LAKESIDE CEMETERY--BA-BL Colon St Joseph County, Michigan |
Baad, Alta Irene.....widow, died 28 June 1955, aged 75 years, resided in
Sherwood Township, Branch County, Michigan
Baad, Anna.....died 16 March 1961, aged 86 years, resided in Burr Oak Township, St Joseph County, Michigan
Baad, Fredericka.....married, died 27 February 1931, aged 83 years, resided in Park Township, St Joseph County, Michigan, lot owner is George Baad
Baad, George.....married, died 7 January 1929, resided in Sherwood Township, Branch County, Michigan
Baad, George W.....died 11 November 1931, aged 13 years, resided in Park Township, St Joseph County, Michigan
Baad, Jacob Henry.....died 28 November 1969, aged 93 years, resided at Coldwater, Branch County, Michigan
Baad, John F.....married, died 21 June 1908, aged 34 years, resided in Leonidas Township, St Joseph County, Michigan, son of Mr and Mrs George Baad
Baad, Mrs Earl.....married, died 20 April 1920, resided at Three Rivers, St Joseph County, Michigan
Baad, Orten V.....died 16 October 1941, aged 62 years, resided at Sherwood, Branch County, Michigan
Baad, Winnola.....died 13 November 1910, resided in Sherwood Township, Branch County, Michigan, daughter of Mr and Mrs Orton Baad
Babcock, Clara.....single, died 29 March 1920, resided in Colon Township, daughter of Mr and Mrs Jay Babcock
Bailey, Franklin A.....married, died 30 December 1959, aged 65 years, resided at Colon
Bailey, Joyce Lois.....single, died 14 February 1950, aged 4 days, parents resided at Colon, Frank and Opal (Watson) Bailey, born at Coldwater, Branch County, Michigan, cause of death was premature birth, buried on the George Watson lot
Baird, Clayton E.....married, died 5 May 1903, aged 42 years, resided at Colon, lot owner is Alex Baird
Baird, Mary A.....married, died 3 February 1922, aged 58yr 2mo 20dy, resided at Portland, Oregon, daughter of Mr and Mrs Myron Palmer, born at Colon, St Joseph County, Michigan
Baird, Nancy M.....married, died 16 March 1903, aged 66 years, resided at Colon
Baker, Charles Dee.....single, died 28 August 1955, aged 22 years, lived at Willow Drive, Colon, son of Mr and Mrs Douglas Baker, died at Dayton, Ohio, killed in an auto accident ......Note: single for marital status is crossed out
Baker, Floyd Ambrose.....married, died 22 August 1955, aged 78 years, resided at Route 1, Colon, son of A.J. and Emma (Standish) Baker, born at Leslie, Michigan
Baker, Kenneth M.....married, died 7 April 1970, aged 44 years, resided in Colon Township
Baker, Soloman Douglas.....married, died 12 March 1958, aged 52 years, resided at Colon, son of Robert Baker and Harriet Smith, born at Cynthiana, Kentucky
Balch, Stephen Eugene.....single, died 29 October 1969, age unknown, son of Gaylord and ? Balch
Ballon, Alfred.....died 10 December 1960, aged 75 years, resided at Burr Oak, St Joseph County, Michigan
Baltz, Hariett E.....married, died 27 May 1924
Baltz, John.....GAR, married, died 22 April 1919, aged 80yr 16dy, resided at
Colon, son of Mr and Mrs Jacob Baltz, born in Pennsylvania
Banta, Bernice B.....married, died 29 January 1956, aged 72 years, resided at Leonidas, St Joseph County, Michigan
Banta, Bertie.....widow, died 6 July 1957, aged 73 years, resided at Leonidas, St Joseph County, Michigan, daughter of Henry and Clara (Bullard) Banta, born at Colon, St Joseph County, Michigan
Banto, Henry S.....died 19 June 1937, resided at Colon, lot owner is Mrs Henry Banto
Barker, Hellen.....married, died 11 March 1912, aged 74 years, resided at Colon
Barr, Harry S......died 17 February 1962, aged 81 years, resided in Sherman Township, St Joseph County, Michigan
Barr, Helen.....married, died 22 March 1949, aged 55 years, resided in Sherwood Township, Branch County, Michigan, lot owners are Barr and Leister
Barrack, Mike.....married, died 2 October 1950, aged 40 years, resided at Sturgis, St Joseph County, Michigan, son of Eli and Mary Barrack, born at Yukon, Pennsylvania, lot owners are Steve and Mimi Ziokvorich
Bartholomew, Anora.....married, died 15 June 1904, aged 36 years, resided in Colon Township, daughter of Henry Belers
Bartholomew, Emma.....married, died 13 June 1920, resided in Colon Township, daughter of Mr and Mrs Charles Borcuit
Bartholomew, Frank.....married, died 16 April 1925, resided at Colon
Bartholomew, Hattie.....widow, died 15 May 1947, aged 80 years, resided at Colon, daughter of Mr and Mrs Ward
Bartholomew, Lucius.....died 10 February 1959, aged 72 years, resided in Butler Township, Branch County, Michigan, son of Lucius and Mary (Ryan) Bartholomew, born in Kansas
Bartholomew, Madge.....single, died 26 March 1916, aged 22 years, daughter of Mr and Mrs Frank Bartholomew, death by suicide
Bartholomew, Mrs Walter.....died 29 December 1918, resided at Colon Township
Bartholomew, Walter.....widower, died 31 January 1947, aged 89 years, resided at Colon
Bartholomew, Will.....married, died 7 October 1961, aged 75 years, resided at Centreville, St Joseph County, Michigan
Bartholomew,.....died 16 June 1904, aged 7 days old, parents resided in Colon Township, lot owned by Frank Bartholomew.....Note: no first name given
Batherick, Bertha.....died 18 November 1941, aged 61 years, resided at Fenton, Michigan
Bathrick, Dudley.....died 12 August 1966, aged 69 years, died at Fort Wayne Hospital, Allen County, Indiana
Bathrick, Edmund C.....married, died 28 July 1931, aged 94yr 3mo 10dy, resided at Mishawaka, Indiana, son of Mr and Mrs Charles Bathrick, born at Norwalk, Ohio
Bathrick, Frank M.....widower, died 8 July 1956, aged 83 years, resided at Bradenton, Florida
Bathrick, Mary.....widow,died 12 April 1957, aged 85 years, resided at Three Rivers, St Joseph County, Michigan, daughter of Frederick and Sophia Miller Fogelman, born in Burr Oak Township, St Joseph County, Michigan, lot owned by Van Vorst
Bathrick, .....married, died 11 January 1929.....Note: no first name given
Bauder, Mora M.....married, died 31 December 1922, aged 39yr 6mo 19dy
Baughman, James Douglas.....single, died 28 May 1946, aged 20 hours old, parents resided at Colon, son of Mr and Mrs Grant Baughman, born premature, lot owner is Francis Whitford
Baughman, Michael.....single, died 6 September 1940, aged 2 years, resided at Marshall, Calhoun County, Michigan born at Colon, St Joseph County, Michigan, auto accident listed as cause of death, Whitford is lot owner
Baum, Jim D.....single, died 3 October 1964, aged 27 years, resided at Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo County, Michigan lot is owned by Albert and - Baum
Baumgardnere, Cora.....single, died 30 November 1945, aged 68 years, resided at Coldwater, Branch County, Michigan, lot owned by Fred Auten
Baxter, E.W......married, died 11 May 1924, resided at Battle Creek, Calhoun County, Michigan
Baxter, Edward C.....married, died 16 May 1929, resided at Battle Creek, Calhoun County, Michigan, son of Mr and Mrs Chancy Baxter, lot owned by Chancy Baxter
Baxter, Hattie L.....married, died 8 February 1923, resided at Battle Creek, Calhoun County, Michigan
Baxter, Soloma A.....married, born 9 October 1932, died 98 years, resided at Hillsdale, Hillsdale County, Michigan lot owned by Chancy Baxter
Beall, Arvilla.....married, died 7 March 1916, aged 84 years, resided in Leonidas Township, St Joseph County, Michigan
Beall, Carlton.....widower, died 7 June 1959, aged 82 years, resided at Colon, son of Harrison and Electa (Whitting) Beall, born near Bronson, Branch County, Michigan
Beall, Clare G.....died 24 May 1907, aged 16 years, resided in Leonidas Township, St Joseph County, Michigan , son of Mr & Mrs Earnest Beall, death by drowning
Beall, information given, given name is probably misspelled; perhaps Electa
Beall, information given
Beall, Howard H.....died 25 September 1901, aged 18 days, resided in Sherwood Township, Branch County, Michigan, lot owners are C and M Beall
Beall, Leo E.....married, died 9 March 1970, aged 83 years, resided at Sturgis, St Joseph County, Michigan
Beall, Lucius.....married, died 5 October 1916, aged 85 years, resided in Leonidas Township, St Joseph County, Michigan
Beall, information given
Beall, Mina.....married, died 28 June 1957, aged 62 years, resided at Colon
Beall, Mrs Earnest.....married, died 19 March 1937, resided at Colon, lot owner is Mr. E.L.Beall
Beard, Mrs James.....married, died 2 June 1925, resided in Leonidas Township, St Joseph County, Michigan
Beck, Clayton B.....single, died 22 March 1963, aged 79 years, resided at Radke's Nursing Home, Chicago, Illinois
Bell, Herman A.....married, died 7 October 1921, resided at Colon
Bell, Letha W.....widow, died 6 February 1970, aged 92 years, resided at Sturgis, St Joseph County, Michigan
Bell, Millie P.....married, died 25 May 1918, aged 32 years 14 days, resided at Colon, daughter of Mr and Mrs Frank Morton
Bell, Nora .....married, died 6 January 1933, aged 75yr 3mo 24dy, resided at Colon, daughter of Mr and Mrs N Shuck, lot owner is Mr H. Bell
Bell, Roy.....married, died 3 July 1961, aged 75 years, resided at Colon, son of Herman and Nora (Shuck) Bell
Belote, Albert.....died 21 May 1915, resided at Colon
Belote, Emma.....married, died 16 March 1908, aged 86 years, resided at Colon
Benhan, Margret S.....married, died 3 March 1929, aged 88 years, resided at Colon, daughter of Mr and Mrs H.K. Farrand, lot owner is H.K. Farrand
Bennett, Harley.....married, died 27 March 1938, aged 66 years, resided at Centreville, St Joseph County, Michigan, son of Dan Bennett, born at Colon, St Joseph County, Michigan, buried on the Bess lot
Bennett, Adline.....married, died 15 March 1926, aged 81 years, resided at Colon, daughter of Mr and Mrs Peter Wagner, lot owners are Bennett and McMellin
Bennett, Edgar.....GAR, married, died 2 February 1928, aged 82 years, resided at Colon
Bennett, Mary L.....died 19 October 1959, aged 85 years, resided at Three Rivers, St Joseph County, Michigan
Billmeyer, Viola.....married, died 17 June 1950, aged 51 years, resided at Highland Park, Michigan, lot owners are Guthie and Billmeyer
Bisbee,.....died 29 April 1960, aged 2 hours old, parents lived at Sturgis, St Joseph County, Michigan premature birth, baby boy, no first name given
Blackstone, Harry.....married, died 16 November 1965, aged 80 years, resided at Hollywood 28, Los Angeles County, California, buried on the Tomas or Lomas lot, not clearly written
Blakeley, Victor.....stillborn at Battle Creek, 13 June 1948, parents lived in Colon, Mr and Mrs (Wilda Macher) Blakeley, buried on the lot of J.E. Mosher
Blanchard, Elizabeth.....died 13 January 1913, aged 79 years, resided at Colon
Blanchard, Ellen.....married, died 19 October 1930, aged 76yr 1mo 16 dy, resided at Colon, buried on lot owned by Moses Blanchard
Blanchard, Flavious.....married, died 28 March 1915, aged 57 years, resided at Colon Township
Blanchard, Marlin E.....married, died 2 March 1933, aged 78 years, resided at Elkhart, Elkhart County, Indiana, son of Mr and Mrs Moses Blanchard
Blanchard, Mrs Martin.....died 24 May 1923, resided in Elkhart, Elkhart County, Indiana
Blanchard, Permelia.....married, died 14 July 1925, aged 90yr 9mo 11dy, resided at Colon
Blanchard, Theron.....married, died 5 September 1903, resided at Colon
Bland, Golda M.....married, died 27 October 1918, aged 24yr 3mo 19dy, resided at Hammond, Indiana, daughter of Mr and Mrs Albert Riffle
Blausey, Edna.....died 22 November 1934, aged 68 years, resided in Colon Township, daughter of Mr and Mrs James Kemmerling, lot owned by Henry Blausey
Blausey, Henry.....single, died 6 February 1940, aged 78 years, resided at Detroit, Michigan
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