*St. Joseph County Obituaries-H*
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Wed., 26 April 1997

15 October 1959----James F. HUDSON, 83 Sturgis resident since 1909 and a veteran of the
Spanish-American War, died at 3 a.m. Wednesday in his home at 410
Williams St. He had been in ill health over an extended period and had
been under care from time to time at the Sturgis Memorial Hospital. Mr.
HUDSON had served in the Cuban campaign.

He was born in Decatur, Ind., Feb. 8, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert
HUDSON. He was married to Flora HENDERSON, Oct. 29, 1898, at Decatur.
When the couple came to Sturgis from Decatur he began employment at the
Royal Easy Chair Co., from which he retired a number of years ago. Mrs.
HUDSON died Jan. 20, 1937.

Surviving are six sons, Roy, of Salem, Ore., Thomas, James J., Richard,
and Charles, of Sturgis, and Harvey, of Inglewood, Calif.; four
daughters, Mrs. Irene BALDWIN, of Sturgis, Mrs. Leo (Estella) BARRONE,
of Grand Rapids, Mi., Mrs. Lawrence (Iva Jean) DOMER, of Howe, Ind., and
Mrs. Merle (Mary) VELIE, of White Pigeon.

Other survivors are two brothers, Charles, of Pontiac, and Jacob, of
Jackson; two sisters, Mrs. Ione ECKERT, of San Bernardino, Calif., and
Mrs. Mae GUNDER, of Fort Wayne; 35 grandchildren, nine great-
grandchildren and two great-great-grandchildren.

Friends may call at the Foglesong Funeral Home beginning Thursday.
Last rites will be held at the funeral home at 2:30 p.m. Saturday with
the Rev. Dale GERIG, pastor of the Missionary Church, officiating.

Full military honors will be conferred by the members of the Capt. John
J. Kelly Post, Veterans of Foreign Wars, at Oak Lawn Cemetery.
Transcribed from an original newspaper clipping, 'The
Sturgis Journal', Sturgis, Michigan.
Please email HUDSON obituary comments to Judy Hudson

Sun., 11 Jan 1998
.....March 11, 1881.....Died, at the residence of his sister, Mrs. Chauncy REED, in Park, March 4th, 1881, Curtis HOPPIN, in the 63d year of his age. Mr. HOPPIN was one of the early settlers in this county and respected as a good citizen by all who knew him well. He was a brother to Miss Ruth HOPPIN and Mrs. William ADAMS of this place.
Transcribed from an original newspaper clipping from 'The News Reporter', serving the Lansing, MI area.
Contact: David Wheeler for more information about this HOPPIN surname.

Tue., 4 Nov 1997
Sturgis ~ Ruth M. HOWK, 73, 302 E. Lafayette Street, died 13 June 1995, at her home.
She was born 15 May 1922, in Coldwater, a daughter of
Calvin and Daisy (BROWN) MORRIS. She was raised by Bert and Daisy FAGER.
On 27 September 1940, she married Donald HOWKin Sturgis.
She had been a lifelong resident of the Burr Oak and
Sturgis areas and had lived the past 10 winters in St. Cloud, Florida.
She was employed 35 years at National Carbon Coated Products before her retirement in 1983. She graduated from Sturgis High School and was a member of the Burr Oak United Methodist church and the Neuman-Wenzel American Legion Auxiliary.
Surviving are her husband; two daughters, Nancy CERQUEIRA, Jackson, and Mrs Howard (Suzanne) KING, Battle Creek; a son and daughter-in-law, Michael and Christine HOWK, South Whitley, Indiana; 10 grandchildren; 13 great-grandchildren; one sister, Loretta CORNISH, Coldwater; one brother, Calvin MORRIS, Coldwater; one step-sister, Mrs Maurice (Peggy)WAGNER, Sturgis; and three step-brothers, Jesse FAGER, Colon, Orval FAGER and Harley FAGER, both of Sturgis. She was preceded in death by her parents; one son, Don HOWK; and one brother, Louis MORRIS.
Relatives and friends may call from 1 ~ 9 p.m. today at the Rosenberg ~ Schipper Funeral Home, Sturgis. Services are at 11 a.m. Friday at the Burr Oak United Methodist Church with the Rev Emilie FORWARD officiating. Burial will be in Burr Oak Cemetery.
Memorials may be directed to the Burr Oak United Methodist Church. Envelopes are available at the funeral home.
There was no edition date attached to this obituary.
Transcribed from an original newspaper clipping, 'The Sturgis Journal', serving the Burr Oak, Michigan area.
Obituary provided by Belle Decker and transcribed by Josephine Reed
Foster Garzelloni.

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