BURR OAK CEMETERY.... Burr Oak Township St Joseph County, Michigan |
Gillett, Daniel...Lot 97, Sec 2, born 1831, died 1894
Gillett, Francis...Lot 97, Sec 2, born 1834, died 1904
Gillett, Libbie...Lot 97, Sec 2, no dates
Gilson, Addelaide...Lot 120, Sec 2, born 1850, died 1861
Gilson, Anna "Mother"......Lot 120, Sec 2, born 1822, died 1913......Note: "Mother" from the papers of Geneva Smith.
Gilson, Harwell C...VET, Lot 120, Sec 2, died ?? 192?, Co K., 121st Ohio Volunteers,
Infantry.....Note: the incomplete death date from the papers of Geneva Smith. She also
has his name as Harlow.
Gilson, Jerry.....VET, Lot 120, born 1844, died 1916, Co A., 15th Michigan Infantry
Gilson, Julia (Mizner)......Lot 120, Sec 2, born 1837, died 1910.....Note: Surname Mizner from the papers of Geneva Smith. She further says that Julia was (1) married to John Kishpaugh.
Gilson, Winfield......Lot 120, Sec 2, born 1821, died 1862
Ginther, John......died 20 January 1891, extracted from the annual of Burr Oak burials in January edition of Burr Oak Acorn
Glant, Beverly Jean.....Lot 225, Sec 4, born 1930, died 7 May 1934.......Note: middle name and all dates from the papers of Geneva Smith.
Glant, Emma.........Lot 12, Sec 3, buried 30 Jan 1958, 82 years, died 27 Jan 1958
Glant, Hood......Lot 12, Sec 3, buried 13 August 1937, lived in Coldwater, married, born 1871, 64 years, died 11 August 1937
Glant, Marion.....Lot 12, Sec 3, buried 6 November 1951, 48 years, died 3 November 1951.....Note: age from the papers of Geneva Smith.
Glaset, Beverley Jean ........buried 4 May 1934, lived in Coldwater, 3 yrs 7 mos, died 4 May 1934
Goddin, Katie Keckler.....Lot 335 Rear, buried 2 July 1940, lived in Coldwater, 58 years, born 1882, died 29 June 1940.....Note: year of birth from the papers of Geneva Smith.
Goff, Charles...Lot 99, Sec 2, born 1848, died 1918, nearest living relative, L.D. Goff, Armstrong machine Works, Three Rivers, MI
Goff, D J......Lot 99, Sec 2, 53 years, born 1816, died 1869....Note: birth year from papers of Geneva Smith.
Goff, Donna... Lot 99, Sec 2, 3 months old, born 1882, died 1882
Goff, Francis....Lot 99, Sec 2, born 1862, 76 years, died 8 November 1938. Lived in Florence Colorado
Goff, George A.....Lot 99, born 14 October 1853, died 28 January 1905....Note: Lot number from papers of Geneva Smith.
Goff, Julian......Lot 99, Sec 2, born 1820, died 1884
Goff, Laura......Lot 99, Sec 2, born 1856, 73 years, died 18 January 1929
Goff, Vern......Lot 354, Sec R
Goff, Vern......Lot 354, Sec R, grave 7
Goff, Verne A......Lot 350, Sec R, 11 August 1966, died in Sturgis, married, 70 years, died 8 August 1966
Gomby, Anna.....Lot 4, Sec 3, 66 years, died 1851
Gomby, Casper.....VET, Lot 4, Sec 3, 56 years, died 21 May 1897
Good, L Belle....Lot 20, Sec 6, buried 18 August 1948, lived in Burr Oak, 63 years, died 15 August 1948.....Note: papers of Geneva Smith have this burial on Lot 588.
Good, Bessie....Lot 20, Sec 6, buried April ?? 1944, 79 years, died 31 March 1944...Note: papers of Geneva Smith have this burial on Lot 588
Good, David W .....Lot 239, Sec 4, Grave 6, buried 22 December 1971, lived in Bronson twp, 54 years, died 20 December 1971
Good, Dorothy B......Plot 20, Sec 6, Grave 6, buried 9 June 1984, lived in Burr Oak, married, 78 years, died 5 June 1989
Good, Isaac...Lot 474, Sec 4, buried 3 December 1951, lived in Burr Oak, died in Elkhart, married, born 1874, 77 years, died 30 November 1951....Note: papers of Geneva Smith have death date as 20 November 1951
Good, John, Jr....76, of 726 Himebaugh Road, died 20 November 1996 at Sturgis Hospital. He was born 26 December 1919, in Fawn River Township of St Joseph County, a son of John and Leona Belle (Sanborn) Good. On 3 January 1942, he married Donna J Himebaugh at her home in Branch County. They resided in Burr Oak from 1946-1956, in LaGrange, Indiana from 1960-1972, before moving to Bronson. They spent the winters in Zephryhills, Florida. He was a salesman, meat cutter, and then a Horseman driver/trainer for 19 years, retiring in 1980 due to poor health. He was a cook in the U.S. Army during WWII. He was a member of the Burr Oak United Methodist Church, Good Same-Rainbow Chapter #67, and a former member of Captain John J Kelley V.F.W. # 1355, Sturgis. Surviving are his wife; two sons, Thomas John Good of Angola, Indiana and Michael Lynn Good of White Pigeon; two daughters, Sandra King of Kalamazoo and Mary Jo Pearson of Indianapolis; nine grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren; one brother, Gerald Good of Burr Oak. He was preceded in death by his parents and one sister, Mrs Raymond (Theda) Brunson. Services were held at the Burr Oak United Methodist Church with the Rev Emilie Forward officiating. Burial in Burr Oak Cemetery with military honors by the Capt. John J Kelley V.F.W. Post #1355. Memorials directed to the Burr Oak United Methodist Church.
Good, John Sr.....Lot 20, Sec 6, buried 5 January 1951, lived in Burr Oak, 79 years, died 3 January 1951....Note: papers of Geneva Smith have this burial on Lot 588
Good, Laverne.....Lot 474, Sec 4, born 1909, died 1917
Good, Mary......Lot 474, Sec 4, born 1877, died 1926
Good, Myra........ no other information.
Good, William......Lot 239, Sec 4, born 1892, died 1927
Goodman, Arlene R...Row 19, Sec 7, Grave 6, buried 20 May 1978, died in Sturgis, 68 years , died 18 May 1978
Goodman, Thomas J...Row 19, Sec 7, Grave 5, buried 30 April 1975, lived in Burr Oak, 75 years, died 28 April 1975
Gordon, George W...Row 16, Sec 7, Grave 9buried 22 May 1975, lived in Burr Oak twp, married, 55 years, died 19 May 1975
Gordon, Silas....died 10 December 1891, extracted from the annual of Burr Oak burials in January edition of Burr Oak Acorn
Gould, Hazel.....Row 1, Sec 7, Grave 14, buried 22 December 1979, died in Sturgis, 76 years, died 20 December 1979
Graff, Charles A....Lot 9, Sec 6, Grave 7, buried 19 January 1984, died in Sturgis, 77 years, died 7 January 1984
Graham, Andrew M...VET, Lot 457, Sec 1, born 1841, died 1920, U. S. Navy
Note: obituary from the papers of Geneva Smith; extracted from the Burr Oak Acorn...
Mr Andrew M Graham has filled a large place in the good will and esteem of especially the older citizens of Burr Oak. It goes without saying that his long life among us has impressed every one as being characterized by prudence, good sense, judicious business sagacity and intregrity, in fact all those cumulative personal qualities that go to make a good and worthy citizen, neightbor and friend. His legal and judicial attainments and practice qualified him to give generously, safe and wise counsel to anyone who expressed a desire for it long after he discontinued the active practice of law. he was a man of few but significant words and he had the esteem of those who came into personal contact with him, and respected his quiet ways as they met him day after day on our streets.
Andrew M Graham was born in Palmira, Michigan, 1 October 1841, coming to Burr Oak when sixteen years of age, residing here until death, Sunday evening, 3 June 1923. He leaves to mourn their loss a devoted wife, Augusta, daughter, Jane and step-son, Charles Tobey, one sister, Mrs Adelia Porter and nephew, Harry Porter, of Charlevoix, on account of sickness the sister being unable to be present, also more distant relatives and many dear friends.
Mr Graham was a Mason, being a devout member of the local organization, also of the
Eastern Star, in the latter organization, he and his wife would have become charter members next January.
Those from out-of-town who were present at the funeral were Mr and Mrs Ed Kibbe of Chicago; Mr and Mrs Ralph Johnson, South Bend (Indiana); Mr and Mrs Charles Tobey, Mr and Mrs Stuart Mercer, Mrs Cassius Thurston, Sturgis: Mrs R. A. Peck, Bronson: Mrs Orpha Newhall, Grand Rapids. (My note: there are several names I'm unable to read from those present as the paper has been damaged across them.) A
"Card of Thanks" printed in the paper below the obituary is signed by Mrs Augusta Graham and Jane Townsend.
Graham, Augusta.... Lot 457, Sec 1, born 1842, died 1923
Graham, Lorena (Porter)...Lot 112, Sec 2, born 1841, 27 years, died 27 September 1868....Note: Surname of Porters, day/month of death from the papers of Geneva Smith. Geneva also has this as Lorena's second marriage, marrying Graham on 11 December 1866. There is no mention of Mr Graham's first name.
Graham, Mary...Lot 112, Sec 2, 7 years, born 1852, died 1859, name at the top of the page is Wilworth Graham
Graham, Sarah (Coats)...Lot 112, Sec 2, born 1815, 74 years, died 6 January 1889......Note: Surname of Coats comes from the papers of Geneva Smith.
Graham, Wilworth.....Lot 112, Sec 2, died 22 February 1866.....Note: death day and month from papers of Geneva Smith. She also has his name spelled Wilmarth.
Graves, Emma .....Lot 306, Sec R, buried 3 January 1937, lived, in Kalamazoo, born 1855, 81 years, died 2 January 1937
Graves, Joanna......Lot 306, Sec R, born 1835, died 1908
Graves, Luther.......Lot 306, Sec R, born 1823, died 1907
Greashaw, Delsie L.....Lot 21, Sec 7, buried 2 August 1967, died in Sturgis, married, 49 years, died 30 July 1967
Greashaw, LaVern....Row 21, Sec 7, Grave 12
Green, Harry L....VET, Lot 475, Sec 4, Grave 3, buried 13 June 1969, WWII Vet lived
in Indiana, died at the VA Hospital, Fort Wayne, IN., 61 years, occupation, uranium
miner, died 9 June 1969
Green, Jessie.....died 2 September 1891, extracted from the annual of Burr Oak burials in January edition of Burr Oak Acorn
Greene, Patricia J...Row 42, Sec 7, Grave 9, buried 1 April 1988, lived in Howe, Indiana, married, cremation, died 8 January 1988
Gregg, Perry Afton....Sec 6, Plot 21, Grave 8, died 26 August 1997, 78 years old
Greshaw, Charles...Row 44, Sec 10, Grave 17, 84 years, no burial date, died 29 July 1996
Greshaw, Ernest F Sr...Row 7, Sec 8, Grave 3, buried 23 April 1986, lived in Burr Oak, married, 76 years, died 21 April 1986
Greshaw, Harry...Row 24, Sec 7, Grave 9, buried 16 June 1980, lived in Burr Oak, single, 90 years, died 13 June 1980
Greshaw, Rosalyn M...Row 7, Sec 8, Grave 2, buried 14 July 1994, lived in Burr Oak, widow 76 years, died, 11 July 1994
Greshaw, Walter L...Row 21, Sec 7, Grave 14, buried 8 May 1978, died in Sturgis, single, 36 years, died 5 May 1978
Grist, Marie E...Row 16, Sec 7, Grave 14, buried 6 October 1976, lived in Burr Oak twp, widow, 62 years, died 4 October 1976
Grist, Paul O...Row 16, Sec 7, Grave 13, buried 20 December 1975, lived in Burr Oak, twp, 59 years, died 17 December 1975
Groh, Eda F.....buried 3 April 1959, died in Sturgis, 85 years, died 2 April 1959
Gross, Bessie.......Lot 201, Sec 1, born 1881, died 1887
Gross, Betty Jane...Lot 8, Sec 7, buried 17 October 1958, lived in Three Rivers, baby, died 16 October 1958
Gross, Charles A.....Lot 201, Sec 1, buried 23 May 1941, lived in Fawn River twp, born 1854, 77 years, died 1941.....Note: papers of Geneva Smith say this man was born in 1864 and that he died at Fawn River.
Gross, Della.....Lot 201, Sec 1, died - - - - - 19- -, couldn't read dates.....Note: from papers of Geneva Smith.
Gross, Ezra....Lot 8, Sec 7, Grave 5, buried 1 December 1968, lived in White Pigeon, widower, died 28 November 1968
Gross, Hannah Delphine....Lot 201, Sec 1, born 1857, died 25 February 1932
Gross, Marie...Lot 8, Sec 7, buried 14 June 1965, lived in White Pigeon, married, 68 years , died 12 June 1965
Gross, Mary Ann......Lot 201, Sec 1, born 1828, 54 years, died 1882
Gross, Michael.....VET, Lot 201, Sec 1, born 1816, 87 years, died 1903
Gross, Thomas A.....Row 3, Sec 7, Grave 13, buried 14 June 1976, died VA Hospital, University Dr, Pittsburgh Pa, married, 60 years, died 12 June 1976
Gross, Vera...Row 1, Sec 7, Grave 12, buried 11 July 1979, lived in Three Rivers, widow, 53 years, died 8 July 1979
Gross, William........Lot 201, Sec 1, born 1846, 72 years, died 20 November 1918
Grossman, Dorothy M....Lot 56, Sec 6, buried 23 June 1961, lived in Burr Oak, married, 61 years, died, 20 June 1961
Grove, Amandy Allene....Lot 60, Sec 6, Grave 1.5, buried 22 March 1973, baby, died 20 March 1973
Grove, (Dewitt) Baby...no further information
Grove, Laurence....Lot 61, Sec 6, Grave 1, buried 29 May 1979, lived and died in Lakeland, Florida, married, died 25 May 1979
Grove, Michael Scott...Lot 60, Sec 6, Grave 1.5, no burial date, died 1 April 1968, son of Dewitt Grove. Buried in same grave with Amandy Allene Grove.
Grover, Jacob C......born 1881, died 1916
Grover, W...... born 1887, died 1906
Guertin, Aura.......Lot 134, Sec 2, buried 22 February 1958, born 1875, 83 years, died 18 February 1958
Gulliver, Robert.....VET, New York Regulars, born 1829, died 1889....Note: dates from
the papers of Geneva Smith.
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