![]() St. Joseph County, Michigan |
Lot 1, Nancy, wife of John W. Mankin, age 41 years, 9 months. John W. Mankin, no dates given on the headstone. Pioneer farmer in SE, Sec 9 at Fawn River Bridge
Lot 2, Infant children of Alfred and Gertie Mankin
Lot 3. Vacant. Howk transferred to lot 56
Lot 4. Broken headstone. No other record.
Lot 5. Area unmarked, certain to have had burials.
Lot 6. Stephen M. Shaffer, son, Henry and Melissa Shaffer, on lot 21
Lot 7. Bristol...Family resided in north part of Section 10 and 11
Lot 8. Children, age 6 and 8 years of Mr and Mrs Frederick Froriep.
Lot 9. Abigail, wife of J. R. Brooks, died 1 October 1863, 23 years, 9 months. Charlie, son of J and A Brooks, died 1861, 3 years, 2 months. A.B. Brooks, date unknown, infant.
Lot 10. Jacob West, born 1821, died 1896. Arville West, wife, born 1826, died 1912 Amanda West Himebaugh, daughter, born 1846, died 1930. Leonard Himebaugh, husband, no dates given on marker. Edgar West, son of Jacob West, age 50 years, about 1910.
Lot 11. Cidney Marble, died 6 February 1851, general store owner.
Lot 12. Zeziah, wife of Henry Seals, born 12 January 1816, died 30 November 1896, also burial of Henry Seals, Civil War Veteran, no dates are given. Their residence is now property of Clare Bordner. Transcriber's note: I don't have the dates this was written here
Lot 13. Elizabeth G., Wife of Loren H Howard, marker broken, no dates
Lot 14. Francis Flanders, died 14 September 1861, age 69 years, 5 months, 9 days. The Flanders family operated the Fawn River Woolen Mills, was master of Meridan Sun Masonic Lodge, Sturgis, Michigan
Lot 15. Eliza V., daughter of E.H. Pride, 21 January 1847, age 2 years. E. H. Pride, died 21 January 1849, age 36 years. Sarah A., wife of E.H. Pride, died 2 February 1849, 25 years, 11 months, Anna, died 2 July 1849, no other dates given.
Lot 16. Louise R., wife of Amos Morse, born 1819, died 1839.
Lot 17. Lydia, wife of Ezekial Flanders, died 30 August 1846, age 53 years
Lot 18. Nancy, wife of William Rippey, died 22 December 1842, age 27 years, 10 months ?? Rippey, died 20 September 1848, age 5 years, 2 months, 22 days, daughter of William and Nancy Rippey, age 1 year, 3 months
Lot 19. John Grove, born 1799, died 1850 Mary Grove, his wife, born 1804, died 1888 Elizabeth Grove, daughter, died 8 September 1863 J.G. Groves, died 8 October, 1876, age 1 year, 1 month
Lot 20. Louis Wheeler, Co.F. 11th Michigan Infantry, no dates Lot 21. Henry Shaffer, Co. G Ohio Infantry, died about 1900. Melissa Mott Shaffer, his wife, died about 1920. The parents of Stephen Mott Shaffer, who is buried on Lot 6
Lot 22. A large unmarked area, possibly previous burials.
Lot 23. Lucena Gross, George E. Gross, possibly children of Elizabeth Gross. Elizabeth Gross, died 1861, age 37 years, 3 months. Albert A Gross, son of A.D. and E.B. Gross, died 11 November 1853. Viola A., daughter of A.D. and E.B. Gross, died May 1857, age 3 years, 11 months
Lot 24. William Oliver, son of Anse and Julia Oliver, died 12 September 1852, age 5 months, 5 days. Sarah P., daughter of Julius and Aure Oliver, died 6 December 1885, age 5 years, 2 months.
Lot 25. Sara G. Rippey, died 1884, age 59 years, 6 months. Helen, daughter of William and Jane Rippey, died 1865, 4 years. Ellen J., daughter of W. and Jane Rippey, 24 october 1862, 4 years, 11 months. Collin, son of William and Jane Rippey, died 25 November 1862, age 2 years
Lot 26. A large unmarked area, certain to have burials.
Lot 27. John C. Housten, died 1864, age 1 year, 10 months. David Housten, died 1863, age 23 years. Mary Housten, died 1866, age 37 years.
Lot 28. Thomas Cochrane, died 1877, age 91 years Janet Pollock Housten, died 1889, age 83 years, 3 months
Lot 29. John R. Graves, born 1808, age 89 years, 5 months. Mahala Graves, wife, born 1806, died 1875, age 69 years. Wellington Graves, son, born 18?6, died 1910. Lucy A., his wife, born 1842, died 1914. Harrison Graves, brother, born 1840, died 1897, soldier. Clara, daughter of W. and Ludy Graves, 1867, died 1940. Lucy Graves, died 1852, no other record.
Lot 30. Stephen Mott, born 1818, died 17 March 1889. Elizabeth Mott, born 10 March 1825, died 8 December 1891. George Mott, son, born 17 November 1843, killed in action, 5 August 1864, Co K 39th Ohio. Family resided in Sec 16
Lot 31. Anna Tina Toll, daughter of Isaac D. and Julia V. Toll, died January 1850, age 2 months, 17 days. This is the only record of a burial in this cemetery of the Toll family, who were the founders of the village.
Lot 32. George Andrews, born 27 December 1834, died 30 May 1897
Lot 33. Harriet Latta Buck, born 1837, died 1916 Jennie Buck, no date on marker Tom Buck, no date, did reside in Fawn River Village Jemina Samson, died in 1875 Sara Latta, died 9 September 1877, age 80 years
Lot 34. Charlotte Bowman, died 1854, age 3 years, 7 months Philip Bowman, died 1859, age 29 years
Lot 35. David H. Monroe, died 1852
Lot 36. Almira Selleck, wife of George Selleck, died 1887, 46 years Bell E. Selleck, daughter, died 1867, age 2 years
Lot 37. Lemuel Miller, died 1909, age 69 years Sarah, wife, died 1888, age 46 years Employee of Himebaugh Milling Co., Have four children. Best known is Alice Miller Bowdish, her two children are Cyrus Bowdish, Centreville and Ray Bowdish, Burr Oak, Michigan
Lot 38. Sarah Wasbon, born 1815, died 1891 Lauren Wasbon, died 1875, age 64 years
Lot 39. Dora L. Green, died 1868, age 41 years Frances Green, age 1 year Willis B Green, age 7 month Albert Green, age 7 weeks
Lot 40. Denton Krontz W, born 1859, died 1918 Mary I Harding Krontz, born 1866, died 1930
Lot 41. Lambert Eckerson, born 1821, died 1903 Harriet Eckerson, wife, died 1880, age 55 years Edith, Eckerson, wife, second, died 29 December 1901, age 66 years
Lot 42. Rachel Bietz, wife of John Bietz, born 1816, died 1882 John Bietz, husband, born 1806, died 1887 Bertha Lublow, daughter F Lublow, born 1883, died 1889 Frederick Lublow, born 1833, died 1919 Minnie Bietz Lublow, wife, daughter of John and Rachel Bietz, born 1840, died 1919 Rachel Lublow Wetzler, born 1865, died 1922 John and Rachel Bietz, are the great great grandparents of James Houck, who, is now a resident of Fawn River Village. Note: Transcriber doesn't have the date these records were originally written.
Lot 43. Gillette, marker inscription has weathered.
Lot 44. Abraham Friend, born 1865. Emma Lublow Friend, wife, born 1877, died 1941
Lot 45. D. Zimmer, died 22 February 1867 Margaret Zimmer, wife, died 8 August 1884, age 87 years
Lot 46. Mary J. Brown, died 4 January 1892, age 58 years 9 months. The mother of Mrs. Alfred Mankin
Lot 47. Daniel Harding, Civil War Veteran, Co C 100th Indiana 1844-1918
Lot 48. Infant child of Mr and Mrs David Keckler, no marker
Lot 49. Irene Butz, daughter of George E. and Ada Sanborn Butz. Infant died in 1889
Lot 50. Angeline Blanchard, mother, born 1808, died 1890 Philander Blanchard, son, born 1849, died 1911
Lot 51. Infant Blackamore, died 1916, Father Roy Blackamore
Lot 52. A. Anderson, hunter, accidently killed by gun shot, year 1894
Lot 53. Adam J. Shaffer, born 1844, died 1907, company G, 68, Ohio Volunteers. His time and efforts to building of Fawn River Union Church. Charity Mott Shaffer, wife, born 1844, died 1922
Lot 54. Chris F. Wallman, born 1884, died 1955 Florence T. Howk Wallman, wife, born 1887, died 1963
Lot 55. James A. McLauchlin, born 1836, died 1901 Mary C. Mankin McLauchlin, wife, born 1845, died 1929 Was the daughter of John W. Mankin, buried on Lot 1
Lot 56 Newton I. Howk, born 1858, died 1937 Nancy Jane McLauchlin Howk, wife, born 1862, died 1932 Anna Viola Howk, daughter, died 1887, age 1 year 9 months Henry J Howk, son, died 17 March 1941, Pvt 330 Acro 50, Alfred W Howk, son, born 1892, died 1951 Frederick M Howk, son, born 1897, died 1962
Lot 57, Sylvia Shears, born 1902, died 1934, wife of Louis Shears, now residing at Centreville, Michigan. NOTE: Transcriber has no idea of when these records were originally typed. Lucille Shears, daughter, died 1934
Lot 58. Marie Stevens, born 1910, died 1961, age about 45 years. her husband, Clarence Stevens, has left the community Patricia Stevens, daughter, twin, born 1947, died 1947 Michael Stevens, son, twin, born 1947, died 1947
Lot 59. Tammy Krontz, died 1962, plans are to remove the body and burial in Burr Oak Cemetery Michigan
Lot 60. A large vacant area
Lot 61. This area was reserved for the burial of the indigent poor of the community. All residents, who died at the St. Joseph County Infirmary, were for many years buried in this area, and, it is a matter of historical record, that through the generosity and financial aid of Col. Isaac D. Toll, the indigent were provided with markers and head-stones of uniform size and quality, that no discrimination might be shown in this cemetery.
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