......edition date..... 21 July 1932
Mayer, Henry .....edition date..... 3 December 1908
Mayer, J.H......edition date..... 26 March 1942
Mayer, Jacob.....edition date..... 1 November 1934
Mayer, John.....edition date..... 19 August 1915
Mayer, Walter .....edition dates..... 3 October and 10 October
Mayo, Evelyn S (Seaner) .....edition dates..... 3 March
and 17 March 1910
Maystead, Arthur .....edition date..... 11 April 1946
Maystead, Barbara, infant.....edition date..... 18 June
Maystead, Charles W.....edition date..... 17 October 1907
Maystead, Mrs Clyde.....edition date..... 15 October 1942
Maystead, Elizabeth (Eberhard).....edition date.....
29 January 1920
Maystead, Ella .....edition date..... 24 May 1945
Maystead, Mrs Glen .....edition date..... 31 October 1929
Maystead, Henry William.....edition date..... 29 August
Maystead, Jesse Bell (Claypool).....edition date.....
8 December 1910
Maystead, John Henry .....edition date..... 16 July 1936
Maystead, Reka (Beitz) .....edition date..... 17 August
Maystead, Zada (Miller) .....edition date..... 13 March
McCracken, Mr Lewis.....edition date..... 29 September
McIntosh, Milton.....edition date..... 6 July 1916
McKale, August C.....edition date..... 24 June 1943
McKale, Fred .....edition date..... 27 December 1934
McKale, Fred.....edition date..... 3 January 1935
McKann, Miss Anna .....edition date..... 17 May 1900
McKann, Joseph .....edition date..... 14 January 1892
McKann, Mrs Joseph .....edition date..... 21 July 1898
McKee, William E .....edition date..... 15 March 1928
McKerlie, John .....edition date..... 20 January 1902
McMillan, Charles H .....edition date..... 13 June 1895
McMillan, James.....edition date..... 13 March 1902
McNickle, Edith (Lyon) .....edition date..... 4 August
McQueen, Fred .....edition date..... 21 March 1907
McQueen, George H.....edition date..... 21 March 1929
McQueen, Louise (Schwartz) .....edition date..... 14
April 1898
McVicker, Elllijah .....edition date..... 29 April 1892
Mecklenbery, Olrich .....edition date..... 27 September 1900
Mecklenburg, William.....edition date..... 8 January 1914
Meclenburg, Sophia Dorotha .....edition date..... 10 February
Meechum, Maude (Marble) .....edition date..... 5 March
Meert, Arthur.....edition date..... 9 January 1941
Mellinger, Mary Elizabeth (Keckler) .....edition date.....
20 May 1937
Mellinger, William .....edition date..... 25 November 1937
Memroe, Sophia (Frohriep) .....edition date..... 15 September
Merchant, Welcome.....edition date..... 17 September 1896
Merley, Andrew.....edition date..... 28 April and 5 May
Merley, Susan (Smith).....edition date..... 5 September
Merrill, Estella (Bixby) Merley, .....edition date.....
16 January 1941
Metzgar, Jessie (Hiatt).....edition date..... 16 March
Mewes, Mrs Betsey.....edition dates..... 6 March and 13 March
Mewhall, Harry.....edition date..... 9 October 1941
Meyers, John C .....edition date.....August 1937
there was no edition date other than month and year
Middleton, Mrs George.....edition date..... 16 May 1889
Midlam, William.....edition date..... 23 June 1904
Millard, Thomas R.....edition date..... 31 August 1933
Miller, Adam18 May and 25 May 1899
Miller, Anton .....edition date.....1 October 1908
Miller, Alfred D.....edition date..... 22 August 1940
Miller, Alta (Carpenter) .....edition date.....30 April
Miller, Alva (Crosser) .....edition date.....17 January
Miller, Arron .....edition date.....5 July 1923
Miller, Miss Audra.....edition date..... 7 February 1901
Miller, Clara (Slisker) .....edition date.....19 March
Miller, Clarence .....edition date.....5 December 1940
Miller, Duane.....edition dates..... 8 September and 18 September
Miller, Edward .....edition date.....30 March 1911
Miller, Ellen (Green) (Silver Creek).....edition date.....
9 April 1891
Miller, Helen Norene .....edition date.....14 May 1914
Miller, James.....edition date..... 9 August 1888
Miller, Lemuel .....edition date.....20 May 1909
Miller, Mary.....edition date..... 18 April 1929
Miller, Mary.....edition date..... 16 May 1935
Miller, Mary A (Hummel).....edition date..... 8 November
Miller, Morton.....edition date..... 28 October 1927
Miller, Olive (Deal) .....edition date.....4 November
Miller, Polly (Himbaugh) .....edition dates.....31 January
and 7 February 1907
Miller, Robert .....edition dates.....14 February and 21 February
Miller, Robert Franklin .....edition date.....28 December 1933
Miller, Sarah (Himebaugh) .....edition date.....22 October
Miller, Sarah (Kauffman) (Fawn River) .....edition date.....31
May 1888
Miller, Virginia Sue .....edition date.....21 October 1943
Miller, Willis.....edition date..... 7 February 1918
Milliaman, Mrs Wesley .....edition date.....2 September 1915
Milliman, Amos.....edition date..... 18 September 1930
Milliman, Mrs Asa Permelia (Sweet).....edition dates.....
11 June and 18 June 1896
Milliman, Cora (Hackett) .....edition dates.....page
1 and 5 10 January 1929
Milliman, Don Deloy.....edition date..... 15 March 1915
Milliman, Jermone B and Wife .....edition date.....21 April
Milliman, Lester Loren.....edition date..... 21 January 1892
Milliman, Lewis Eugene .....edition dates.....22 February and
1 March 1934
Milliman, Loretta Ridley (Deal).....edition date.....
3 April 1941
Milliman, Lyman.....edition date..... 19 February 1931
Milliman, Mary Jane (George) .....edition date.....3
November 1938
Milliman, Melvin.....edition date..... 25 February 1943
Milliman, William.....edition date..... 2 January 1890
Mills, A.B.....edition date..... 30 January 1896
Mills, Mrs A.B. .....edition date.....20 February 1902
Mills, E.A.....edition date..... 28 December 1893
Mills, Lydia.....edition date..... 5 October 1939
Mills, Sarah M (Fuller).....edition date..... 16 June
Miner, Emma .....edition date.....3 December 1925
Miser, Ophelia (VanHusen) .....edition date.....22 January
Mitchell, Harriet .....edition date.....21 May 1896
Mizner, Byron D.....edition date..... 29 March 1906
Mizner, Mrs J.D......edition date..... 25 March 1909
Mizner, Louisa (Hall).....edition date..... 1 April 1909
Mizner, Stacey .....edition date.....3 February 1927
Mizner, Stanley.....edition date..... 24 August 1927
Mock, Rosina .....edition date.....11 April 1889
Mock, William .....edition date.....23 April 1900
Modert, Electa Eunice (Bullock).....edition date.....
27 February 1908
Modert, Mrs Matthew (Tompkins) .....edition date.....17
September 1942
Modert, Peter.....edition date..... 24 July 1913
Moffett, Ila May .....edition date.....5 September 1918
Mohr, Peter .....edition date.....23 December 1926
Monroe, Oliver C .....edition date.....12 August 1915
Moon, Nancy (Cross).....edition dates..... 19 December
and 26 December 1901
Moore, Agnes (Cady) .....edition date.....15 October
Moore, Charles Henry .....edition date.....21 March 1946
Moore, Clifford .....edition date.....30 July 1908
Moore, Eveson S.....edition date..... 26 March 1914
Moore, Ira .....edition dates.....29 November and 6 December
Moore, Kerene.....edition date..... 5 November 1914
Moore, Oliver .....edition date.....7 September 1911
Moore, Rufus .....edition date.....13 February 1888
Moore, Sarah .....edition dates.....26 June and 3 July 1924
Moore, Mrs P.E. .....edition date.....2 April 1891
Moore, Dr T.E......edition date..... 18 April 1907
Moreland, Mrs William .....edition date.....5 April 1906
Morrill, Mary (Keeslar).....edition date..... 9 September
Morris, Alice (Ellsworth) .....edition date.....5 January
Morris, Anderson Beal.....edition date..... 13 January 1915
Morris, Annie (Jones).....edition date..... 12 September
Morris, Carrie E (George) .....edition date.....19 January
Morris, Charles .....edition date.....13 February 1908
Morris, Charles.....edition date..... 24 March 1927
Morris, Elizabeth "Libbie".....edition date..... 14 December
Morris, Miss Ellen .....edition date.....24 February 1898
Morris, Frederick .....edition date.....17 March 1910
Morris, Gilbert.....edition date..... 4 January 1906
Morris, Gussie (Culver).....edition date..... 29 March
Morris, Marcia .....edition date.....17 August 1905
Morris, Marcia M (StJohn).....edition dates..... 16 November
and 27 November 1911
Mowery, infant of Buff .....edition date.....29 June 1895
Mowry, Dr
.....edition date..... 14 October 1915
Mowry, A.J. .....edition date..... 2 March 1893
Mowry, James W .....edition date.....18 March 1915
Mowry, Martha .....edition date.....10 August 1905
Moyer, George I.....edition date..... 21 November 1895
Muller, Mrs John.....edition date..... 1 June 1893
Munsel, Elijah .....edition date.....21 May 1914
Munsell, Albert .....edition date.....30 June 1918
Munsell, Elvira (Worden).....edition date..... 13 June
Munsell, Ernest.....edition date..... 30 June 1907
Munsell, Harvey.....edition date..... 20 April 1893
Munsell, Julia Etta (Wolf) .....edition date.....27 January
Munsell, Sarah (Cowles).....edition date..... 20 February
Munsell, Wilbur .....edition date.....30 May 1926
Murdock, Edward.....edition date..... 16 July 1908
Murphy, Mrs R.A. Nichols.....edition date..... 7 August 1902
Murray, Fern (Hackmann) .....edition date.....15 January
Musselman, Matilda (West) .....edition date.....29 August
Musselman, Samuel.....edition date..... 22 January 1942
Myers, Leo, 10 years old........edition date.....28 March 1907
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