Comments from readers of "Denise's Story" |
It is a wonderful story. Have you considered writing an autobiography? It could be
something of yourself that would be read for generations to come, and
would allow your family to know who you were. Imagine reading journals
that your great-greats might have written as they were settling this
country 100 to 125 years ago. Wouldn't you be thrilled to read their
thoughts, hopes, and fears. It would give you a window into your own
past history. Keep up the good work.
I can not tell you how much I enjoyed your story. I first found your
page through your e-mail to one of the list I'm on. Then i thought..Why
would someone tell their story to whole world to read? I just had to
take a peek at what someone would say. Then I read a little and read
some more and became totally engrossed in your story! I have five
wonderful children that bring me more happiness then life. Just the
thought of having to give one up is scary! My heart goes out to you. I
really can't wait for more. I want to hear about your other children's
You are a wonderful person. Only good comes to those who believe in
God and he certainly was good to you both. I too believe that
everything happens for a reason. I know there is a reason that I am
still married to my husband!:-) He's really a good guy. Just wanted to
tell you that I have stayed up until 1:30am just reading
your pages! I have to be up at 6:am!
Wow! You are some author. Once I began your story I could not leave it.
I finally finished reading it at 1:35 this morning. Do get it published,
like in REDBOOK or GOOD HOUSEKEEPING. It is truly touching and a real
incentive for other moms looking for their adopted children.
Thank you for sharing your story. I am a birthmother that found my son
in December 1995. My story is sad and disappointing. I cried while
reading about your reunion. Although we did meet, my son had chosen to
retreat and withdraw. I am shattered. It's good to know that some
adoptive parents are so open and willing to allow us back into our
children's lives. I was touched by your story and I
am so glad for you and your son and his parents.... I can't help but wish
it was my story too. But I think it's great that you put it out there
for others to read, adoptees, birthmothers and aparents can get a lot of
insight from reading it. I think this should be everyone's story of
reunion.... there is no reason we can't "blend" and regain some of what
was lost and add something very special to each others lives now. But
alas, although this would be ideal, it simply is not reality for many of
us. I will look forward to "more of the story" and visit your website
again some lazy Saturday morning in the future. Good luck in the future....
Take care of you.
I read your
story about finding Kevin today. That took a lot of courage to write such
detail Denise and then to publish it on the net for all to see. Your tale
made me cry. I understand the joy of holding a first born son, the pain
you suffered in giving him up must have been so difficult. What a joy to
have located him and to have had it turn out so well. God Bless you.
I particularly enjoyed reading on your home page about your reunion - nicely
I just finished reading your reunion pages. What a marvelously
written account. I have a page of reunion stories and would like to place a link there
to your page.... this is the most fantastic story I have read yet on
the web. Congratulations!!! ... and I'm waiting for the continued
part :)
How wonderful to have found your son. What a story - beautifull!
There just weren't and aren't adequate words, Denise, to describe my reaction. I just read it
all again, sobbing, and please, please: more. For everyone. It is a miracle. Your story also
touched my heart because I have a friend with a similar
experience. She's become a psychotherapist who specializes in counseling
those touched by adoption. I have been hoping she will get connected so
that she can read your story and the other brave personal stories on the
internet. It is wonderful to learn about courageous people who take such a big step to
give themselves and others "another chance" in this short life, and sharing
your part of it is a gift of hope for the many who are in need. Thanks Denise, it
is a pleasure to know you.
I sit here with tears in my eyes from reading your reunion story. I
found your page through the adoption web ring. My name is L.
and I'm a reunited adoptee. I'm going to meet my birthmom next month,
and I'm so nervous I don't know what to do so I've been trying to read
every reunion story I can. Your web page is wonderful and I just want
to thank you for having your story on the web. It has helped me a great
deal in preparing for my own reunion.
Thanks so much.
Read your adoption story yesterday. Very, very touching. I only cried
three times! How sad so many women went through the same ordeal. You are
fortunate yours turned out so well.
Just finished viewing your site: excellent stuff.
I love how you have organized things!
And it's so nice to see smiling pics, as well as a heartwarming story.
Within the week I will have a link to your site up.
I am not sure exactly in what fashion, but I want to make sure that
I get it up there, so that everyone can see your extensive overview.
I will get back to you before the link is added for your feedback.
Thank you so much for writing and I wish you all the best.
Five handkechiefs and I nearly fell off the edge of my seat with the
anticipation. It is such a wonderful story, and you tell it so well. I do
hope you continue -- I was reading it and thinking of how much it would mean
to a mother or child who is searching, or fearing the search. It is so full
of love and hope. Thank you for sharing it with everyone.
I am looking forward to more.
An INTERESTING story? I'm still sobbing (mascara runs on me as well) over
the beautiful and very touching account that you wrote. You and Kevin's
Mom (and the rest of the two extended families) are so lucky to be in such
harmony - such giving and sharing, such loving can only come from God,
Denise. All of you are well and truly blessed. With smiles through my tears,
I just finished reading (and crying through) your story about finding
Kevin. Amazing! I can't imagine what it must have been like ... in 1972
or 1996 or during the 24 years in between!
Thank you for sharing your story. My search patterns seem to ebb and
flow, and your words have inspired me to concentrate more on finding
her. With a certain kinship -
I just finished reading your story and I am so happy for you. It is nice to
know there are happy endings. I can relate to a lot of what you have been through, and am beginning my
own search for a 21 year old daughter. I picked up a few ideas from you and hope to be able to
find my own peace of mind one day. Thank you for taking the time to detail your experiences, it was
beautifully done.
WOW!!!!!!! Tears can not stop. My name is D. and I'm an
adoptee as well as a Birthmother waiting for the time to search for my
precious daughter who will be 14 this September.
Your search seemed to fall into place so quickly. I have been searching
for my birthparents for 10 years. I've bookmarked your site
and I'm going to read it again and again!!! Thanks so much.
Take Care
Hon, if you EVER want to write a book and have it published, I WILL BE THE
FIRST IN LINE for an autographed copy.....
Your site is very well put together, loads fast, and the content comes from
the soul of its author......consider that my Seal of Approval!
I love to see other writers on the web....and your site is just beyond any
I have seen in a long time...
Congrats.... Love to you,
6/01/98 - 5/01/99
Due to a computer 'crash/meltdown', I lost several archived emails during this time period that I had been saving with the intention of placing them on this website. These generous readers took the time to send me their thoughts, their love, and feelings about 'their' hopes and dreams... I am so saddened at having lost these strong, emotionally uplifting letters, as I will never be able to share their thoughts with you...
Denise, I just finished reading your powerful story of love and triumph.
I am really filled with emotion - various emotions.
First, I am reminded by your powerful narrative of your experience of the beauty of the English language. You are clearly a master storyteller and have a wonderful mastery of the language.
Second, I am reminded that it is Americans like yourself, that make this country great. You affirm what is best about the human spirit and the human experience. Your life has surely been touched by God and He has given you the special abilities and strengths to not only accomplish the things you have accomplished, to overcome the adversities; but, to stand as an example to all who read your story. Your life experience is worthy of emulation.
It is a testament to the power of Faith, the power of agape Love, the ability to overcome neglect and rejection and push forward - despite the obstacles in your path....You are truly one of the "Thousand Points of Light" in this society and we are all better people individually and corporately because you are here.
May God continue to bless and guide you and my your future be rich with love.....
P.S. I really believe this story, if published in pamphlet form and made available to young girls facing the same choices you once faced, would benefit all who read it. I encourage you to consider publishing this story and I am sure one of the Right To Life organizations out there would help........
Denise, Thank you for this beautiful story and for putting it here to view... I cried when I read your story and hope mine will be as great. Thank you and I will return often.
...your extremely moving story about placing your son for adoption, then searching and finding him. It made me weep! Thank you again for your story. God bless you for your willingness to be so vulnerable.
Dear Denise, Your story was wonderful..every word and picture... My story, like yours, is joyful and I am thrilled to have found my only daughter. Your story helps me to believe reunions can be joy-filled and not the unhappy experiences had by some. Thank you for taking the time to write your loving story. I read and enjoyed every word.
Dear Denise, What an inspirational story about your search for your son.... I can't tell you how much I have enjoyed reading your story. I am sending a copy to my mother as I know she will love it as well. Thank you for sharing your story.
Denise, I haven't read all of the story of your quest yet, just the main part. What a great story! Congratulations on the find.
Dear Denise, I just finished reading you wonderful story. I just really wanted to say God Bless you and your son and the new found family you have become, including all the extended ones you are truly bless. Some time it's hard for biological families to get along, so we are really lucky when strangers take us into their hearts and make us feel loved. God bless all of you. Thank you for listening
I just got through reading your story with tears running down my face. I am an adoptee who searched .... sadly my birthmother passed away ELEVEN months before I met her.... the ironic thing was that SHE lived 15 MINUTES away. She did leave behind a special gift for me to find... a baby sister... she lived 20 min. away from me..... She and I are best friends... I couldnt do without her. I am still looking for my birthfather.... no luck... no leads, just a name. PLEASE tell your son how lucky he is for me.... I would do anything to be in his shoes.... God Bless and keep up the writing for you are truly talented. bye!
Would you like to leave me a personal message about my story and the impact it had on you? Please email me, I'd love to hear from you.
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This page was created 25 May 1998 and updated 31 Jul 1999
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This Page Has Been Visited times....since 25 May 1998