The Magic Capital of the World - Page 2Written by
Patrick West
In an attempt to increase lagging sales,
the partners decided to hold an open house on
Saturday, Sept. 15, 1934. Advertisements were placed in trade journals. The event was attended
by 80 magicians and sales totaled $88.00. Magicians came from Kalamazoo, South Bend, Detroit,
Grand Rapids, Cincinnatti, Toledo, and Fort Wayne to watch two hours of magic performed by
several magicians including Recil Bordner. Abbott acted as master of ceremonies,
and his wife, Gladys, accompanied the performers on the piano. Following the show, a buffet
luncheon was served to the performers and audience. The open house was closed to the public
in general. However, several local dignitaries were invited, including Dr. Niendorf and his wife
and the Superintendent of Schools, A. Jaffe and his wife.
Considering the one day’s sales of $88.00,
the occasion had been a financial, as well as a
social, success for the new partners. Encouraged by the success of their open house, the
partners gave public performances on Nov. 3 and 4 that Autumn. Children were admitted for
10 cents and adults for 35 cents. The show was again two hours in length, but this time only
two outside acts were booked. Abbott and Bordner were the main
attractions. Bordner
performed "Paintings from the Great Beyond" and Percy presented the company’s "latest
magic creations". The success of the two public shows and that of the open house convinced the
partners to host the first annual Abbott Get-Together in the autumn of 1935. That year it was still
a one-night affair, held in the tiny Abbott Theater which could accommodate an audience of only
about 100 people. Again, only magicians were invited. It was during this convention that Lester
Lake (Marvelo), an escape artist, coined the phrase "Magic Capital of the World".
He chose this phrase to describe Colon because Abbott’s Magic Novelty company was fast
becoming a leading producer of magical apparatus in the United States; because the Great
Blackstone made his home in Colon; and because the Abbott Get-Together was
becoming a major attraction for magicians. The phrase caught on and is still being used today.
The 1936 Get-Together was held Sept. 12th
at the Abbott factory and was referred
to as the Third Annual Get-together. The partners counted the open house of 1934 as having
been the first. The Saturday night show had been increased to 14 acts and the theater was
enlarged. Some of the more famous magicians of the day were present in 1936, including the
"Great Nichola Marvelo", Lester Lake, who had the "biggest show in America"
that year. Lake, a good friend of Abbott, directed an impromptu
performance outside the magic
shop on Saturday afternoon, which the public was allowed to view. The following acts
appeared: Geo. Paxton, Ed Little, Bob Gysel, Al Saal,
John Skinta, Percy Abbott, F. W., Thomas, Dr. Zola,
Jimmy Trimble, L. L. Ireland, Joe Bert, C. L. Breindenstien,
Mahendra, and Dave Coleman.
In that year another aspect of the
Get-Together developed when there was an extemporaneous
performance for early arrivals on Friday evening. This became a standard feature of the Get-Together
and is now called the Night Before Party. Two hundred and fifty magicians registered for the
1936 convention. The Saturday night show, the largest yet, included the following acts:
Sid Loraine, emcee; Bob Wedertz, Recil Bordner and Percy
Abbott, creations; Harry Cecil, George Paxton, illusions: Ralph
W. Hull, cards; Lyman, originalities; Kathryn Elliott and
Marvelo of "Burned Alive" fame; Doc Coleman in Hokum; Jimmy
Trumble, artist magician; The Great Nicola.
The popularity of the Get-Together
was growing at a rapid rate and Colon’s name was becoming
associated with magic by a growing number of magicians. Following the Get-Together of 1936,
the local newspaper, The Colon Express, referred to Colon as the "Magic Capital of
the World" for the first time. The paper justified the boast stating that, "Abbott’s original
made magic is supplied to magicians in all parts of the world, and through the activities of the
Abbott Magic Novelty Company, Colon, Michigan is recognized as "The Magic
Capital of the World."
The Abbott Theater proved
to be inadequately small in 1936 and the Saturday evening
show was followed by many impromptu performances on the sidewalks and in the street in front of
the magic factory. Because of the increase of attendance and public interest, the partners rented
the high school gymnasium for the 1937 Get-Together.
Over 500 magicians were registered in
1937 and the pubic was invited for the first time
to an Abbott Get-Together. There was a special performance staged at the auditorium
for the public on Saturday afternoon. A portion of the public must have obtained admittance to the
evening performance as well, because there were over 1,000 spectators crowded into the
auditorium, which had an official capacity of only 800. There were many "on the spot" antics
that year, including one magician who was suspended upside down from a downtown fire
escape in a straight jacket from which he escaped.
In addition to the Night Before Show, which
was held at the factory for magicians only, there
were lectures, discussions, and demonstrations at the Abbott factory all day Saturday and late
into the night following the evening performance. The Abbott Get-Together had
come of age as a major convention for magicians from all over the United States.
Obviously, the influx of 500 people into a
village with a population of 1,000 was an exciting
event and the local merchants and residents of Colon looked forward to the Abbott Get-Together.
Many of the magicians arrived a day or two early and stayed until late Sunday. While some of the
magicians stayed in motels in Sturgis, Coldwater, and Battle Creek, a large proportion rented
rooms from local residents at one dollar per night. Merchants, naturally enjoyed good business
during the festive week end and the event was given much coverage by the local newspaper.
The success of the 1936 and 1937 Get-Together
was augmented by the establishment, in
January of 1936 of The Tops - An Independent Magazine of Magic. The monthly magazine was
printed by the Abbott Magic Novelty Company on a press purchased from Frank
Damon, publisher of The Colon Express. Paul Goss, who worked
for Damon,
set type for the magazine at night. Percy was the editor of the magazine until 1941, when he
turned the job over to Mel Melson, an artist from New York who was hired in 1940 to do
the artistic illustrations for the Abbott catalogue.
The magazine, which was from 40 to 60 pages in length, was filled with articles written by magicians
giving instructions for performing their favorite tricks; gripe columns; advertisements for all types
of tricks; and written materials concerning the presentation of magic. The magazine differed from
other magic magazines in that membership in a fraternal magicians organization was not necessary
in order to obtain a subscription. Subscription for the year was reasonably priced at one dollar.
The magazine brought to the company increased status as a leading producer of magical effect.
It has continued to be published to the present time with the exception of a four-year period,
1957 through 1960, which will be discussed later.
Today, Tops has a circulation of more than 4,000 and is
mailed to countries throughout the world with the exception of Red China and the Soviet Union. The
magazine is now under its third editor, Neil Foster. Foster, a professional magician,
settled in Colon following the 1959 Get-Together to work for Abbott’s as the artist for the
catalogue, which had grown to over 400 pages in length. When Tops resumed publication in January of
1961, Foster became the editor. The present $9.00-a-year subscription, and advertisement sales
do not make the magazine a profit-making venture, but the president of Abbott’s (Recil Bordner)
feels that it is worthwhile because it distinguishes Abbott’s Magic company from all other smaller
manufacturers of magic and provides valuable publicity for the company.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ![]() January 3, 1938...The narrative is from the Crosley Radio Corporation: " Harry Blackstone, world's greatest magician, was in Cincinnati during Christmas week. Here he is shown making a high-ball sing in the glass, while a group of envious eyes looked on. Offered a highball to drink and "cheer up", Blackstone replied, "Cheer me up, nothing! I'll cheer the highball up and make it sing!" And that's what he did before a group of skeptical onlookers, as he took up his magic wand and touching it to the glass, bringing forth in all distinctness of tone a program coming from the WLW transmitter at Mason." |
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