Gleaning the Past.........Part 2 Burr Oak Township St Joseph County, Michigan |
All of this work is bits and pieces of data I've collected over the years I've spent being a "pack-rat". I love history and research and was a saver of "tidbits of information" since I was a young child. Years before I ever thought about doing our families history. I will name my sources for all information if I know it. This information is being provided in the hope it will shed some light for others who are having some difficulty in finding their way on the path to their families beginnings. I can neither confirm or document any of this information other than as it's being provided here. I hope I'm able to help you toward that end. Jo Garzelloni, 1997
Burr Oak Acorn
17 January 1885
1880, it was voted to vacate. Burr Oak Incorporation August 9.
11 March 1881
It was voted to investigate renting or purchasing a town building to be used
jointly with the Township
Lot of Martha Pyle bought and Lockup ordered moved there.
Sale of the old jail and land on 5th Street at public sale, Saturday, 17 January 1885 at 2:00 p.m.
Burr Oak Acorn
26 September 1895
F.H. Camburn of Blissfield, Michigan leased the Parsons building, formerly occupied
by H. S. VanEtta for the purpose of opening a complete new drug store about 10
October. He has a wife and 2 daughters and will live in the Dr Rollman house on 3rd Street.
Mrs Nellie May Dryer Camburn died 12 February 1946 in Sturgis.
Pease Block
Burr Oak Acorn
4 April 1895
Frank Pease block started, 2 story brick north of Deno Block
Burr Oak Acorn
15 August 1895
The IOOF and KOTM moved from the Betts block to the new Galloway block
Burr Oak Acorn
19 December 1895
Each of the 5 rooms of our public school will soon be heated by large and handsome
new Peninsular hard coal burners, being substituted for the wood stoves now used,
furnished by B.E. Seaver store.
Burr Oak Opera House
Burr Oak Acorn
24 October 1889
The Casino Opera Company played "Mikado" in Granchows Opera House.
The comic opera "The National Flower" opened in Burr Oak last Friday
17 January 1895
Burr Oak Acorn
24 January 1895
Granchow Opera House, rebuilt
The Gipsy Ward Company opened at the Opera House December 1894. They played "Down
East Uncle Josh".
Miss Ward and Joe E Anderson were married on stage.
Burr Oak Acorn
Compiler Note: No date given but would have been in December 1894 as by the date of the playbill
Ida M Hoopingarner to Clifford Hoopingarner and Ruth, his,
June 26 1940, Amount $700.00
Ruth D. 27 September 1955, age 61 to Orla Schrock, 1956
Rachel S (Hill) Fish and David Fish, sister of Elias Hill, Civil War Vet
Elizabeth Fish married Charles Powers, parents of Cassius Powers
Compiler Note: no date given here
Charles E Perrin, born in Sherman Township, 2 September 1843, son of Benjamin Perrin,
born 15 October 1814.
Decendants of Thomas Perrin, whose wife was ____Porter, ancestor of
Commodore Porter.
Perrins of French origin. (transcribers note here: Geneva makes a question which says: "I wonder
if the Porters were not also?" I think Geneva was wondering if the Porters were
also of French origin). Thomas Perrin settled at, or near Hebron, Connecticut in 1710.
The names Perrin and Porter are linked several times.
compiler note: I can't make out this entry but have included it for the names in hopes that someone
they belong to will have an understanding of them.
Isaac Holbrook and Mary Holbrook to 26 July 1836
Warrantee Deed
Warrantee Deed
Warrantee Deed
Fayette Olmstead, Pvt., 17th Michigan Infantry, Co H., died 2 November 1863
of wounds received at Campbell's Station, Virginia, White Pigeon Township, St
Joseph County, Michigan, 45 years old....
Apologies to you but I abstracted this information very early in my beginnings as a researcher into genealogy and I neglected to write down the identifying numbers so you could get the films for yourself. This is also true for the next family.
Book 14, page 336...Lafayette Olmstead bought on 4 March 1845 of Sherman Township E 1/2 of SW 1/4 Sect.8 Twp.8 Range 10
Census date 27 June 1860
census date 29 June 1860
1860 Michigan Census, St Joseph County, Colon, page 93
The subject of this biography was the second in order of birth in the parental family, and was born in Burlington, Calhoun County, Michigan 18 July 1839. He was reared on a farm and was early engaged in assisting his father in the duties appertaining thereto, while acquiring an education in the public schools in the neighborhood, and has been a resident of Union Township, with little interruption, since he came to it with his parents, in 1840.
Too much cannot be said in memory of the brave men who, taking their lives in their hands, went forth in the hour of their country's need, to assist in maintaining those right and principles upon which our glorious Republic is based. History is replete with their deeds of heroism and daring, their endurance of inconceivable toil and privation, and yet the half has never been old. Innumberable deeds of valor, equal to the most daring of those recorded, were performed time and again by many soldiers whose names we have never learned, indeed the whole struggle abounds in heroic exploits of our Northern sons. Prompt at the call of duty, Mr Olmsted enlisted in the army, 9 December 1862, in Company C, 2nd Battalion, 17th United States Infantry, and served three years. At Spottsylvania Court House he was struck in the right leg by a minnie ball, and was so seriously wounded that he was confined to the hospital at Philadelphia for nine months, and very nearly lost his life. Upon his recovery he again shouldered his rifle. He had been previously slightly wounded at Laurel Hill, where he had his gun shot out of his hand. He was also in the engagement at Portland Harbor, and participated in the capture of twenty-seven privates. After earning for himself a good war records, remaining as long as his services were needed, he was discharged in New York City, and returned to his home in Union Township.
Our subject was united in marriage, in Burlington, Michigan, with Miss Alice E Burnett, who is a native of Ohio, and their family consisted of three children: Eddie B. and Frank P., now deceased, and Nirum P.
Mr Olmsted now owns a farm of eighty-three acres, which was the old family homestead, and he has supplied it with substantial and commondious buildings suitable for the successful procecution of his calling. He has made good improvements on his farm, bringing it to a high state of cultivation, and has a pleasant outlook for the remainder of this days. Our subject is a member of Corbin Post No. 88, and is also a member of the United Workmen. In politics he is a Republican, and is a man of liberal and decided view, discreet in forming an opinion and firm in maintaining it.
Taken from "Portrait and Biographical Album of Branch County, Michigan", Chapman
Bros., and no publishing date..... Call letters: Gc 977.401 B73p. I researched this book at the Allen County Public Library, Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Jo Garzelloni
70 through 75 from the family files of Jo Garzelloni
[ top of page]
no 47<<<<<<<<<<
John E Hoopingarner and Ida M Hoopingarner to The Federal Land Bank, Saint
Paul, Minnesota......
The Federal Land Bank of St Paul by W.L. Day, Vice President of bank
E.G. Booth, Asst Secy, release of Mortgage.
John Hoopingarner, son of Goble Hoopingarner and Sarah Smith Hoopingarner54
Lawrence Hagen Abstract
U.S. to Vail, February 1852.........Liber: 150 CP 322, recorded 5 February 1930.
Conveyed, NE 1/4 Sec 23 Town 7 range 9W
Plat No 2. R.A. Vail addition to Burr Oak, all streets 91 links, alley 38 links wide.
Lots 200 chains, 100 deep, 100 chains wide. Richard Vail, proprietor.
Grants all streets and alleys to public use.
Dated 27 January 1855....Liber 25 CP77, recorded 5 April 1855, Land formerly owned by
Soloman Fenton (now Borgert) sold to
Susan Dutcher, to William Dutcher, to Walter Stone
and wife Ann to Edmond J Cadwell, to George B Cadwell and wife, Susan, E Cadwell
signed, Mrs S. E. Cadwell, to Charles B Galaway and Horace Palmer, to Circuit
Court, deep to, Pealer, to J.D. Mizner and Louise Mizner, to Rhoda Wibiet 1877,
Joseph Eberhard and wife Gretta Belle to, J. B. Nelson, to Louis Bunnell, to Lewis
Bunnell and wife, June, as Boyer Lumber Company. Bunnell to Clifford Teadt,
abstract in 195255
Some early settlers to the township
Lewis, a negro settled on land later owned by Henry S Wheeler. It was long known as "Negro
Gideon Sanburn
James C Stowell, Henry S Wheeler and father, Danial
James Bishop and Sidney Carpenter
Reuben Trussell built first frame house at point or near where Nathanial Houston lived,
on angling road to Findley.56
Lucy and Charley Ward
Ludy VanVorst, sister of George VanVorst, father of Manard
(Mrs Ida (Engle) Mohler sister,
Press Engle and May Brown,
Mrs Kate Fair, sister of Press,
Mrs Dell Brown, mother of May57
Burr Oak Cemetery officially filed at Centreville, 6 July 1859. (Inf) old 21st receipt book, first burial 185458
Tom Maloney married 1st and Julia 2-Donahue
Margaret, Tom, Dennis
Julia married Charles Holsworth 1st,
married Vero Gorbutt 2nd
died at Largo, Florida 1955. Henderson 3rd59
First brick house built by H.S. Williams in Burr Oak.
Township set up
first township meeting in house of Julius A Thompson60
Albert Allison Slingerland, died 31 January 1936, age 85 at his home in Sturgis, 206
North Fourth Street.
Minnie Lovejoy Slingerland, died 193661
Galloway--Bucknell, South Second Street..........
#1 Certificate of entry United States to Silas Snow, 160 acres, 1835
#2 Patent, United States to Silas Snow, 80 acres, 1838
Silas Snow to William Locke, present lot.
William Locke and Rachel Locke, his wife to C.S. Parsons, 1853
Chauncey S Parsons and Permelia Parsons, his wife to Abby J Joyce, 1857
James W Joyce and Abby J Joyce, his wife, to Mary Brown, 1859
Mary Brown Farrand to John A.J. Metzger, 1865
John A.J. Metzger to Ann E Metzger to
Marcia Metzger, 1877
Marcia Metzger to Charles B Galloway, 1882
Charles B Galloway to Melissa Galloway
Estate of Melissa Galloway, deceased to Franklin A Galloway and
Mary L Galloway, his wife, to Alta Start, 1925
Estate of Alta Start, deceased, to Charles and Alice Bucknell, 194062
Certificate of Entry
20 July 1835
United States to Isaac Holbrook, SW 1/4 of SE 1/4 of Sec 40
David Loring $1000.00
or Mercy
David and Mary Loring, 20 November 1837
to $2000.00
Benjamin Farley
Augusta Graham, died 31 July 1925
Charles A Tobey, 66
Jane Townsend, 55
Alta Merger, 43 of S. B. J. d.,
Grand daughter
John R Tobey, 38, Akron Ohio,
10 August 1925, waiver of Notice, signed by Charles A Townsend
Jane Townsend
Alta Tobey Mercer
Faythe Tobey Johnson
John R Toby
Lois E Tobey, age 6365
Warrantee (sic) Deed
4 March 1878
Jane Sanborn to Emanuel Himebaugh
Lois E Tobey
to John L Davis and Edna B, his wife
and George Wendell Davis66
Certificate of Entry
19 September 1837
United States to Anson Upham
SW 1/4 of Sw !/2 of Sec 10
5 March 1839
Maitland Bradley to
Andrew J Hoyne, $100.00
Washington Bailey, 27 September 1839
to George H Green, $100.0067
Taxes for 1839
Charles C Hammond
Auditor General
to Elon G Parsons
Deed, $2.7068
First Township
In 1838 the question of a new township began to be talked of, as the parent township
Sherman, was considered too large in extent for judicial and electoral purposes.
Accordingly, in the spacing of that year the following legislative act recorded, viz:
that "all that part of the couty or St Joseph designated in the U.S. survey as township
No. 7, S of range 9 Wbe, and the same is hereby set off and organized into separate
township by the name of Burr Oak. And the first township meeting was held at the
home of Julius A. Thompson in said township....Randolph Manning, approved 6 May
1838, Secretary of State.69
Luther Graves married Elizabeth A Start, 27 March 1845. She was the daughter of
Dol John Start of Onondaga, New York, NY.They had one son Linnnoeous L.
43 through 69 from the papers of Geneva Smith, extracted by Jo Garzelloni70
Olmstead Tidbits
Thomas G Olmstead, Pvt., 2nd Michigan Infantry, Co. I; died of wounds, in Wilderness, 6 May 1864, White Pigeon Township, St Joseph County, Michigan...
1850 Federal Census, Sturgis Township, St Joseph County, Michigan
Olmsted, Daniel W...............41 years......farmer.........born Vermont
Olmsted, Maranda.........38 years..............born New York
Olmsted, Louisa..........15 years..............born New York
Olmsted, George F........13 years...............born New York
Olmsted, Emily...........12 years...............born New York
Olmsted, Amelia..........10 years...............born New York
Olmsted, Herbert......... 8 years...............born New York
Olmsted, Fastt (male).... 7 years...............born New York
Olmsted, Anson W......... 2 years...............born Michigan
Olmsted, David........... 6 months..............born Michigan71
1850 Federal Census, Leonidas, St Joseph County, Michigan
Olmsted, Catharine..............44 years...............born New York
Olmsted, Harriet E..............13 years...............born Michigan
Olmsted, William W.............. 9 years...............born Michigan
Book 14, page 337...Daniel W Olmstead bought on 15 July 1845 (can't read) 1/2 of SE 1/4 Sect.7 Twp.8 Range 10
I found these books in the vault of the Deeds office at the county courthouse of St Joseph County in Centreville, Michigan72
1860 Michigan Census, St Joseph County, Leonidas Township, page 20
Olmsted, Abigail................88 years...............born Connecticut
Randal, Martha.................54 years...............born New York
Loss, Timothy................18 years...............born New York
Census date 8 June 1860
Call No. 317.3 UN3 Micro Copy No.M653, Roll no. 56173
1860 Michigan Census, St Joseph County, Colon, page 80
Belote, Abel...................55 years......farmer......born New York
Belote, Betsy..................53 years..............born C.E. I take this
to mean Canada East as I ran into this on another of my lines and
that's what it meant on there.
Belote, Emor K.................21 years..................born Michigan
Belote, Arthur.................17 years..................born Michigan
Belote, Welthy A (Ann).........15 years..................born Michigan
Belote, Celestia M.............13 years..................born Michigan
Washburn, Betsy.................69 years...............born Connecticut
Call No. 317.3 UN3 Micro Copy No.M653, Roll no. 561
Note: I've put this family in this mix for you because I know that Betsy in this family was either a Washburn or an Olmsted (they spelled it this way most of the time here)....Betsy Washburn shown in this household was for sure Bettsy Olmsted, my direct line 3rd great grandmother on my mothers side, her fathers side. Where ever you find the Olmsteds around in Michigan, I would think you'd find all of these names close together as they all seem to have vanished from this area. Also, in everything I've ever seen about this grandmother it always says she was born in Connecticut74
1860 Michigan Census, St Joseph County, Colon, page 85
Omsted, Benjamin..........31 years.....farmer.............born New York
Omsted, Mary..............19 years........................born Ohio
Omsted, Emma F............ 1 year.........................born Michigan
Omsted, Catharine.........76 years........................born New York
Call No. 317.3 UN3 Micro Copy No.M653, Roll no. 561
Olmsted, Willard or Millard... 35 years.....farmer........born New York,
I couldn't make out the writing on the microfilm
Emma..................30 years...................born New York
Josephine............. 6 years...................born Michigan
Ellior.....male........3 months..................born Michigan
census date 30 June 1860
Call No. 317.3 UN3 Micro Copy No.M653, Roll no. 56175
Nirum P Olmsted is classed among the representative farmers and intelligent citizens of this county, and is engaged in general farming on section 15, Union Township. His parents, Gamalia P and Lydia (Burnett) Olmsted, came to Michigan about 1836, and settled in Tecumseh, but after a short residence there, they removed to Burlington, Calhoun County, which they made their home for two or three years. They then came to Union Township about 1840, and continued to reside here until their decease, the father passing away February 8, 1860, and the mother four days later, February 12. Their family consisted of eight children, five sons and three daughters, as follows: Alfonzo, Nirum P., Emeline F., John A., William D., Benjamin F., Lucinda I. and Eva A Emeline F., William D and Alfonzo are now deceased.
If you would like to write to Josie, you will reach her at the following address:
P.O. Box 64
Burr Oak, Michigan 49030
phone 616-489-2918
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For more information about these "Gleanings", please email to: Josephine Reed Garzelloni
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