*St. Joseph County Obituaries-W*
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Fri., 28 Nov 1997
26 Sep 1938----Amos W. WAGNER Death is impartial in claiming earthly life, and has taken from our community a pioneer of the staunch and true type, a man who, through his years of toil, contact and business dealings, has exemplified that sterling citizenship is a foundation which will endure forever in the minds and homes of those who were privileged the personal acquaintance of this early settler of Michigan.

Amos W. WAGNER came to this locality from Lewistown, Pa., and immediately engaged in agriculture. His success in this enterprise may only be weighed by the fact he reared and educated a family of five children, purchased and improved a large farm 51/2 miles southwest of Colon--one of the most fertile places within many miles.

This "Country Gentleman" had no desire for public or political office, even content with his chosen occupation of producing the essentials on which to build a community.

He asked no reward for his untiring efforts, other than fair dealing--a harvest complete was his objective.

Until very recent years, Mr. WAGNER was a man of hearty and robust structure, when years of toil and endurance carved the indelible mark of time. Five years ago last March, Mr. and Mrs. WAGNER retired from active farming and in October of the same year, purchased a home on North Swan Street in the village of Colon, where Mr. WAGNER expired September 23rd, 1938.

Amos Wilson WAGNER, son of Eli K. and Catherine WAGNER, was born in Mifflin County, Pa., Feb. 17th, 1859, and he is the last survivor of a family of fourteen children.

On January 15th, 1879, he united in marriage with Sarah Michael. To this union were born five children; Mrs. Anna QUINN of Kalamazoo; William E. WAGNER, who preceded his father in death; Mrs. Eliza J. (Jennie) CASTLE of Colon; Daniel J. WAGNER OF Colon; Roy M. WAGNER, who passed away in 1919; The mother of this family was called to her heavenly home on May 17th, 1892.

Christmas day, 1897, marked the marriage of Mr. WAGNER to Anna M. YETTER, who through the years of their happy union, has proven a companion, mother, homemaker, counsellor and faithful nurse, this remarkable soul servives.

Those left to cherish the memory and mourn the passing of Mr. WAGNER, besides the widow, are two daughters; one son; ten grandchildren and eleven great-grandchildren; several nieces and nephews.

The funeral service was held Sunday afternoon, following a brief prayer service at the home at 2:00 o'clock, the public service was held at the M.E. church at 2:30, Rev. A.E. WITTROP offciating. The church was filled to capacity with friends who came to pay final respect to a valued neighbor and citizen.

The body rests in Lakeside Cemetery at Colon, Mich.

The casket bearers were, Bert LEPLEY, Lou SCHRADER, Dave WHITHEAD, Francis WHITFORD, Myron SAGER and Mylo HARDING.
Transcribed from an original newspaper clipping, ' The Colon Express',
serving the St. Joseph Co., Michigan area.
Please email WAGNER obituary comments to
Calvin Wagner

Fri., 26 Dec 1997
11 Mar 1943----Annie Mary WAGNER
Mrs. Annie Mary WAGNER, aged eighty-two years, departed from this life Friday afternoon at 2 o'clockat her home on North Swan Street, after being confined to her bed for nearly four weeks.
She was born in Decator, Township, Mifflin County Pennsylvania, October 8th, 1860. The daughter of Solomon and Susannah (PHILLIPS) YETTER.
She lived in that state until she came to Michigan, around 1896.
On December 25th, 1897, she was married to Amos W. WAGNER of Colon. They resided on their farm near here until October, 1934, when they moved into their home in the Village. Mr. WAGNER passed away September 23rd, 1938.
Mrs. WAGNER was a member of the local Methodist church, she was the eldest in a family of nine children, five of whom survive--John H. YETTER of Burr Oak, Mich., William A. YETTER of McClure, Pa., J. Calvin YETTER of Washington D.C., Mrs. Elizabeth DAVIS of Pottstown, Pa., and Mrs. Emma GROSS of McCllure, Pa., a brother, Samuel W. YETTER, and two sisters, Mrs. Jennie S. WALTERS and Mrs. Fransina BEAVER of Pennsylvania, preceded her in death. She also leaves three step-children, Mrs. Anna QUINN of Kalamazoo, Mich., Mrs. Jennie CASTLE of Colon, Mich., and Daniel J. WAGNER of Burr Oak, Mich., several grandchildren, great-grandchildren, nephews, nieces,and other relatives, and a host of friends, two step-sons, William E. WAGNER of Colon and Roy M. WAGNER of Lake Forest, Illinois, also preceded her in death.
Funeral services were held Monday afternoon, with a short prayer at the home before going to the Methodist church, where Rev. Lynn CHAPEL conducted the ceremony paying final tribut to this highly esteemed citizen.
Interment was in Lakeside Cemetery, Colon, Mich., the casket bearers were Mylo HARDING, Myron SAGER, Lewis SCHRADER, Asher BONHAM, Carl DRUMHILLER and Richard BERRY.
Relatives from out of town attending the funeral of Mrs. Annie WAGNER, were Mr. and Mrs. Ray SMITH and Mrs. Daniel MCALLISTER of Detroit, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Lee JACKSON, Thomes HARBESON and Mr. and Mrs. Fred SMITH of Kalamazoo, Mich.; Mrs. Eunic SNYDER and son Frank of Bridgman, Mich.; Paul FOUTZ of Flint, Mich.; Jas. WAGNER of Leslie, Mich.; Marion WAGNER of Sturgis, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Denton CASTLE of Bronson, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn CASTLE and daughter of Coldwater, Mich.
Transcribed from an original newspaper clipping, ' The Colon Express', serving the St. Joseph Co., Michigan area.
Please email WAGNER obituary comments to
Calvin Wagner

Mon., 5 May 1997

1942---- Mrs. Calista Bertha WAGNER, who had been a patient at the Sturgis hospital for two weeks, died at 3:15 Monday morning, following a major operation. She was 64 years of age. She was born in Colon township April 12th, 1878, the daughter of Moses and Sarah DRAPER. She lived for a number of years in the Village, but most of her life was spent at the farm home. Her husband, William, died in 1927.

Mrs. WAGNER was an active member of the Colon Grange and the Colon Country Club.

She is survived by a son, Calvin, on the home farm, a grandson, Charles William, and a brother, Calvin DRAPER of Oakland Florida.

The funeral was held at 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon from the Conklin Funeral home, Rev. Lynn Chapel, Methodist pastor, officiating.

The body rests in the family lot in Nottawa Cemetery.
Transcribed from an original newspaper clipping, from 'The
Express', Colon, Michigan.
Please email WAGNER obituary comments to Cal Wagner

Fri., 28 Nov 1997
1 Jan 1920----Roy M. WAGNER, youngest son of Amos W. and Sarah WAGNER, was born in Colon township, St. Joseph County Mich., February 25th, 1887, and died in the Alice Hospital, Lake Forest, Ill., Wednesday morning, Dec. 24th, 1919, age 32 years 9 months 25 days.
His mother passed away when he was five years of age.

Dec. 30th, 1909 he was married to Miss Anna GIBSON of Detroit. To this union there were born three children, one son, Amos Jr., having passed away at the age of three months and twenty days. Besides the wife and children he is survived by a father, two brothers and two sisters.

Mr. WAGNER served in the United States army from Dec. 19th, 1906 to Nov. 22nd, 1909, two years of which time he was in the Philippine Islands.

For ten years he had been a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and at the time of his death was the teacher of a class of boys in the Sunday school.

The funeral service was held last Saturday at the Methodist church, Rev. C.H. Palmatier officiating.
Transcribed from an original newspaper clipping, ' The Colon Express',
serving the St. Joseph Co., Michigan area.
Please email WAGNER obituary comments to
Calvin Wagner

Mon., 7 May 1997

1942---William Eli WAGNER, The community anxiously awaited word from W. E. WAGNER each day last week while he was making a brave fight against the dreaded disease, pneumonia. Mr. WAGNER suffered an attack of the flu, followed by pneumonia. While his life
hung in a balance for several days, and each hour his many friends hoped the
word would be for the better, but his weakened condition forced him to give
up the fight, and death came Saturday afternoon. The sympathy of the entire
community goes out to the bereaved family.

William Eli WAGNER was born
September 19th, 1881, in Mifflin County, PA. His parents moved to Michigan ,
St. Joseph County, when he was about one year of age. Excepting one summer in North Dakota, and two and one half years in Kansas, his life was spent in
this county.

His mother died May 17th,1892. He was married to Calista DRAPER December
3rd, 1919. To them was born one son, CALVIN, now six years of age. Besides this
child, he is survived by his wife, his father, Amos WAGNER; his stepmother,
his brother Daniel; two sisters, Mrs. Anna QUINN of Kalamazoo, and Mrs. Jennie
CASTLE of Colon; several neices, nephews and great nephews. A younger brother
Roy WAGNER died December 24th, 1919, aged 32 years.

He passed out of bronchial pneumonia, Saturday at four o'clock, March
19th, 1927 at the age of 45 and one half years.

He was a member of Dennis Lodge NO. 96 I.O.O.F. and of the Leonidas
encampment; also the Elsie Rebekah Lodge of Colon.

He was a good neighbor, a believer in the word, honorable and true at
heart, and leaves a wide acquaintance of friends.

The funeral was held at his home Tuesday, March 22nd, at 2 p.m. with a
large attendance. About forty members of his lodge were present, five being
from Leonidas. The Lodge burial service was used at the grave, which is in Nottawa Cemetery.
Transcribed from an original newspaper clipping, from 'The
Express', Colon, Michigan.
Please email WAGNER obituary comments to Cal Wagner

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