*St. Joseph County Obituaries-B*
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Veterans are marked with a
by their obituary

Wed., 23 April 1997

1 Jun 1913---- At the home of his daughter, Mrs.
Harry L. MERRY, on Fifth street in Decatur,
Illinois, at 10:15 p.m. last evening, occurred the death
of Pembroke Somerset BECKWITH, an aged veteran of
the civil war, who for more than year past, had made his
home in Decatur, IL.

Death was
the result of a leakage of the heart and came very quickly.
He had been in his usual health and Saturday made a trip
to a barber shop and got shaved. Sunday evening he was sitting on the front porch
at the MERRY home enjoying the company of a little
girl that had called at the home.

When the
attack came on, neighbors were called and a physician sent
for who soon arrived, but his services availed nothing and
in a few minutes, Mr. BECKWITH was dead.

At the
beginning of the Civil War, he enlisted in Co. D, 19th
Regular Michigan Volunteer Infantry and served his country
for three years and until the expiration of his term of

In 1868, he was married to Miss Mary HEIFNER. She died in 1906. Three children survive as the
fruits of this marriage, two sons and one daughter.

In 1908, he was again married, this time to Sarah SHERMERHORM. She died in 1911. Following
her death, Mr. BECKWITH, came to Decatur, Illinois and had since made his home.
He is survived by one brother and one sister, also eight grandchildren.
A short funeral service will be held at the MERRY home Tuesday morning, after which the remains
will be taken over the Grand Rapids & Indiana railroad to Nottawa, Michigan where a funeral will be held
and burial will take place.

Mr. BECKWITH was 74 years old. Members of Sam Henry Post, G.A.R. of this city will act as pall
bearers in this city.
Transcribed from an original newspaper clipping, 'The Sturgis
Journal', serving the Nottawa, Michigan area.
Please email BECKWITH obituary comments to
Denise Frederick

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