*St. Joseph County Obituaries-A*
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Fri., 8 Aug 1997

29 Sep 1931----Abram ALLEN Passes Away / He Was Born In This City And Active In Lodges.

Abram Leonard ALLEN, 57, died this morning at his home, 306 North Street, as a result of a leg injury sustained last July. Mr. ALLEN was a life-long resident of Sturgis and had been a foreman at the Aulsbrook & Jones Factory for the last 40 years.

He had been very active in fraternal groups in the city, and was a charter member of both the Eagles and the Knights of Pythias, holding offices in each lodge. In 1908 he was manager of the Eagle baseball team.

Mr. ALLEN was born in Sturgis, in the room which the Modern Woodmen now use as their meeting hall, to Silas and Julia Deul [sic: DEUEL] ALLEN, Nov. 7, 1873. He was married to Mae CLENDENEN May 24, 1916 in Sturgis.

He is survived by his widow, his aged mother, two sisters, Mrs. C.E. HARKER of Dover, O., and Mrs. Frances RODGERS of Battle Creek, and by several neices and nephews, of whom one, Harold ROGERS, lives in Sturgis. A brother, Clinton, died in 1916.

The funeral will be held from his former home, with burial in Oaklawn cemetery. The day and hour of the service have not been determined.
Transcribed from an original newspaper clipping, 'The Sturgis
Journal', serving the St. Joseph Co., Michigan area.
Please email ALLEN obituary comments to
John Lyon

Fri., 28 Aug 1997

3 Feb 1948---- Amanda (Mae) (CLENDENEN)ALLEN Death Claims Mrs. ALLEN, 78

Mrs. Amanda C. (Mae) ALLEN, 78, a resident of this city for the past half-century, passed away
at 7:30 P.M. Monday [2 Feb 1948] at the Jellison Home, 209 West Street. She had been in ill health for some years and her condition became serious at 11 A.M. yesterday. She was the youngest child of Van Buren and Abigail (HARTLINE) CLENDENEN and was left an orphan at the age of 14. Her parents, one brother and two sisters all preceded her in death.

Mrs. ALLEN resided in Buchanan, Mich., until 1893, then moved to Lawton, Mich.,
and Kalamazoo, before coming to Sturgis on June 20, 1898. She was united in
marriage to Abram L. ALLEN on May 24, 1916 [at Sturgis]. He preceded her in death Sept. 29, 1931.

Mrs. ALLEN was well-known for her work in fraternal circles, having been active
in the Rebekah and Pythian Sister lodges here, and was a past member of the Past Noble Grand Club.

Surviving are a number of nieces, nephews, cousins and one sister-in-law.

Friends will be received at the Foglesong Funeral Home, where services will be
conducted Thursday at 2 P.M. Interment will be made in Oaklawn Cemetery.
Transcribed from an original newspaper clipping, 'The Daily
Journal', serving the St. Joseph Co., Michigan area.
Please email ALLEN obituary comments to
John Lyon

Fri., 8 Aug 1997

20 Nov 1916----Clinton Silas ALLEN Dies on Forty-Sixth Anniversary of Death / Clinton S. ALLEN Passes Away Sunday Afternoon After Six Weeks Illness.

Clinton Silas ALLEN died at about 5 o'clock Sunday afternoon at his home, 306 North street. A peculiar coincidence was the fact that his death occurred on his forty-sixth birthday
anniversary. Mr. ALLEN had been ill for about six weeks, the direct cause of death being valvular heart trouble. For twenty-one years he was in the employ of Parker and Kenyon, but for a number of years has been employed by the Aulsbrook and Jones Furniture company.

Mr. ALLEN is survived by this mother, Mrs. Julia ALLEN; one brother, A.L. ALLEN of 306 North street; and two sisters, Mrs. Eugene ROGERS of 202 St. Joseph street and Mrs. C.E.
HARKER of Dover, Ohio.

He was a member of two lodges: Ivanhoe Aerie No. 1314, F.O.E., and Phoenix Lodge No. 171, K. of P. These two orders will be in charge of the funeral services, which will take place at two o'clock Wednesday afternoon from the home, with burial at Oak Lawn. Rev. A.A. GEIGER of the Methodist Church will officiate.
Transcribed from an original newspaper clipping, 'Sturgis Times-Democrat', serving the St. Joseph Co., Michigan area.
Please email ALLEN obituary comments to
John Lyon

Thu., 28 Aug 1997

28 Aug 1940-----Harvey ALLEN Drops Dead On Sidewalk. Harvey ALLEN, 78, Lived Here All His Life; Has Heart Attack.

Harvey ALLEN, 78, a lifelong resident of Sturgis, died suddenly of a heart attack at 10:30 a.m. today while he was walking along East West Street in front of the new auto parking lot. Mr. ALLEN visited his usual haunts this morning, stopping to chat at the fire and police station and seemed to be in good health. About 10 a.m. he went to the county welfare office on North Maple Street and several of his old friends asked him if he was going to play with the Old Time baseball team here Sunday. In his time Mr. ALLEN was a capable ball player. While returning to his home carrying a sack of groceries, which weighed probably 75 or 80 pounds, he was stricken and fell to the sidewalk. Dr. S. Albert FIEGEL and Coroner Willard BALCH of Three Rivers were called.

Mr. ALLEN was born in Sturgis April 1, 1862, to Harvey and Mary (SCHERMERHORN) ALLEN and he resided here his entire life. At the time of his death he made his home with his sister, Mrs. Alida PATTERSON, 201 West West Street.

Surviving in addition to Mrs. PATTERSON are three sons, William ALLEN of Sturgis, Charles ALLEN of Ludington and Tom ALLEN of Flint, and seven grandchildren. Three brothers and three sisters preceded him in death.

Friends are being received at the Foglesong Funeral Home where funeral services will be held at 2:30 p.m. Friday with the Rev. R.J. BUTTON of the Baptist Church officiating. Burial will be at the family lot in Oaklawn Cemetery.
ALSO: from loose undated news clipping, under RECENT DEATHS:

ALLEN, Harvey. Funeral services for Harvey ALLEN, 78, were conducted yesterday [details as above, and:] Casket bearers were H.E. WALTERS, H. Ted DOUGLAS, Emil RAHN, Frank SIMPSON, Earl KNOX and Lamont HAACK. Those attending from out of town were Mrs. Clarence HUFF of Mendon, Charles ALLEN of Ludington and Tom ALLEN of Flint.
Transcribed from an original newspaper clipping, 'Sturgis Daily Journal', serving the St. Joseph Co., Michigan area.
Please email ALLEN obituary comments to
John Lyon

Fri., 8 Aug 1997

24 Jan 1936----Julietta A. [DEUEL] ALLEN Death Claims Mrs. ALLEN, 92 / Was Thought To Be Oldest Pythian Sister in State.

Mrs. Julietta A. DEUEL ALLEN, almost 93 years of age and a resident of Sturgis practically all her life, died of complications this morning at her home, 306 North Street. The aged woman had been in failing health since last April, but had been seriously ill only the past several weeks.

Mrs. ALLEN was believed to be one of the oldest, if not the oldest, active Pythian sister in the state of Michigan. She was a charter member of the old Rathbone Sisters Temple here. After that organization disbanded she became a charter member of the present Pythian Sisters order, Pocahantas Temple No. 131. She was active in the lodge's affairs until her last illness. An article appeared in the Pythian Sisters Tidings magazine of the national organization, pertaining to the aged Sturgis lodge worker. She was a Pythian Sister for 40 years.

Born February 15, 1844, at Columbus, Ohio, she was the daughter of Leonard and Angelina (GREEN) DEUEL. She was married November 21, 1861 [in Burr Oak] to Silas W. ALLEN. Her husband served during the Civil War as a soldier in the Fourth Michigan Infantry [sic: see below]. Mrs. ALLEN was a member of the Ladies of the G.A.R., also the local Pythian Sisters Temple, Rebekah Lodge No. 1, the Methodist Church and the Ladies' Aid Society of the Methodist Church. Mrs. ALLEN and her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Abram W. ALLEN, resided
together on North Street.

Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. C.E. HARKER Dover, Ohio; seven grandchildren, including Harold RODGERS of Sturgis; 16 great grandchildren; and 11 great great grandchildren. One brother, Clinton DEUEL, died in 1916, and a son, Abram, died in Sturgis in 1931.

Funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon at two o'clock at the residence, 306 North Street, with Rev. NILES of the Methodist Church officiating. Burial will be made in Oaklawn

[Her husband Silas (WOODWORTH) ALLEN actually enlisted as corporal and was ultimately promoted to First Sergeant in the 1st Michigan Light Artillery, 1862-64, serving at Chickamauga and Chattanooga, inter alia, as had his uncle James Harvey ALLEN. Silas (b. 21 Feb 1828 in Northampton, Fulton County, NY - d. 16 Jul 1890 in Sturgis), was the son of Abram ALLEN and Asenath (WOODWORTH), and the older brother of Mary (ALLEN) SHOUDY of Nottawa. Silas and Mary were first cousins, three generations removed, of Revolutionary hero Ethan ALLEN; their WOODWORTH ancestry also included several Connecticut and New York Revolutionary officers and soldiers with notable service. Many others in these families settled in St. Joseph and Calhoun counties from 1837 on.]
Transcribed from an original newspaper clipping, 'Sturgis Journal', serving the St. Joseph Co., Michigan area.
Please email ALLEN obituary comments to
John Lyon

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