*St. Joseph County Obituaries-F*
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Sat., 18 Oct 1997

Burr Oak ~ James Arthur FENNELL, 95, 66065 Halfway Road,
died 17 July 1988, at the Sturgis Hospital.
He was born April 14, 1893, in Greenfield Township, La Grange
County, Indiana, a son of George Washington and Cora Adella (SAYLES)
On August 1, 1918, he married Viola M. VAIL in La Grange,
Indiana. She died 25 October 1979.
He was a Burr Oak resident since 1936. He was self employed
as a carpenter and a farmer. He was a veteran of World War I and a member
of Neuman-Wenzel American Legion Post 73. He had been selected as Citizen
of the Year of Burr Oak in 1984.
Surviving are two sons, James J. FENNELL, Sturgis, and
Wayne A. FENNELL, Burr Oak; three daughters, Mrs Howard (Arlene)
CARY, and mrs Victor (Belle) DECKER, both of Burr Oak, and
Mrs Donald (Norma) WAGNER, Ionia; 10 grandchildren; and 21 great-grandchildren.
There will be no visitation. Graveside services are at 1:30
p.m. Saturday at the Burr Oak Cemetery with the Rev. William BILLS,
Burr Oak United Methodist Church, officiating. Full military honors will
be conferred by the Captain John J. Kelley Veterans of Foreign Wars Post
1355 and the Neuman-Wenzel American Legion Post 73, Sturgis.
Memorials may be directed to the Neuman-Wenzel American legion
Post 73. Arrangements were handles by the Rosenberg ~ Schipper Funeral
Home, Sturgis.
There was no edition date attached to this obituary.
Transcribed from an original newspaper clipping, 'The Sturgis Journal', serving the Burr
Oak, Michigan area.
Obituary provided by Belle Decker and transcribed by Josephine Reed
Foster Garzelloni.

Sat., 18 Oct 1997
La Grange, Ind. ~ Richard A FENNELL, 69, 3360N
~ 100E, died April 8, 1996, at the La Grange Hospital.
He was born April 9, 1926, in Sturgis, a son of Frank and Alma
On Oct. 5, 1947, he married Dorothy VON OLNHAUSEN, at
the Pretty Prairie Church, Howe.
He had moved to his current address 20 years ago, coming from
Brighton. He was a service manager for Lincoln Park Corp., Shipshewana,
and a veteran of the U.S. Navy, serving during World War II. He was a member
of the Neuman ~ Wenzel American Legion Post 73, Sturgis, an Eatle Scout
in Sturgis, and a Scoutmaster in Brighton.
Surviving are his wife; two sons, Rick FENNELL, Breman,
and Charles FENNELL, Warsaw; one daughter, Pamela SCHULZ,
Granger; grandchildren, Amy SCHULZ, Granger, Sarah FENNELL,
Shane FENNELL and Stephanie FENNELL, all of Breman; one great
~ granddaughter; one brother, Robert FENNELL, Sturgis. He was preceded
in death by his parents; twin sons, Jan Eric and Jon Guy; a brother, Frederick
FENNELL; and a sister, Peggy GORDON.
Relatives and friends may call after 2 p.m. today at
the Rosenberg ~ Schipper Funeral Home, Sturgis, where the family will receive
friends from 2 ~ 4 and 6 ~ 8 p.m. today and services are at 2 p.m. (Michigan
time) Wednesday. Pastor Ron HYRE, Marantha Christian Fellowship,
will officiate. Burial will be in Oak Lawn Cemetery, Sturgis, with military
honors being conferred by the Captain John J Kelley Veterans of Foreign
Wars Post 1355.
Memorials may be directed to the Alzheimers Association.
Envelopes are available at the funeral home.
Note: There was no publication date attached to this obituary.
Transcribed from an original newspaper clipping, 'The Sturgis Journal', serving the Burr Oak,
Michigan area.
Obituary provided by Belle Decker and transcribed by Josephine Reed
Foster Garzelloni.

Mon., 3 Nov 1997
Burr Oak ~ Mrs. Viola M. FENNELL, 81, of 467 Halfway Road,
Burr Oak, died Thursday evening at Borgess Medical Center, Kalamazoo, where
she had been a patient one day. Prior to that, she entered Sturgis Hospital
on Wednesday.
Mrs FENNELL was born in Steuben County, Indiana on 4
May 1898. She was a daughter of the late John and Tina (FAIR) VAIL.
She had made her home in Burr Oak since 1936, coming from La Grange, Indiana.
She was married to James A. FENNELLon 1 August
1918 in La Grange, Indiana. Most of her life was spent as a homemaker.
She was a member of the United Methodist Church of Burr Oak,
the United Methodist Women and the Order of the Eastern Star of Burr Oak,
Chapter 28. She was also a member of the Golden Age Club.
Survivors include: her husband; three daughters, Mrs Howard
(Arlene) CARY, and Mrs. Victor (Belle) DECKER, both of Burr
Oak, and Mrs Donald (Norma) WAGNER, of Ionia; two sons, James J.
FENNELL, of Sturgis, and Wayna A. FENNELL, of Burr Oak; 10
grandchildren; two step-grandchildren; 15 great-grandchildren; three sisters,
Mrs May KELSEY, of South Bend, Indiana, Mrs Florence SPADE and
Mrs Elwin (Gladys) MOLTER, both of Orland, Indiana; several nieces
and nephews.
Relatives and friends may call beginning Saturday afternoon
at the Rosenberg ~ Schipper Funeral Home, Sturgis. Funeral services will
be held on Monday at 1:30 p.m. with the Rev Wade S.
PANSE, of the United Methodist Church, officiating. Burial will
be in Burr Oak Cemetery.
Eastern Star memorial services conducted by the Burr Oak Chapter
No. 28 will be held in the funeral home at 8 p.m. Sunday.
If desired, memorials can be made to the Burr Oak United Methodist
Church. Envelopes will be available at the funeral home.
Note: there was no death date for Mrs Fennell in the publication of
her obituary nor was there a publication date of the edition attached.
Her death date was taken from her husbands obituary.
It states she died 25 October 1979.
Transcribed from an original newspaper clipping, 'The Sturgis Journal',
serving the Burr
Oak, Michigan area.
Obituary provided by Belle Decker and transcribed by Josephine Reed
Foster Garzelloni.

28 Oct 1997

Burr Oak ~ Delbert O. FIEBELKORN, 68, OF 130 North Third
Street, died 13 October 1996, at Ridgeview Manor Nursing Home, Kalamazoo.
He was born 26 December 1927, in Burr Oak, a son of Frank
and Martha (GREENWALT)
On 18 September 1953, he married Thelma MAYSTEAD at Burr
A veteran of the U.S. Army, he served during WWII and
the Korean Conflict and earned the rank of Corporal.
He retired from Leco Corporation in Bronson, after eight years
of employment. He was previously employed for Sturgis Posture Chair for
many years and for Harter Corporation, both in Sturgis, and for the Doerr
Company of Burr Oak.
He enjoyed playing cards and traveling.
Surviving are his wife; two sons, Gary FIEBELKORN of
Burr Oak and Wayne and Beata
FIEBELKORN of Kalamazoo; two sisters, Mrs Platt (Neva) MITCHELL
of Benton Harbor and Mrs Edson (Keitha) POST of Coldwater; four
brothers, Lester and Lawrence FIEBELKORN, both of Sturgis, Frank
FIEBELKORN of Burlington and Floyd FIEBELKORN of Miami, Florida;
and several nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents,
one son, Dennis
FIEBELKORN; one daughter, Beth FIEBELKORN and one sister,
Lucille EVERT
Relatives and friends may call from 2 ~ 4 and 6 ~ 8 p.m.
Tuesday at the Hackman-Foglesong Funeral Home Sturgis, where services are
at 11 a.m. Wednesday with the Rev. Emilie
FORWARD of Burr Oak United Methodist Church officiating. Burial
will be in Burr Oak Cemetery, Burr Oak.
Memorials may be directed to the Sturgis Rescue Squad.
Envelopes are available at the funeral home.
There was no edition date attached to this obituary.
Transcribed from an original newspaper clipping, 'The Sturgis Journal',
serving the Burr Oak,
Michigan area.
Obituary provided by Belle Decker and transcribed by Josephine Reed
Foster Garzelloni.

Sun., 11 Jan 1998
.....March 11, 1881.....Mr. A. C. FISHER, one of the first settlers in Three Rivers, died in Belvadier, Montcalm County, Mich, one day this week, aged 68 years.
Transcribed from an original newspaper clipping from 'The News Reporter', serving the Lansing, MI area.
Contact: David Wheeler for more information about this FISHER surname.

Mon., 15 Sep 1997

30 Mar 1968----Ellen Myrtle (FRENCH), 91, Sturgis resident for the last 75 years, died at 5:15 a.m. Saturday in the Sherwood Hall Nursing Home where she had been admitted last Oct. 3.

She had previously been under care in Sturgis Memorial Hospital after suffering a broken hip in June, 1967.

Mrs. FRENCH, a talented vocalist in her earlier years, was born in Clay City, Ind. Oct. 16, 1876, a daughter of John and Lucy (LONG) HENRICKS.

Her marriage to George FRENCH, a former postal employe here, took place in Sturgis, Feb. 14, 1894. He preceded her in death on October 1943.

She was a member of the First Methodist Church and was a Golden Link member of the WSCS. She was a charter member of the Phythian Sisters and was a member of the Past Chief's Club of her temple.

Surviving are her daughter, Mrs. Glenn (Phyllis) MACHAN, Sturgis, seven grandchildren; eight great-grandchildren; one niece, Mrs. Ruth GEETING of Ft. Wayne, Ind.; and two nephews; Walter HENRICKS of Howe, Ind., and Paul HENRICKS of Coldwater.

In recent years, Mrs. FRENCH had made her home with Mr. and Mrs. MACHAN, at 121 S. Monroe St.

Friends may call at the Folglesong Funeral Home where the service will be held at 1:30 p.m. Monday with the Rev. Charles B. Hahn, pastor of the First Methodist Church, officiating. Interment will take place in Oaklawn Cemetery.
Transcribed from an original newspaper clipping from the 'Sturgis Daily Journal', which serves the St. Joseph Co., Michigan area.
Please email FRENCH obituary comments to Peg Adams

Tue., 16 Sep 1997

20 Oct. 1943----George FRENCH

Funeral Services for George FRENCH, 76, Sturgis resident for nearly 45 years, were conducted Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the Foglesong Funeral Home with the Rev. L. L. DEWEY of the Methodist Church officiating.

Mr. FRENCH had been in failing health for several years. He was a retired postal clerk, having served in the office here for about 25 years. He had made his home at 104 North Clay Street.

Casket bearers were former fellow postal associates. There were Claude BURNS, Harry KILBURY, Harry SUMNER, Floyd N. DeBOW, Arther HOPKINS, and Elmer KLINE. Burial was made at Oaklawn Cemetery.

Attending in a group were members of the Knights of Pythias lodge and post office employes. Relatives from out of the city attending were Mrs. Bertha TROXELL, of LaGrange, Ill.; Leonard BURDICK and Mrs. Narcissus FORBES, of Detroit; Mrs. Ira SARGEANT and Mrs. Edward ANDERSON, of Clarksville, Mich.; Mrs. Frances SCHWABE and daughter Ann, of Eagle, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Walter HENRICKS and son Warner, of Howe; Mr. and Mrs. Charles DAVIS of Elkhart and Mr. and Mrs. Harry MACHAN of LaGrange, Ind.
Transcribed from an original newspaper clipping from the 'Sturgis Daily Journal', which serves the St. Joseph Co., Michigan area.
Please email FRENCH obituary comments to Peg Adams

Sat, 28 Feb 1998
  John Frohriep Died Very Suddenly Tonight--Nov 6, 1913
  John FROHRIEP died very suddenly and unexpectedly at his home in our village at about nine o'clock this-
Thurday evening. He has been slowly improving from his
recent illness and was again mingling with his friends.
He had only just returned from a visit downtown.
Transcribed from an original newspaper clipping from "Burr Oak Acorn", Nov 6, 1913, serving the Burr Oak, MI area.
Contact: Roberta G. Bell Wolfe for more information about this FROHRIEP surname.

Sat, 28 Feb 1998
  John Hermann Wilhelm FROHRIEP was born in Mechlenburg, Germany, on September 22, 1850 being the youngest son
of John and Sophie FROHRIEP. He was baptised and confirmed
in the Lutheran church, and had been a worshiper in the
Lutheran church of this village for many years.
  He was married September 12, 1870 to Sophia JENNINGS, and on October 1, 1873, left Germany for this country, taking up residence for a time in Burr Oak village and then
on a farm in Nobel township, Branch County, which was his
home until the early part of the present years, when he
moved to his newly built residence in this village, where
he died of heart failure on Thursday evening, November 6.
  The end came sudden and unexpected, his strength
being so much regained since his illness of a fortnight
before that he was able to be up and about town for
several days preceding his death and he had just returned
from a stroll up town a short time before the final summons
  Of his marriage there were born eight children, three
of whom died in childhood. The other live and the faithful
wife of so many years survive him. His children Fred,
Mrs. Freda HAGELGANS, Emil, Arthur and Rhinehardt are
all well known residents of this community. He leaves
also a brother Fred C. FROHRIEP to mourn his loss and many,
many friends. Perhaps no man in this region was more known,
his business for many years besides farming being that of a
buyer and shipper of livestock and of other farm products
which drew to him a wide circle of business and social
acquaintances. He was also a director and one of the founders
of the First National Bank of Burr Oak.
  During the years engaged in shipping livestock he was the victim of a number of railroad accidents, sustaining several
very painful and severe injuries which no doubt hastened
his untimely death. Possessed of earnestness, pluck and
energy in a remarkable degree, he knew no such word as fail,
and in spite of adversities his life was crowned with a very
large measure of success. He was loved and respected not
only by his own home but by a host of friends. A prince
of a good fellow is gone but the example of his fairnesss
in business dealings, and of this energy and fortitude will
be rememered by all who knew him.
  The funeral was held Sunday noon from the Lutheran church, and the attendance was very large. The very appropriate
discourse, in both German and English, was by Rev. Noffze.
Undertaker Renshaw had the funeral in charge. Burial was
in the village cemetery.
  Among those from out of town attending his funeral were representatives of live stock associations from several
eastern cities,including Buffalo.
Transcribed from an original newspaper clipping from the "Burr Oak Acorn", Nov 13, 1913, serving the Burr Oak, MI area.
Contact: Roberta G. Bell Wolfe for more information about this FROHRIEP surname.

Sat, 28 Feb 1998
PIONEER DEAD AT SON'S HOME---Mrs. Sophia Frohriep Died at Burr Oak This Morning
BURR OAK, Oct.27-Mrs. Sophia FROHRIEP, 78, and an old and prominant resident of Sturgis untill the beginning of her
last illness; died at the home of her son, Reinhardt FROHRIEP,
two and one half miles south of Burr Oak, at 11 o'clock this
Mrs. FROHRIEP was born in Mechlenburg, Germany, on May 22, 1850, and came to the United States in 1873. With her husband
she came to this country and settled in Noble township, Branch
county. In 1913, before the death of her husband, Mrs. FROHRIEP moved to Burr Oak. She resided in Sturgis five years.
The family has long been prominent in Branch and St. Joseph
counties and many relatives survive the deceased. Four sons, all of Sturgis, are the only living children. They are Reinhardt at whose home she died, Fred M., Emil and Arthur FROHRIEP. Two sisters also mourn her passing, Mrs. Mary KAAS and Mrs Minnie LEVERENCE, both of Burr Oak.
The deceased was a member of the Trinity Lutheran Church
and was baptised in infancy.
Funeral arrangements have not yet been made.
Transcribed from an original newspaper clipping from "Sturgis Daily Journal", 27 Oct 1928, Pg 1, Col 5 serving the Sturgis, MI area.
Contact: Roberta G. Bell Wolfe for more information about this FROHRIEP surname.

Sat, 28 Feb 1998
Mrs. Sophia Frohriep departed this life at 11 o'clock
last Saturday morning at the home of her son, Reinhardt
FROHRIEP, following an illness of almost two years. Sophia
FROHRIEP nee JENNINGS, was born in Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Germany on May 22, 1850, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
and Marie JENNINGS. The sacrament of holy baptism was
administered her in infancy. Later she was confirmed. Her
childhood and maiden days were spent at the place of her
birth and vicinity. She was united in marriage to John
FROHRIEP in Germany September 12, 1870 and on October 1,
1873, left Germany with her husband and infant son for this
country, taking up residence for a short time in the village
of Burr Oak and then on a farm in Noble township, Branch
county, which was her home until March 18, 1913, when she
moved to her newly built residence in Burr Oak villiage
where her husband died on Thursday Nov. 6, 1913. Since the
fall of 1873, she had been a member of St. John's Lutheran
Church of Burr Oak. She was the mother of 8 children, two
of whom died in infancy, one son, at the age of 12 years was
struck by lightning and killed, and a married daughter died
at the age of 43 years, on March 4, 1920. In 1923, the
deceased sold her home in Burr Oak and purchased a residence
in Sturgis, where she resided until the beginning of her
last illness. During the last two years she made her home
with all of her children, but since last May she lived with
her son, Reinhardt. She was highly respected by all who
knew her. Everything that could be done to have her regain
her health and strength was resorted to, but all without
avail. She leaves to mourn her departure four sons, twelve
grandchildren, two sisters and other more distant relatives
and friends. She was buried on Oct. 29.
Transcribed from an original newspaper clipping from "Sturgis Daily Journal", 30 Oct 1928, Pg 1, Col 5 serving the Sturgis, MI area.
Contact: Roberta G. Bell Wolfe for more information about this FROHRIEP surname.

Tue., 28 Oct 1997
Burr Oak ~ Florena O (Winne) FRYE, 60, 508 East Main Street,
died 22 December 1985, in Sturgis Hospital.
She was born 2 May 1925, in Burr Oak, a daughter of Byron and
Florence (IMAL) BATHRICK. She had been a lifelong resident
of Burr Oak.
She was a graduate of Burr Oak High School, a member of the
Burr Oak Grange and attended the Burr Oak Missionary Church.
On 17 June 1944, in Burr Oak, she was married to Robert L. FRYE
A co-owner of the Brooklyn Hill Gardens and Greenhouse of Burr
Oak, she had been employed by Burr Oak Rubber products for 15 years. She
also was employed by Sturgis School District for six years.
She is survived by her husband; two sons, Robert FREY Jr., Colon, and Kenneth FRYE, Waco, Texas; three daughters, Mrs James(Robbyn) HOLLAND, Walled Lake, Mrs Steven (Georgia)
DOBBERTEEN St., Burr Oak, and Mrs Paul (Bertina) KRIS, Mount Calm, Texas; several grandchildren; one great granddaughter; one sister, Frances TEMPLE, Louisiana; several step brothers and step sisters; several nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents and three brothers.
Friends and relatives may call at the Rosenberg ~ Schipper Funeral Home, Sturgis, after 7 p.m. today. Services will be in the funeral home at 3 p.m. Thursday with the Rev. Victor HEAL, Burr Oak Missionary Church, officiating. Burial will be in Burr Oak Cemetery. Memorials may be directed to the American Lung Association. Envelopes are available at the funeral home.
Transcribed from an original newspaper clipping, 'The Sturgis Journal',
serving the Burr
Oak, Michigan area.
Obituary provided by Belle Decker and transcribed by Josephine Reed
Foster Garzelloni.

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