*St. Joseph County Obituaries-R*
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Fri., 17 Oct 1997
Burr Oak ~ Maxine L. REED, 69, of 445 N.Third St., Burr
Oak, died Friday morning, June 3, 1983, in Sturgis Hospital.
She had been a life-long area resident. On April 12, 1936
in LaGrange, Ind., she was married to T.John REED. He died in 1970.
She was a member of the Burr Oak United Methodist Church,
the Burr Oak Mother's Club, Sturgis Women's Club, Chapter 29 Order of the
Easter (sic) Star of Burr Oak and the past Worthy Matron's Club.
Surviving are: one son, J Lynn REED, Sturgis; one
daughter, Mrs Dennis (Judith) A. BAKER, Sturgis; and four grandchildren.
Maxine L. REED was born Sept. 24, 1913, daughter
of Clifford and Clara (MILLER) FAIR. Besides her husband
she was preceded in death by her mother, who died in 1976.
Friends and relatives may call at the Rosenberg ~ Schipper
Funeral Home after 3 p.m. today, where the family will meet with friends
today and Sunday from 7-9 p.m. There will be an Order of the Easter (sic)
Star service at the funeral home at 7 p.m. today. Religious services
will be held from Burr Oak United Methodist Church Monday at 1 p.m. where
Mrs REED will lay in state on Monday at 10 a.m. until service time.
Interment will be in Burr Oak Cemetery. Memorial may be directed to the
Burr Oak United Methodist Church or the American Cancer Society.
Transcribed from an original newspaper clipping, 'The Sturgis
Journal', serving the Burr Oak, Michigan area.
Obituary provided by Belle Decker and transcribed by Josephine Reed Foster Garzelloni.

4 November 1997
Sturgis Journal
Sturgis ~ Joan R Reeg, 70, formerly of 30755 East US 12, Sturgis, died 1 November 1997 at Thurston Woods Village.
She was born 30 August 1927 in Sturgis, a daughter of
Shirley F and Flora (Boswer) Brouse.
She attended Freedom School through eighth grade and graduated from Sturgis High School in 1945. She served as chairperson for all of her class reunions.
On 12 November 1949, she married Jac R Reeg in
Sturgis, and he died 25 March 1979.
She was a homemaker, a 20-year employee of Don Cameron Tax Service, and was a secretary for Coca Cola Co. of Sturgis.
A member of the Sturgis Bible Chapel, she also enjoyed crafts, collecting dolls , and spending time with former classmates and her grandchildren.
Surviving are one daughter, Mrs Jeffery (Kathy) Humphries of Sturgis; one son, Jeffrey S Reeg of Sturgis; four grandchildren, Jaclyn Nicole, Daniel Ryan and Karissa Renae Humphries and Victoria Ashley Reeg; one brother, S Bernard Brouse of Flagler Beach, Florida; and several nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents, her husband and one brother, Leonard Brouse.
Relatives and friends may call from 2 - 4 and 6 - 8p.m. today at the Hackman-Foglesong Funeral Home of Sturgis. Services are at 1:30p.m. Wednesday at the Sturgis Bible Chapen with Edler Edward Dillon and David Dillon officiating. Burial will be in Oak Lawn Cemetery, Sturgis.
Memorials may be directed to the family. Envelopes are available at the funeral home.
Services for Joan R Reeg, were at 1:30 p.m. 5 November 1997 at the Sturgis Bible Chapel with Elder Edward Dillon and David Dillon officiating.
Special music was provided by Jenny Coxhead, flutist, and Willodean Beckwith, organist.
Bearers were Daniel Humphries, Donald Moline, Michael Reeg, David Molin, Daniel Wegner and Roger Harrison. Honorary bearers were Berton Smith, Eldon Bunce, Richard Davidson, Reid Shimmel and Charlie Sautter. Burial was in Oak Lawn Cemetery, Sturgis.
copy provided by Carole L Carr and transcribed by Josephine Reed Garzelloni

Sun., 11 Jan 1998
.....Geo. ROYS Obituary. The funeral services of George E. ROYS a resident of Florence township for many years and more recently of Chicago, where he died Friday August 27th, were conducted at the ROYS homestead in Florence, now the residence of his sister Mrs. Anna AUSTIN Sunday afternoon Aug. 29th, by Rev. E. H. HOWARD of Richmond, Ind., a former friend and neighbor of the deceased. A large concourse of friends were present to pay their tribute of esteem and to express their sympathy for the bereaved family.
Mr. ROYS was among the first children born in Florence township the date of his birth being April 17, 1838. He was educated for the most part in the district schools. A couple of terms were spent in a special class at White Pigeon and two terms in Albion seminary. He taught winter terms in the district schools of the county from 1859 to 1879, and also served his township as its supervisor in a very satisfactory manner from 1879 to 1886.
Together with his brother Frank, he introduced the cultivation of peppermint into Allegan county in 1892. Having sold his farm in Florence in 1894 he moved to Grand Rapids, and later to Chicago where he has since resided. After weeks of lingering illness he passed away leaving a wife, formerly Sophia HULL with whom he was united March 19, 1886, a son, two daughters, a brother and a sister, with innumberable other relatives and friends to lament his departure.
His life was characterized by honesty and uprighteousness and he held the esteem of his many friends and neighbors for those fine qualities of character which he posseseed. His remains were laid to rest in the Peck burying ground in Florence.
Transcribed from an original unidentified newspaper clipping, serving the Three Rivers, Michigan area. Died - Aug 27, 1909
Contact: David Wheeler for more information about this ROYS surname.

Sun., 11 Jan 1998
.....May 15, 1891.....At his home in Florence, May 11, '91. Norman ROYS, aged 84 years, 2 mos. and 11 ds. Mr. ROYS is a native of Massachusetts and came to Michigan in June, 1832, and settled in Florence. In 1837, he married Caroline PEEK, who with three children, George E. and Frank P. and Mrs. F. A. AUSTIN, survive him. He was among the very early settlers of Florence and has been prominent among her citizens for a long and useful life. He was supervisor of the township for 26 years and came within one vote of being elected representative in the state legislature. About 12 years ago he was the victim of a stroke of paralysis and had not walked since, but enjoyed a reasonable degree of bodily and mental health until a year ago, when it began to decline. A number of people from ths city attended the funeral, Wednesday.
Transcribed from an original newspaper clipping, 'Three Rivers Tribune', serving the Three Rivers, Michigan area.
Contact: David Wheeler for more information about this ROYS surname.

Sun., 11 Jan 1998
.....May 15, 1891.....Death of Norman ROYS. Died May 10, 1891, at his home in Florence township. Norman ROYS, aged 84 yrs.
Norman ROYS was born in Sheffield, Berkshire county, Mass., Feb. 22, 1807. At the age of 25 he left his native home and came to Michigan. There he took up land from the Government. On March 16, 1837, he was married to Caroline PEEK.
The fruit of this union was two sons and one daughter, who with his wife still survive him and mourn his loss. Mr. ROYS was a man held in good esteem by his fellow citizens. For twenty-six years he faithfully served his township as supervisor, two years as justice of the peace, and four years as school inspector.
Some ten years ago Mr. ROYS was stricken with paralysis, and since that time had been in a helpless condition. He was laid to rest on Wednesday, at 2:30 p. m., Rev. L. C. ROUTZAHN officiating. An exceedingly large number of friends and neighbors assembled, who, by their presence, expressed their sorrow, and, at the same time, the esteem in which the deceased was held. Much sympathy was offered the sorrowing friends in their bereavement, this being the first death in the family.
'Death is the veil which those who live call Life.
We sleep, and it is lifted.'".
Transcribed from an original unidentified newspaper clipping, serving the Three Rivers, Michigan area.
Contact: David Wheeler for more information about this ROYS surname.

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