Denise's Story, Con't..... |
After our initial greeting outside in the yard, we went
inside the house and Kevin gave us the grand mini-tour of
his home. We started with the large, airy kitchen and
proceeded to the living room. From a doorway off the
living room, we peeked in a room and I spotted the Star
Trek logo on a number of boxes. Maybe Kevin thought this
was going to be just a quick visit to this room, but I'm
an avid Star Trek fan so I walked right in and took a
closer look at all the boxes that held his Star Trek and
Star Wars collections. "you like
star trek?'re a collector?.............i
am, too! oh.........a darth vader case......, i use to have
one of those but i sold it a long time ago!......dumb,
dumb, dumb........!!" I was
making a silly gesture with my hand as I uttered the
'dumb, dumb, dumb' words and about 10 feet away from me,
Ruth and Julie were just doubled over in a fit of giggles.
"what are you two giggling
about"? , I asked. "Oh Denise",
Ruth said through her laughter, "the motion you
just made with your we know where Kevin
got it from..........he's done that so many times, it's
As we continued with the tour of his home, Kevin very
methodically showed us his books and videos,
his camera equipment and then we entered his computer room.
I noticed that everything was placed in an orderly
fashion, very neat and very tidy....... nothing was
out of place. "kevin?"
, I asked,
"it looks like you really keep things organized?"
[ organization.........something
I strive for in my own surroundings at home and at work ]
His sister Julie nodded her head in an up and down motion
which confirmed my question. I then took a closer look at
the rooms' belongings and noticed several paintings,
canvases, leaning against a couple of walls.
"kevin, did you paint these?"
"oh kevin..........they're wonderful
.........they're good......... i mean, really, really
good.......... you've captured that image perfectly!"
[ through the years, I often
wondered what traits had I possibly passed onto my son?....
....what hidden talents, that he inherited from me,
would materialize as he grew older?..........what features
would be similar to mine?.............what color would his
eyes be?.............or his hair?...........would he look
like me? to find out that he had a wonderful talent for
art was one of the most moving moments of the day for me....
........ drawing and painting had been such a passion in
my I found out it was a talent we shared ].
Painting was a hobby to Kevin but his passion was the
computer. Some of his most inspiring creativity was with
the use of computer graphics. My knowledge of computers
paled in comparison to Kevin's, but it gave us, yet,
another common bond.
My genealogy research prompted me to use the computer and
because I like to figure things out on my own, it
became a trial and error kind of learning. For me, it was
the best way. There was so much to learn about the
internet and all it had to offer in the way of research for
my genealogy hobby. I had been working on an internet
Family Tree for about a year and a half and was anxious to
show Kevin what I had accomplished. Kevin sat down at the
computer terminal to show me some of his programs that he
was using. However, I knew I couldn't wait another moment
to show him the Family Tree I'd been working on and to
see his reaction ........ I asked him,
"kevin, will you link up and get
on the internet? i have something important i want to show
you" Accommodating me with a
questioning look on his face, Kevin said,"OK." Kevin went
through the motions of getting online and then followed my
directions as I took him to my home page on the internet.
"click on that link and it will
take you to my family tree pages......well, OUR
family tree pages, i mean............ see?......that's you
i've got listed there. oh my God, i can change it now!
when i get home tonight, i can change your name because all
this time i've had you listed with the name i gave you at
birth............... see? click there and
you'll................see, there's your grandpa and
grandma's names and if you click here it will take you to
your other ancestors............"
Kevin asked, "What nationality are we"?
oh, german mostly......and then
there's some english and some dutch, too...........oh
...........and..........well from your birth father's side
you're pure irish! I didn't
realize at the time what kind of impact the viewing of the
family tree pages had on Kevin. 4 days later Kevin wrote
an email to his Auntie Karen explaining the importance
of the day and what it meant to him. He mentioned to her
how he, in a split second, went from knowing very little
about his heritage to knowing almost everything, after
looking at his Family Tree on the internet.
While Ruth, Julie, Kevin and I sat in the living room
visiting, Dave and Terry were making themselves busy in
the kitchen rustling up something for us to eat. After 3
HOURS they finally declared that lunch was ready. All of
us were rather amused at the length of time it took the
guys to put something together. We just couldn't
understand why it took so long for them to prepare a meal. [They both love to cook and are VERY proficient in
the kitchen]. They said it was because they couldn't find
anything in Kevin's kitchen and it took them a long time to
improvise. We figured the delay was due to the fact they
were talking so much!!
While we were eating, Ruth brought out 15 photo albums
that she had brought for me to look at, plus
Kevin's baby book. The care and thoroughness, that Ruth
devoted to Kevin's book, was evident all the way through.
Ruth told me, "You know, I was putting
this baby book together, I always had you in the back of my
mind. I always had a feeling that someday, you'd be
looking at this, too, so you could see how Kevin grew up
.............I was doing this for both of us..........."
Ruth related to me that in 1982, when Kevin was 10 years
old, they had been invited to the Adoption Agency in
response to a
I'd sent regarding Kevin's health. At that time,
they had requested and received non-identifying information
about me. She knew, at that point that I would
search for Kevin sometime after he turned 18 years old.
...............Her words touched me so much.......I kept
thinking what a special woman ruth is..........someone
willing to share all of the important "growing up" details
about do i ever thank her........them? do i let them know how much they've touched me
with their thoughtfulness and kindness............and their
total, unconditional acceptance of me?
We finished eating and sat on the living room floor going
through pictures that Kevin had in his albums. I had
brought pictures of myself and Paul from 1972 and some
recent photos of myself, Terry, Danielle, Ben and Tiffany.
As we sorted through them, I related short stories about
where they originated from and dates. I told Kevin to
pick out whatever pictures he wanted to keep for himself so
he would have some for his photo album.
We started talking about coincidences............especially
the fact that I had graduated from Rogers High School
in Toledo. "Really?.......... So did I!!" Dave said. Then
he asked, "Where did you live?" I replied,
"do you remember where sleepy
hollow pond is?" "Yes, I
know right where it is" "near
reynold's corners?""Yes, I
remember that area because I didn't live too far away
from there, myself." "you lived
near there?" , I asked. "Yes",
Dave responded. Then he asked, "Denise, what Junior
High School did you go to?" I replied,
"i went to mc tigue junior high
why?" , I asked. Dave
surprisingly replied, "I taught 8th grade science at first year of teaching was in 1964."
"oh my God, dave.......... i was at
mc tigue during that year, i was in 8th grade .........i
can hardly believe it.......... we were at the same school
during the same time?............... that is unbelievable!"
We continued talking about
schools and the conversation turned, once again, to Kevin
and the University he attended [Michigan Tech] and what he
majored in. "engineering?"
, I asked?
"you majored and graduated with an
engineering degree?". Kevin
assured me he did and then showed me a graduation photo
and program that had been stored away in one of his memory
boxes. oh kevin, you just won't
believe this, your grandpa beckwith graduated from the
university of michigan with an engineering degree, too".
Ruth asked,"So you're a
Michigan fan, too?"
So many strange coincidences, but then another one was
discovered as we continued talking. Ruth started to
relate the circumstances of when Kevin's new name became
Ruth, Dave and Kevin went to their appointment and told
the caseworker his new name..............Kevin David.
Ruth said to me, "It was the strangest thing.....the
caseworker smiled at me after I told them Kevin's new name."
I replied to her,
"well ruth, i know why she smiled
at you........" "You do?
It's something I've always wondered about all these years"
" see, i gave him
a name during our stay in the hospital............i named
him 'David Eric'.""Oh my God,
Denise, our second son's name is Eric"!!! ...........i
could feel goose bumps start on my arms and chills found
their way up and down my back............
I wanted to spend some *alone* time with Kevin and at two
separate times during the afternoon, we left the others
in the living room as I motioned to Kevin to follow me
outside so we could have a few moments together...........
..just the two of us. I asked him about his likes and
dislikes and then I asked about girls........,
"is there someone special in your
life?" and Kevin replied, "Yes,
but she lives in California....her name is Chrissy". He
told me how they'd met, 6 years before, during a special
trip to Washington, D.C. while they were still in High
School. They attended a week long seminar where each
were representatives from their respective states.
They became special friends during the trip and had kept in
constant contact ever since. Kevin told me how he hated to
be separated from her and that she was still.......very,
very special to him. He talked about how unhappy he was at
his present job and how much he really wanted to move out
to California to pursue his dream of getting into the film
industry specializing in computer graphic animation.
"california, are you sure, kevin"?
i've just found you, please
don't leave yet...... I tried to reassure him that
whatever decision he made, I would support him, [even if it
meant that he'd be moving so far away]..........It was at
that minute that I knew I had to take a
picture of Kevin. The light was just right and I wanted
to capture the moment.............. After the picture was
taken, we started to go inside to join the others. I kept
thinking to myself, i've just found you, I can hardly
believe that you're really thinking about moving so far away.
I want some time to get to know you........and you,
me...........i want you to know your brother and sisters
..........if you leave, you'll never have that chance....... mind was so full of selfish thoughts........i waited
so long to find you, only to lose you to a potential job
so far away.........? I asked one more time,
"kevin, are you sure?........
nothing just a little bit closer?............... it's gotta
be california, huh"? Kevin
jokingly remarked, as he held the door open for me to go
through, "Oh, I can just see it now, TWO mothers trying to
keep me in Michigan."
Our visit lasted far longer than I'd ever dared hope for....
...........six hours. We shared pictures.............we
shared stories...........we laughed .............and we
cried. And then it was time for the Schmidts to go home.
We went outside to take group pictures of all of us. Every
conceivable combination was photographed. Terry, Kevin and
me. Dave, Ruth and Kevin and me. Ruth and Kevin and me.
Dave, me and Kevin. Julie and Kevin. Then, Julie took
a wonderful picture of the
of us, Kevin in the middle, with the four of us, two by two,
on either side of him. As we were finishing up our posing,
Ruth suggested we get together again really soon ..........
.. oh....i'd like that.....i'd love that really.....
"when would you like to meet
again?", I asked. "Oh, soon, really
soon", Ruth replied, "while the weather is still good".
"you know",
I said, "you could come up to our
home at Walloon, there's plenty of room there
and we could all stay together at the house, you'd love it
at Walloon Lake...........the colors will be beautiful in
about three weeks or so"? Dave
piped up and said, "I think that's a great idea about going
up north". [ little did I know at the time, that Dave is a
HUGE fan of the outdoors and that a northern trip was right
up his alley ]. Ruth and I worked out some quick details
and decided that the fourth weekend away, the 4th of October,
would work out for everyone. We said our goodbyes and
reassured each other that we'd email back and forth to one
another soon.
About a half hour later, we too needed to leave as it
was almost 5:30 PM and we still had a long drive ahead of us.
I don't want the day to end............ i don't want to
say goodbye......... oh, kevin..........let me hug you just
one more time and let the feeling from it last forever......
I don't remember saying goodbye........I don't even
remember the last few words we spoke to each other........
the thought I do have is the wonderful memory of Kevin
giving me another *pressure* last until
the next time we'd be together.
Terry and I arrived home in 4 and a half hours and I went
to check the computer to see if Ruth had emailed
about their safe return home to Petersburg. Instead, I
discovered a wonderful, heart warming
email message from Kevin, addressed to all four
of us, both emailed out at the same time.
That Sunday evening, I too, wrote a special letter to Kevin
to let him know what the day had meant to me.
Dear Kevin,
Thank you for accepting me, for giving me that golden
opportunity to hold you once again in my arms. There are
moments that are burned into my memory from today's
experience, spectacular memories that you allowed
to happen.
There is so much more that I want to share with you. I,
too, look forward to our time we'll spend together in
October. It can't get here soon enough.
Your Mom and Dad are the greatest and I have so much
respect and admiration for them. God has touched both of
our families by bringing us together in His time. Miracles
do on the 24th of January 1972 and one
With Love,
Continue to Page 11
Just a short note to let you know how much this day meant
to me. I couldn't have asked for a more wonderful reception
than the one you, your parents and Julie gave to me and
Your Mother
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This page was created 9 March 1997
Design and updates of this page are by Denise Frederick , Copyright © 1997
This Page Has Been Visited times....since 9 March 1997