I just wanted to take a few minutes [actually, this took me a heck of a lot longer than a few minutes] to let you know how thankful I am for your warm reception to me this morning. I know I caught you off guard, but after the initial shock, you made me feel comfortable talking to you and sharing information.
Thank you, too, for the obvious love you have been bestowing on your children. It is so evident, in your voices, that you have a tremendous amount of courage and unselfishness and willingness to allow me to make this contact with Kevin. I will, despite the outcome, be forever grateful to both of you for your compassion in understanding my wants and needs.
I only have Kevin's best interests in mind and I will be as patient, as I can be, regarding our reunion. 24 years is a long time, but I can certainly wait awhile longer. Please let him know that I love him with all of my heart... always have... always will.
Tell Kevin that I only want an opportunity to talk to him, to tell him about his siblings, his heritage, his maternal grandparents, and to answer any questions he might have of me. I have nothing to hide and lots to share. His presence in my life has been constant and known to all of my family members, close friends and co-workers. There have been no secrets regarding his birth and his "new" siblings want to get to know him, too.
Please let Julie read this next part:
I'm glad Kevin has such a loving, concerned sister. When I was on the phone with your Mom and Dad this morning, the emotions were running very high for all of us, including you. I only want this to be a positive, good experience, not only for Kevin, but for all of us. This is a reunion for both of our families, not just Kevin and I. Would you do me a favor? Would you please go and hug your Mom and Dad, for me, right now and tell them it's from Denise. You have wonderful parents, loving and giving. You don't know this yet, but I'm the same way.
Ruth and Dave,
I look forward to meeting you, so much, tomorrow. Terry and I will travel down to Sandusky today, as soon as I get packed, that is, and meet you in the parking lot of the "Westside Inn" tomorrow morning between 9:45 - 10:00AM.
Til then.......
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This page was created 28 Jan 1997
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Copyright © 1997-05, Denise Frederick
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