*St. Joseph County Obituaries-T*
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Veterans are marked with a
by their obituary

Mon., 3 Nov 1997
Clifford B. Thomas
Burr Oak ~ Clifford B. THOMAS, 73, 128 W. Main Street., died
Feb. 27, 1996, at the Branch County Community Health Center, Coldwater.
He was born Feb. 4, 1923, in Burr Oak, a son of Clifford B and
He was a lifelong Burr Oak resident and guaduated from Burr
Oak High School and Western Michigan University. He was employed by the
State of Michigan in the parks division before his retirement in 1988.
He was a member of the Windmill Museum and the La Grange Historical Society
and he enjoyed history, genealogy, reading and people.
Surviving is a special friend, Lorene FARRAND, Burr Oak.
He was preceded in death by his parents.
There will be no visitation. Graveside services and burial are
at 1 p.m. Thursday at the Burr Oak Cemetery with the Rev. Emilie FORWARD,
Burr Oak United Methodist Church, officiating. Arrangements were handled
by the Rosenberg ~ Schipper Funeral Home, Sturgis.
Memorials may be directed to the American Heart Association.
Envelopes are available at the funeral home.
Transcribed from an original newspaper clipping, 'The Sturgis Journal',
serving the Burr Oak,
Michigan area.
Obituary provided by Belle Decker and transcribed by Josephine Reed
Foster Garzelloni.

Thur., 24 April 1997

26 May 1923---- Mrs. Chas. THRAMS, who has
been failing in health for a number of years, it being
twelve years since she has been able to get about without
assistance, passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
Don KING, Saturday afternoon, May 26, at about six
thirty. Mrs. THRAMS was 82 years, 1 month and 9 days of age. Funeral services
were held at the home at ten o'clock Tuesday forenoon, May
22nd, Rev. F. W. DEANE officiating. The remains
were laid to rest in Lakeside cemetery.

was born April 13, 1841, in Colon township on the
old SCHELLHOUSE homestead west of Colon. She was
the daughter of George and Nancy SCHELLHOUSE, who
came to Michigan from Ohio in 1830. The first things and
the pioneer happenings pertaining to the history of Colon
township are largely connected with the SCHELLHOUSE
families. The SCHELLHOUSE brothers purchased land in the township
and at the same time purchasing mill privileges on Swan creek
and on the present site of the village, and assisted in
building the Swan creek water power and dam.

was united in marriage with Charles THRAMS in the
year 1874 and they cleared up and settled the farm now
known as the THRAMS farm west of Colon, spending
their entire married life happily together there until death
separated them, Mr. THRAMS being summoned in 1908.
Mr. and Mrs. THRAMS were blessed with a fine family
of six children, two of whom passed away in early life.
Norman, Benjamin and Ernest, three sons, and one daughter,
Mrs. Don KING, and their families follow their
beloved mother to her final resting place.

has been one of those staunch pioneers who has seen the
wonderful progress of the world at large in the past
eighty odd years, and has lent a willing hand in this
progress. She was one of those sturdy pioneer mothers who
always had the home at heart, and rejoiced in the progress
of her children. She was a lover of music and before the
family was broken up, she was rewarded by having
all of the children well advanced in music, and in her last
years, although very feeble in body, he (her) mind was
alert and rejoiced because of music in the home.

For the past
seven years Mrs. THRAMS has been tenderly cared for
by her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Don KING,
and during her long illness she has been a patient sufferer,
never complaining in the least. As her long and useful
life drew to a close Saturday at sunset, her relatives and
friends more forcibly came to realize that she had left a
prominent page in the history of this community and that
one of our most beloved pioneers had passed on to her reward.

We desire to extend our sincere thanks to everyone who in any way assisted
during the illness and burial of our beloved mother; also appreciated the
beautiful floral tribute. The Children.
Transcribed from an original newspaper clipping, probably from 'The
Express', Colon, Michigan.
Please email THRAMS obituary comments to Cheryl S. Thrams

Mon., 15 Sep 1997

27 Sep 1966----John R. TOBEY, who has

John R. (Ted) TOBEY, 79, of Auburn, Ind., a native of Sturgis, died Sunday in
the Veterans Hospital in Fort Wayne, Ind.

Mr. TOBEY was born in Sturgis Feb. 25, 1887, the son of Nelson and Clara TOBEY,
and attended public school here. He was graduated from Tri-State College in Angola,
Ind., with a degree in electrical engineering, and for many years had been with a large
rubber company in Akron, Ohio.

Surviving are his wife, Ethel; two daughters, Mrs. Paul (Willa) KING, of
Kendallville, Ind., and Mrs. Leora CAUFFIELD, of Toledo, Ohio; four
grandchildren; and two sisters,.
Mrs. S. (Alta) MERCER, of Sturgis, and Mrs. Faythe JOHNSON, of South Bend, Ind.

Services will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday in the Berhalter-Hutchinson Funeral
Home in Kendalleville. Interment will take place in Oak Lawn Cemetery in Sturgis.
Transcribed from an original newspaper clipping from the 'Sturgis Daily Journal', which
serves the St. Joseph Co., Michigan area.
Please email TOBEY obituary comments to John Lyon

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