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Fri., 8 Aug 1997

26 Nov 1919----Elizabeth (TOBEY) PACKARD. Mrs. PACKARD Is Taken by Death / Pioneer Resident of the City Passes Away at Rexford.

Mrs. Elizabeth [TOBEY] PACKARD, widow of Dr. N. I. PACKARD and pioneer resident of this city, passed away Thursday morning [25 Nov 1919] at Rexford, at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. MARTIN.

Mrs. PACKARD was born near Troy, N.Y., August 29, 1838. At an early age she moved to Sturgis with her father Bracey TOBEY, one of the early settlers of this section.

She was married in 1855 [sic: 15 Oct 1856, at Burr Oak] to Dr. N. I. PACKARD, for many years a leading physician here. Practically her entire life was spent in Sturgis with the exception of the past few years, when she had made her home with her daughter.
She was a member of the Eastern Star and one of the charter members of the Pioneer Club. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. J. H. MARTIN of Rexford, Mich., and a granddaughter, Mrs. Mena NEWELL of Goshen, Ind.

The remains will be brought to the residence of J. J.PACKARD, South Nottawa street, Thursday afternoon. Funeral services will be held at 1:30 Friday afternoon from the Methodist church, which stands on the site of Mrs. PACKARD's old home.

It was the expressed wish of Mrs. PACKARD that members of the Eastern Star and of the Pioneer club should be in attendance at her funeral.

[Elizabeth was the youngest of five children of Bracey TOBEY (1802-1886) and Elizabeth (ALLEN) (1799-1882), who had come to Burr Oak from eastern N.Y. in 1855 and removed to Sturgis in 1861. Bracey was a State Representative (1871-2) from St. Joseph Co., and a local Judge, J.P. and Director of the National Bank. All are buried at Oaklawn.]
Transcribed from an original newspaper clipping from the 'Sturgis Daily Journal', which serves the St. Joseph Co., Michigan area.
Please email PACKARD obituary comments to John Lyon

Fri., 8 Aug 1997

25 Sep 1897----Nelson PACKARD.Nelson I. PACKARD died at his home in Sturgis at 4 P.M. Sunday [19 Sep] after four months' severe illness. He was identified with the interests of Sturgis since early manhood, served years on the school board and was president of the Citizens' state bank and vice-president of the National Bank of that city, and a prominent Mason. He was a distinguished surgeon during the late war, and a member of the famous Eleventh Michigan. Deceased was 67 years old.

His father, Hon. Ira F. PACKARD, aged 89 years, survives him. Homer PACKARD, his brother of Detroit, has ministered to him the past month. Three sisters and two brothers, his father and widow survive.

[His daughter, Effie (Mrs. Judson B. MARTIN of Rexford, Chippewa Co.), was omitted in this list. Nelson's widow, Elizabeth A. (TOBEY), d. 25 Nov 1919 in Rexford. Nelson was, as stated, the son of Ira F. PACKARD (1808-1900) and Emily N. (HIBBARD) (1811-1889) Sturgis pioneers.]
Transcribed from an original newspaper clipping from the 'Centreville Observer', which serves the St. Joseph Co., Michigan area.
Please email PACKARD obituary comments to John Lyon

8 Nov 1997
Sturgis Journal
8 November 1997
Burr Oak ~ Harold A Pagels, 76, of Burr Oak, died 7 November 1997 at home. He was born 12 February 1921, in Sturgis, a son of Albert and Nettie (Mingus) Pagels. He had been a lifelong resident of the Sturgis and Burr Oak area, a 1939 graduate of Sturgis High School. On 14 August 1943, in Sturgis, he married Lovada Happel.
He was a mechanic operating the Ahrgrim-Pagels Garage
of Burr Oak for 10 years and then owned and operated Pagels Garage on Findley Road until his retirement in 1986. He was a member of the Burr Oak Fire Department for 45 years and chief of the Burr Oak Fire Department for the past 19 years. He was a veteran of World War II, a member of the Neuman-Wenzel American Legion Post #73 and the Jack Johnson Chapter #88 Disabled American Veterans.
Surviving are his wife, Lovada; two sons and daughters-in-law, James R and Beth Pagels of Burr Oak, Roger H. and Connie Pagels of Burr Oka; three grandchildren; two step-grandchildren; five great-grandchildren; three step great-grandchildren; three sisters, Dorothy Pagels, Mrs Frederick (Eleanor) Marvin, Mrs Carl (June) Stuby, all of Centreville; one brother, Eugene Pagels of Centreville; and several nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents and a brother, Lawrence Pagels.
Friends and relatives may call 5-8p.m. Saturday, 2-4p.m. Sunday and 6-8p.m. Sunday at the Rosenberg-Schipper Funeral Home Ltd of Sturgis. Religious services will be at 1p.m. Monday at Rosenberg-Schipper Funeral Home with the Rev Emilie Forward of Burr Oak United Methodist Church officiating. Interment will follow at Burr Oak Cemetery.
Memorials may be directed to the Burr Oak Fire Department or the charity of one's choice.
copy provided by Carole L Carr and transcribed by Josephine Reed Garzelloni

Sun., 11 Jan 1998
.....Catherine PEEK was born in Gorham, N. Y. Feb. 8, 1823. When ten or twelve years of age she moved with her parents to Florence Township St. Joseph Co. Mich.
On June 25th, 1840 she was joined in wedlock to Abraham FISHER. Eight children were born to them, four sons and four daughters; three sons, and three daughters yet live to mourn their loss.
In 1844 they moved to Jonesville, Mich, where they resided until 1852 when they removed to Coldwater, Mich. In 1855 they moved to Ligonier, Ind, living there until the autumn of 1863 when they came to Albion, Ind which remained the home of the mother until death relieved her of her sufferings, Feb. 16th, 1896, aged 73 years, and 8 days. Her husband preceeded her to the grave Mar. 8 1881, since which time she has remained his widow.
Although her sufferings were long and intense, she was patient and unmurmuring; her last words giving evidence that she died at peace with God. Appropriate funeral services were conducted at the home of her daughter, Mrs. DICE, Feb 19th, by Rev J. J. COLEMAN. Text Psalm XVII 15.
Transcribed from an original unidentified newspaper clipping serving the Albion, IN area.
Contact: David Wheeler for more information about this PEEK surname.

Thu., 4 Dec 1997
Colon ~ Services for Stella Ann Pequignot, 90, formerly of 654 Dunks Road, Union City, were at 11 a.m. 4 November 1997 at the St Barbara's Catholic Church of Colon.
The Rev Richard Fritz officiated, and eulogies were given by her granddaughters, Denice Parks and Julie Noland. Kimberly Henson sang a solo, "Amazing Grace" and Adele Shook was organist.
Bearers were her grandsons, Jeffery D Mack, Chad
F Mack, Rob Andrew Johnson, Lyle D Mack Jr., Michael
J Pequignot II, Aaron M Wheeler and Rodney L Johnson.
Burial was in Sherwood Cemetery of Sherwood.
She died 1 November 1997 at the Heartland Health Center of Three Rivers.
Memorials may be directed to the Covenant House. Envelopes are available at the Schipper Funeral Home Ltd. of Colon, which handled the arrangements.
Sturgis Journal, 7 November 1997
Sturgis, Michigan
copy provided by Carole L Carr

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