*St. Joseph County Obituaries-S*
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Sat., 30 Aug 1997

April 19, 1906
----Harriet SAYLES Died last Friday at Her home in this Village - was a
patient sufferer.

At about 8:30 a.m. Friday, April 13, 1906, Mrs. Harriet Sayles, widow of the
late James R. Sayles, passed away
at her home, after being a nearly helpless invalid much of the time for
several years, and entirely helpless for
many weeks passed, the results of a nervous affliction and paralysis.

Mrs. Sayles had been a resident of the village for many
years, and was a kind hearted, unassuming woman. She leaves a brother James
Gregg, east of Burr Oak and numberous other relatives, among them, Mrs. Wm
Bordner and Mrs. A. L. Thrasher, nieces of this village.

The funeral was held Saturday afternoon services being conducted by Rev.
Pooler at the Baptist Church, with burial in the Adams cemetery east of this

Among those present from away were James Gregg and
wife of Bronson, John Gregg of Coldwater, MI and Mrs. Shelby and daughter of
Colon, James Gregg and wife of Matteson, Alfred Gregg and wife and Bert Gregg
and wife of Sturgis.
Transcribed from an original newspaper clipping from the 'Burr Oak Acorn', which serves the St. Joseph Co., Michigan area.
Please email SAYLES obituary comments to Cynthia Duhamel

Thur., 24 April 1997

19 Jun 1892---- Mrs. Nancy SCHELLHOUSE,
mention of whose illness has been made in these columns,
died at the family homestead three miles northwest of Colon, on Sunday,
June 19th, 1892.

Mrs. SCHELLHOUSE was born in Ohio, May 18, 1819, and
was therefore 73 years and 1 month old. She settled on
the farm where she died with her husband, the late George
SCHELLHOUSE, 57 years ago and was among the
first settlers of Colon township.

The deceased
was well and favorably loved by a large number of people and leaves
a number of relatives to mourn her death. Three children
survive her--Mrs. Charles THRAMS and Herrick SCHELLHOUSE, of
Colon township, and Mrs. P. PETERS, of Flowerfield,
Mich. Her eldest daughter Mrs. P. PETERS,
was one of the first white children born in Colon township.

was a kind neighbor and was ever ready to lend a helping

The cause of
death was dropsy. Mrs. SCHELLHOUSE was cared for
day and night since last March by her daughters. The funeral took
place from the old family residence Tuesday afternoon at
1 o'clock, Rev. Will H. SPENCE preaching the funeral
sermon. The funeral was quite largely attended by the
relatives and friends of deceased. Interment in Colon
Transcribed from an original newspaper clipping, probably from 'The
Express', Colon, Michigan.
Please email SCHELLHOUSE obituary comments to Cheryl S. Thrams

Mon., 3 Nov 1997
The first of the week came the news from California of the death
of James Scott, who more than 30 years ago went to the vicinity
of Los Angeles from Colon township.
He lived at Ontario, bur passed away, after a short illness,
at the home of his daughter, Mrs John A Fry, at Los Angeles, where
he had been visiting a few days. His age was 89 years.
dated 20 March 1914 in pen
From the papers of Geneva Smith
Transcribed by Josephine Reed Foster Garzelloni

Sat., 10 Jan 1998

3 April 1902
----Lucetta SCOTT

On her 74th birthday, April 1, 1902 Mrs. Lucetta SCOTT passed to the great beyond at her home on 5th street in this village after months of patient suffering. Mrs. SCOTT was an excellant lady and will be greatly missed from among us. The funeral will be held today Thursday at the residence conducted by Rev. POOLER and burial will be in Colon. Obituary next week.
Transcribed from an original newspaper clipping, from the Burr Oak "Acorn", Burr Oak, Michigan
Please email SCOTT obituary comments to Dave Scott

Sat., 10 Jan 1998

17 Sep 1908
----William Henry SCOTT Death came very suddenly to Henry SCOTT

William Henry SCOTT, an old resident of this vicinity, died very suddenly Friday, the cause of death being a paralytic stroke, death occurring within 15 minutes from the time he was stricken. His health previous had been good, and at the time Mr. SCOTT was at the home of Clinton HIMEBAUGH just outside the village limits.

Mr. SCOTT was born in Colon Township in 1865, and the greater part of his life had been spent in the vicinity of Burr Oak, though he but recently returned from California, but came to Michigan for a visit, a brother of Mrs. Ben BOWLING of this village and Mrs. John A. FRY, at present visiting in the west.

The funeral was held Sunday and the body buried in the Colon Cemetery, the funeral being conducted by a minister from Colon, DEWITT and CARL of this village being the undertakers.
Transcribed from an original newspaper clipping, from the Burr Oak "Acorn", Burr Oak, Michigan
Please email SCOTT obituary comments to Dave Scott

Mon., 3 Nov 1997
Leander B SHAW
Leander B Shaw died at 8 o'clock last evening, May
8th, 1915, at the home of his half~brother, David G Henion, 1730
North Bond street, in Saginaw, Michigan of dropsy, after an illness of
six months. Mr Shaw was a veteran of the Civil War, having
given distinguished services in the conflict. He was one of the captors
of President Jefferson Davis of the confederacy and received from
the United States government $350 for his share in that historical event.
He enlisted in the Fourth Michigan cavalry at Burr Oak, August 13, 1862,
and served throughout the war. He was honorably dischared at Nashville,
Tennessee, July 1, 1865. He is believed to be among the last of those who
participated in capturing the head of the confederacy.
Leander B Shaw was born in Palymra, new York, September
24, 1830. He was married in New York state, and later moved to Burr Oak,
Michigan, where he was a resident for about 26 years. His wife died in
1901. He was a retired seafaring man, having followed the seas since he
was 14 years of age. He was a member of the Masons and Odd Fellows of Burr
Oak, Michigan. He leaves one half~brother, David G. Henlon, at whose
home he died.
The funeral will be held this afternoon at 3 o'clock from
the residence, 1730 North Bond street. Rev Doremus of the Presbyterian
church will officiate, and the remains will be taken to Burr Oak for interment.
We clip the above form the Saginaw Post. Many of us will
remember Mr Shaw as a good citizen, who lived on Second street many
years. His remains were brot here Saturday by his nephew, William L Henion,
and Frank Bennignoff, and at once taken by Undertaker Renshaw
to the cemetery, where interment was made.
Burr Oak Acorn reprinted from the Saginaw Post
From the papers of Geneva Smith
Transcribed by Josephine Reed Foster Garzellini

Mon., 15 Sep 1997

ca 19 Jan 1898----Helen [TOBEY] SHEPARD,

Suddenly Called Hence. Mrs. Helen SHEPARD Found Death Sunday Morning.

The friends of Mrs. Helen SHEPARD were shocked and pained, Sunday morning at
about 11 o'clock , to learn of her sudden death.

The deceased and son, Bracey, were seated in the room, the former quietly
reading her bible, the latter a newspaper. He was startled to hear the mother utter a gasping sound
and, hurrying to her side, he found her unconscious. He at once rushed to Mr. DENSING's and notified
them of his mother's condition, then hurried back to her side. He also called in Mr. James
THORNTON who was passing at the time, but the stricken one only lived a few moments
longer, and expired without regaining consciousness.

The deceased was the daughter of the late Hon. Bracey TOBEY and wife, and sister
of Mrs. Alta SHEPARD and Mrs. N.I. PACKARD. She was a large, stout woman, but had been quite
a sufferer from rheumatism. The cause of death was heart failure of some type.

Mrs. SHEPARD was the widow of the late John SHEPARD, and is survived by two
sons, Braceyand George, both of mature years. She was nearly 68 years of age.

The funeral was held from the M.E. church Tuesday, Rev. C.E. THOMAS officiating.

[Helen [TOBEY] SHEPARD, b. Northampton, (now-)Fulton Co. NY in 1831, d. 16 Jan
1898. Her husband John, b. NY, had d. 23 May 1888, aged 66. He had been a Sturgis
blacksmith. Both are buried at Oaklawn.]
Transcribed from an original loose newspaper clipping, (found in family Bible of
David and Mary [ALLEN] SHOUDY (a
cousin)], evidently from a Sturgis paper
Please email SHEPARD obituary comments to John Lyon

Thurs., 11 Jun 1997

27 May 1904---- death notice, David C. SHOUDY,
Mr. David C. SHOUDY, an aged and well-respected citizen of our town [Nottawa], was killed by a switch train [indecipherable line]. Mr. SHOUDY had been to Mendon and having missed the train he started to walk home, and when about a mile or two out of town he was struck by a train which for some reason he had not noticed.

3 Jun 1904----obituary, David C. SHOUDY, was an active member of the Colon Grange and the Colon Country Club.

David C. SHOUDY was born near Saratoga Springs, N.Y., June 17, 1824. He enlisted in the United States service at Chicago, Ill., Sept. 1, 1861, as a private in Co. K, 59th Reg. Vol. Infantry. He served three years of acceptable service during which time he received a flesh wound in the face. He re-enlisted and served another year and was finally honorably discharged July 12, 1865. He participated in the grand review in Washington.

At the close of the war he came to Sturgis. Mich., where he resided for 16 years [sic: 6 was meant], when he came to Nottawa, in which town he has resided for 31 years. He engaged in the blacksmith business for several years. He was married in 1850 [sic: Nov 9, 1851] to Mary A. ALLEN at Saratoga Springs [sic: Schenectady], who survives him, residing at Nottawa, Mich. To this union were born two girls, Henrietta who died at the age of 14 years, and Georgiana, the wife of C.A. NELSON, who resides at Wasepi, Mich. He also leaves one brother who resides in the city of New York

Mr. SHOUDY was killed by the cars May 24, 1904. His age was 79 years, 8 months and 7 days [sic: 79y 11m 7d].
Transcribed from an original newspaper clipping, from the Centreville "Observer", Centreville,
Please email SHOUDY obituary comments to John Lyon

Mon., 17 Nov 1997
James G Smith Sr
Centreville ~ James G Smith Sr., 76, formerly of
107 Virginia Avenue, Sturgis, a former officer with the Chicago Police
Department, died 4 November 1997 at the Fairview Living Centre.
He was born 21 June 1921 in Chicago, a son of George James
and Elizabeth (Cannon) Smith.
A veteran of WWII, he served with the U.S. Army in the
Army Air Corp. He was a member of the Neuman-Wenzel American Legion Post
#73 of Sturgis and the Capt. John J Kelley V.F.W. Post #1355.
He moved to Sturgis in 1979, after retiring from the Chicago
Police Department.
Surviving are his wife, Sandra; nine children, Irene Gainer
and James Smith Jr of Chicago, Kathy Dutcher of San Diego,
California, Charles Smith, Timothy Smith, Jerome Smith,
and Mary Beth Desmond, all of Chicago, Michael Smith of Memphis,
Tennessee, and Michelle Smith of Wayne; and several grand and great-grandchildren.
Mass was at 10 a.m. today at the Holy Angels Catholic
Church with the Rev Richard Fritz officiating. Burial was in the
Oak Lawn Cemetery with full military honors conducted by the Capt. John
J Kelley V.F.W Post #1355.
Sturgis Journal, 7 November 1997
Copy provided by Carole L Carr

Mon., 3 Nov 1997
Bronson ~ Gladys E SUMMER (sic), 82, of 463 Matteson Lake,
Bronson, died 27 December 1996, at the Borgess Medical Center, Kalamazoo.
She was born 17 November 1914, in Leonidas Township, a daughter
of Jacob and Caroline
On 3 July 1933, she married Leon E. SUMMERS in Three
Rivers. He died in 1986. She moved from rural Burr Oak to Matteson Lake
where she lived for the last 30 years.
She was a homemaker and helped on the family farm.
Surviving are three daughters, Mrs Andrew (Carol) KLINE
of Bronson, Mrs Barry (JoAnn)
CASE of Coldwater, and Mrs James (Kathy) DECKER of Burr
Oak; ten grandchildren and ten great-grandchildren; and several nieces
and nephews.
Relatives and friends may call from 3 ~ 8 p.m. today at the
Schipper Funeral Home Ltd., Colon, where services are at 11 a.m. Tuesday
with the Rev Arthur MULLEN of Greenville officiating. Burial will
be in Matteson Cemetery, Bronson.
There was no edition date attached to this obituary.
Transcribed from an original newspaper clipping, 'The Sturgis Journal',
serving the Burr
Oak, Michigan area.
Obituary provided by Belle Decker and transcribed by Josephine Reed
Foster Garzelloni.

Thu., 4 Dec 1997
Sturgis Journal
5 November 1997
Sturgis ~ Tate Jared Switzer, 21 of 305 South Fourth Street, Sturgis, died 3 November 1997 at his home.
He was born 27 September 1976 in Coldwater, a son of Jerry Alan and Peggy (Halferty) Switzer. He resided in Sturgis all of his life and was a 1995 graduate of Sturgis High School, where he played football for four years and was a state qualifier in wrestling. He also was active in the building trades program and earned the Golden Hammer Award.
He was employed at S&S Automotive and also did some carpenter work.
A member of the W.E.R.A. Street Motorcycle Association, he initiated the Tuesday Classic Car Show Night which gathered at Arby's Restaurant each week. He enjoyed street motorcycle racing, operating remote control cars, working on his dune buggy and riding three wheelers. His "pride and joy" was a special pickup that he and his late father rebuilt together, and he enjoyed spending time with his nieces and nephews.
Surviving are his mother, Peggy Davis of Dowagiac; four sisters, Vaneesa McDonald of Sturgis, Mrs Carl (Carrie) Wolf-McMillan of Constantine, Shuree Wolf of White Pigeon, and Kimberly Davis of Dowagiac; one brother, Billy Davis of Dowagiac; his grandmother, Roxie Gorbutt of Sturgis; three aunts, Betty Bowmer of Stoneboro, Pennsylvania, Patricia Parker of Nottawa, and Elaine Lipscomb of Sturgis; three uncles, Al Halferty of Las Vegas, Gary Gorbutt of Texas and Larry Gorbutt of Sturgis; and nieces and nephews, Dannielle, Matthew, Ashley, Austin, Alicia, Brittney, Caitlin, Alexander and Morgan. He was preceded in death by his father on 13 April 1997.
Relatives and friends may call from 1-3 and 5-9 p.m. today at the Rosenberg-Schipper Funeral Home Ltd. of Sturgis, where services are at 11 a.m. Thursday. The Rev Rand Murphy of the Federated Church of Dowagiac will officiate. Burial will be in Oak Lawn Cemetery.
Memorials may be directed to the family. Envelopes are available at the funeral home.
Copy provided by Carole L Carr

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