*St. Joseph County Obituaries-Z*
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Sun., 11 Jan 1998
.....9 August 1900.....Frank ZIMMERMAN, brother of Mrs. L. SCOTT of this village,
died at his home in Leesburg, Indiana, Friday August 3, 1900 of paralysis.
His age was 73 years.
Mr. ZIMMERMAN, who has occasionally visited in Burr Oak, will be kindly
remembered by many of our citizens.
Transcribed from an original newspaper clipping from 'The Burr Oak Acorn', serving the Burr Oak,
MI area.
Contact: Dave Scott for more information
about this ZIMMERMAN surname.

Sun., 11 Jan 1998
.....10 April 1902.....Mrs. Lucetta ZIMMERMAN was born Pennsylvania April 1, 1828 also a
twin brother, Frank, who died 2 years ago in Indiana. Her parents moved to Ohio where in 1853 she
was married to Mr. James SCOTT.
In 1862 they moved to Lima, Indiana and about a year later came to Michigan, settling
on the farm near Colon which formed the Homestead for 25 years. In 1888 they moved to Burr
Oak where Mrs. SCOTT has since resided.
To them were born 6 children, four of whom are living- Mrs. Sarah BOWLING,
who has with her husband and family resided at Ontario, California until called back to Michigan to assist
in the care of her mother, Mariah, wife of John A. FRY of Ontario, California, Jerome and Henry,
well known in this community.
Mrs. SCOTT was a woman of strong personality, of a generous and
social nature and enjoyed a large circle of friends. Her last sickness has been prolonged and marked
with much suffering. She was taken sick on Christmas Day and through the weary weeks following, struggled
bravely with complications which finally exhausted her strength and death came as a welcome
release on April 1, her 74th birthday.
She expressed faith in God and desired the prayers of her friends.
Card of thanks- We wish to thank our friends and neighbors who so kindly
gave their help during our mother's sickness and burial. Also for the beautiful flowers and the services of choir.
Gerome and Henry SCOTT
Transcribed from an original newspaper clipping from 'The Burr Oak Acorn', serving the Burr Oak,
MI area.
Contact: Dave Scott for more information
about this ZIMMERMAN surname.

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