BURR OAK CEMETERY.... Burr Oak Township St Joseph County, Michigan |
Bordner, John Benjamin... Plot 253, Sec 4, Grave 5, cremated, 87, of 912 Gateway
village, Sturgis, died 23 December 1996 at the Laurels of Coldwater. He was born 19 November
1909 in Burr Oak, a son of Guy D Bordner and Vinnie Woodman Bordner. He was a 1927
graduate of Burr Oak High School and attended Marion Military Institute, Marion, Alabama
and Michigan State University. On 22 November 1930, he married Elma Louise Bothamley in
LaGrange, Indiana. She died 27 October 1973. He married Annie Dohn Weaver on 7 December
1975, in Sturgis. He was a resident of Burr Oak, until he moved to Sturgis in 1986. Retiring as a
self-employed real estate broker and insurance agent, he was previously employed for First
National Bank of Burr Oak and was one of the four original owners of Burr Oak Tool & Gauge
Co., Sturgis. He was a member of Trinity Lutheran Church of Sturgis, where he served as an
elder. He also was very active in community affairs, serving as Burr Oak village treasurer, fire
chief, justice of the peace, St Joseph County commissioner, and chairman of the election board.
Surviving are his wife; one son, Gary L Bordner, of Downers Grove, Illinois; three grandsons,
Andrew Bordner of Japan, John Bordner of Sacramento, California, and James Bordner of
Champagne, Illinois; one great grandson; one step son, Bruce Weaver of Charleston, Illinois;
two step grand-daughters, Mrs Mark (Julie) Briggs and Mrs Greg (Michelle) Drake, both of
Charleston; two step granddaughters; and one sister, Dorothy Holmes of San Diego, California.
He was preceded in death by his parents and one brother, Howard Bordner. Services were at
Trinity Lutheran Church, Sturgis, with Rev Robert Hochner and the Rev Calvin Kolzow officiating.
Private burial will be in Burr Oak Cemetery. Memorials may be directed to the Trinity Lutheran
Church, Sturgis.
Bordner, Leta
Bordner, Lloyd
Bordner, Mable...Lot 89, Sec 3, no dates
Bordner, Mark W, ....buried 17 August 1967, lived in Burr Oak, widowed, 88 years, died 15 August 1967
Bordner, Mary (Dunlap)....Lot 516, Sec 5, born 1842, died 1928...Note: Dunlap surname is from the papers of Geneva Smith. She has Mary buried side by side with Benjamin Bordner (1841-1928)
Bordner, Mary Elizabeth...buried 20 July 1956, lived in Burr Oak, married, 79 years, died July 18, 1956
Bordner, Ralph.....Lot 548, Sec 5, buried 1 June 1959, died in St Joseph co, married, 88 years, died 29 May 1959
Bordner, Ralph L Jr.....Lot 548, Sec 5, buried 19 December 1936, parents lived in Fawn River twp, stillborn, 17 December 1936
Bordner, Vinnie M....buried 14 November 1963, lived in Burr Oak, widow, 87 years, died 11 November 1963
Bordner, Viola Jane...buried 11 May 1962, lived in Fawn River twp, widow, 85 years, died 9 May 1962
Bordner, William.....Lot 89, Sec 3, died 1857
Bordner, William M......Lot 89, born 1853, died 1927
Bordner, Willie Mary.....Plot 548, Sec 5, Grave 7, buried 12 December 1986, died in Sturgis, 86 years, died 9 December 1986
Bordner, Zeta...Lot 21, Sec 6, buried 12 February 1953, 63 years, died 9 February 1953...Note: Papers of Geneva Smith give the lot number for this burial as Lot 589.
Borgert, Alvena....Lot 17, Sec 3, buried 1 May 1953, lived in Sturgis, born 5 May 1881, 71 years, died 28 April 1953....Note: date of death is 25 April 1953 in the papers of Geneva Smith
Borgert, Arthur Loranze...buried 1 October 1969, died in Branch co, 62 years, son of William Borgert, died 28 September 1969
Borgert, Ben J....buried 9 October 1960, died in St Joseph Co, 79 years, died 6 October 1960
Borgert, Elsiena.....Lot 562, Sec 5, buried 26 March 1942, lived in Bronson, 69 years, died 24 March 1942
Borgert, Ettore......Lot 489, Sec 4, born 1891, died 1926
Borgert, Eva M....Plot 562, Sec 5, Grave 1, buried 27 February 1986, 78 years, died 24 February 1986
Borgert, Homer F...buried 15 November 1967, lived in Bronson, married, born 1910, 57 yrs, died 15 November 1967 Note: .....grave 7, Josephine ??, no other information .....Buried on Lot 562, sec 5, between Homer P Borgert, grave 8 and William Borgert, Jr., grave 5
Borgert, June...Lot 489, Sec 4, Grave 7, born 1916, died 1918, buried with her mother
Borgert, Martha......Lot 489, Sec 4, born 1890, died 1918...Note: Death year from papers of Geneva Smith
Borgert, Melvin....Lot 489, Sec 4, buried 23 October 1935, lived in Branch Co, born 1915, 20 years, died 21 October 1935
Borgert, Mrs A....Lot 17, Sec 3
Borgert, Shirley A ......Plot 8, Sec 3, Grave 5, buried 7 May 1992, died in Burr Oak twp, married, 58 years, no death date
Borgert, Vernon M...Lot 489, Sec 4, Grave 8, buried 19 May 1975, died in Allegan, Michigan, 56 years, died 15 May 1975
Borgert, Walter....Plot 278, Sec 4, Grave 4, buried 16 May 1989, lived in Burr Oak, married, 75 years, died 13 May 1989
Borgert, William C....Lot 562, Sec 5, buried 5 March 1954, died in Branch Co, 89 years, died 2 March 1954
Borgert, William Jr....VET, Lot 562, Sec 5, buried 29 November 1937, lived in
Coldwater, Branch Co, married, born 1900, 37 years old, died 27 November 1937
Borras, Solis...Plot 223, Sec 4, Grave 5, no burial date, cremated, died 2 August 1993. Note: By his friend Neil Garter. Neil Garter to be in grave 6 with his friend Solis Borras from Chicago, Illinois. Neil Garter apt 21A, 2650 N Sheridan Rd, Chicago, Ill 60660
Boss, Mae I .....Plot 515, Sec 5, Grave 2, buried 5 February 1994, lived in Grand Rapids, 95 years, widow, died 3 February 1994
Bothrick.......See entries at Bathrick......Cemetery records have this name as Bathrick and on the Geneva Smith papers it's spelled Bothrick. This compiler doesn't have knowledge of which is correct.
Botsford, John......Lot 173, born 1820, 56 years, died 1876
Botsford, John.....Lot 173, Son John, no dates, name on top of page is John W Botsford
Botsford, John W...Lot 173, Sec 2, buried 4 September 1939, lived in Sturgis, married, 63 years, died 29 August 1939
Botsford, Wife (Stillman)......Lot 173, Wife of John who was born in 1820, no dates for her.....Note: Geneva Smith papers indentify who she was the wife of.
Botzner, Amanda.....Lot 208, Sec 1, buried 30 November 1951, born 1879, 72 years, died 23 November 1951
Botzner, Conrad...Lot 5, Sec 3, buried 22 July 1941, died in Fawn River twp, single, 72 years, born 1869, died 20 July 1941
Botzner, Edward...Lot 556, Sec 5, buried 30 September 1938, Branch co, married, 72 years, born 1866, died 27 September 1938
Botzner, John.....VET, Lot 208, Sec 1, Grave 7, buried 4 September 1939,
lived in Sturgis, married, 63 years, born 1876, died 2 September 1939, 1st Michigan
Lt. Art....Note: Birth year from the papers of Geneva Smith
Note: from the papers of Geneva Smith, there is an unmarked grave in the Botzner lot.
Botzner, John ......Lot 208, born 1827, died 1896
Botzner, Truda...Lot 556, Sec 5, buried 2 November 1949, 75 years, born 1874, died 31 October 1949 Note: birth year from the papers of Geneva Smith.
Boules, Baby......Lot 122, no dates....Note: from the papers of Geneva Smith, not in cemetery book
Boules, William.....Lot 122, Sec 2, born 1793, died 1861
Bowish, Alice A......Lot 551, Sec 5, buried 23 July 1951, 69 years, died 20 July 1951
Bowdish, Daniel E...Lot 551, Sec 5, buried 6 June 1940, lived in Burr Oak, married, 78 yrs, farmer, born 1862, died 2 June 1940...Note: Birth year from the papers of Geneva Smith
Bowdish, Mable I...Plot 551, Sec 6, Grave 5, no burial date,died in LaGrange, Indiana, died 16 August 1989
Bowdish, Roy D...buried 22 March 1969, lived in Burr Oak twp, married, born 23 April 1892, 76 years, farmer, born in Branch Co, son of Daniel E Bowdish and Alice ??, died 19 March 1969
Bower, Fred H...Row 9, Sec 8, Grave 7, buried 28 December 1990, married, 62 years, died 25 December 1990
Bower, Minnie Belle
Bower, Rex...Row 20, Sec 7, Grave 12, buried 14 April 1986, died in Wayne Co, Michigan, married, 86 years, died 10 April 1986
Bowish, Alice A......buried 23 July 1951, 9 years old, died 20 July 1951
Bowsher, Marilyn H...Row 2, Sec 9, Grave 49, buried 13 October 1995, lived in Sturgis, married, 71 years, died 10 October 1995
Bowman, Virgil E.....Sec 7, Row 35, Grave 14, died 25 August 1997, 78 years old
Boyer, Alice....Lot 31, Sec 6, buried 2 February 1945, lived, died in Brighton, New York, 23 years, born 1922, died 29 January 1945....Note: Papers of Geneva Smith give birth year.
Boyer, Ariel E....Lot 243, Sec 4, born 1889, died 1891, deathdate 16 August 1891, extracted from the annual of Burr Oak burials in January edition of Burr Oak Acorn
Boyer, Clinton A...Lot 243, Sec 4, born 1865, died 12 December 1954.....Note: dates from papers of Geneva Smith
Boyer, Elizabeth Mary...Lot 243, Sec 4, buried 9 March 1946, lived in Burr Oak, married, born 1867, 79 years, died 7 March 1946
Boyer, Lloyd....VET, Lot 31, Sec 6, buried 16 March 1956, lived in Northville, Wayne Co, Mi. 67 years, born 1889, died 15 March 1956...Note: Papers of Geneva Smith give the birth year
Boyer, Mary K.......Plot 57, Sec 6, Grave 6, buried 11 October 1993, lived in Burr Oak, widow, died 26 June 1993
Boyer, Robert C......Lot 243, Sec 4, died 1920
Boyer, Theodora (Jacox)....Lot 31, Sec 6, buried 31 May 1955, lived and died in Rochester, New York, married, 68 yrs, born 1887, died 29 May 1955...Note: Papers of Geneva Smith provide the Jacox surname, birth year and state date of death is 31 May 1955, not the burial date. Papers further say this woman is buried on Lot 599.
Boyer, Victor...Lot 578, Sec 6, Grave 5, no burial date, lived in Burr Oak, married, died 11 February 1981, creamated, died 16 February 1981
Boyer, Walter H.......VET, Lot 243, Sec 4, Grave 6, born 1894, died 1920
Boylan, Bessie...Lot 260, Sec 4, born 1886, died, 1897, name at top of page E.J. Boylan. Note: in cemetery book, E J Boylan and wife, deceased, no children. Myron Emmon brother to Mrs Boylan, brother of first Mrs Emmons, Grandfather William Emmon may be buried on lot 260 after Bessie. On back of note: Myron I Emmons, Route 2 box 801P, Battle Creek, Michigan
Boyle, Tillie.......Lot 10, W1/2, no marker....from the papers of Geneva Smith
Boyles, George E Jr...Lot 185, born 1847, died 1895.....Note: from the papers of Geneva Smith. Not in the cemetery book.
Boyles, George E. Sr...Lot 185, born 1815, died 20 October 1895, George Boyles married Lucinda Jennings, 24 December 1835; she was born 1818 and died 1 August 1857...Note: all of this entry comes from the papers of Geneva Smith. George Boyles, Sr. is not in the cemetery book.
Boyles, Julia A...Lot 185, Sec 2, born 15 December 1832, 45 years, died 1878...Note: Julia A Graves, daughter of Joseph, sister of Luther, Sr., from the papers of Geneva Smith.
Boyles, L B.......Lot 185, Sec 2...No dates
Boyles, Mabthan.........Lot 185, Sec 2, 1849
Brack, Edgar....Lot 174, born 1863, died 1903....Note: entirety from the papers of Geneva Smith, not in the cemetery book.
Brack, Margaret....Lot 174, born 1900, died 1910....Note: entirety from the papers of Geneva Smith, not in the cemetery book.
Bradburn, Margaret......Lot 405, Sec 1, born 1925, died 1925
Bradford, Genevieve...Lot 5, Sec 6, buried 12 October 1955, died in Dittman Nursing Home, 82 years, died 8 October 1955
Bradford, Thomas R.....Lot 5, Sec 6, buried 22 June 1956, died in St Joseph Co, 86 years, born 1870, died 21 June 1956....Note: Middle initial and birth year from papers of Geneva Smith
Bradley, Gertrude.....Lot 5, Sec 6, buried 12 October 1946, died in Battle Creek, 20 years old, died 8 October 1946
Branblett, Bessie...Lot 334, Sec R, born 1887, died 7 June 1940 in Burr Oak, 53 years Note: Birth year from the papers of Geneva Smith.
Brandenburg, Baby......from Geneva Smith papers
Brayman, Thomas....VET, Lot 14, born 24 September 1831, died 1903, Civil War, Co. F., 27th Michigan Infantry......from papers of Geneva Smith
Brazer, Walter F..buried 8 December 1964, lived in Coldwater, married, 57 years, died 5 December 1964
Brew, Donald W...Lot 500, Sec 5, Grave 5, buried 29 March 1974, lived in Colon, married, 75 years, died March ?? 1974
Brew, Mrs Emma....Lot 30, Sec 6, buried 26 June 1947, 75 years, died 23 June 1947
Brew, Nora .....Lot 300, Sec 5, Grave 6, buried 10 February 1981, lived in Colon, widow, 65 years, died 7 February 1981
Brew, Webster...Lot 30, Sec 6, buried 9 November 1952, 76 years, died 6 November 1952
Brock, Edgar......Lot 174, Sec 2, born 1863, died 1903
Brock, Margaret......Lot 174, Sec 2, born 1900, died 1910
Bronsteter, Florence..Row 9, Sec 7, Grave 9, buried 3 October 1995, died in Kalamazoo, single, 77 years, died 30 September 1994
Bronstetter, Robert...buried 25 February 1970, lived in Burr Oak, married, 54 years, died 22 February 1970
Brooks, Allen J.....Lot 177, Sec 2, born 1839, died 1912
Brooks, Clara L ....Lot 7, Sec 6, buried 7 August 1944, lived in Bronson twp, married, 80 years, born 1864, died 4 May 1944....Note: Birth year from papers of Geneva Smith
Brooks, Hattie B...Lot 177, Sec 2, born 1873, died 1874...Note: Middle initial from Geneva Smith papers
Brooks, Hildon...Row 25, Sec 7, Grave 5, buried 25 January 1978, lived in Burr Oak, married, 75 years, died 22 January 1978
Brooks, Joseph Allen.....Lot 177, born 1839, died 1912...Note: All of this listing from the papers of Geneva Smith, not in the cemetery books. Geneva further writes the mother of this man, Maria Putnam Brooks is buried in Sanborn Cemetery, probably the first burial there. *Additional info from the 5th GGranddaughter of Sarah Allen and Joseph Brooks: Maria Putnam was Joseph Allen's stepmother, his mother was Sarah Allen and yes Sarah and Joseph Brooks, his parents, are buried in this cemetery and so is his stepmother
Brooks, Katherine P.....Lot 177, Sec 2, born 1842, died 1910.... Note: Middle initial from Geneva Smith papers.
Brooks, Nettie M....Lot 177, Sec 2, buried 11 April 1952, born 1873, 79 years, died 8 April 1952
Brooks, Norman Lamar...Row 45, Sec 7, Grave 10, buried 16 October 1985, lived in Burr Oak, died at White Owl Lake, Garfield, Colorado, married, 52 years, 11 October 1985, airplane crash in the mountains elk hunting with Don Howk and Alvin Shaw
Brooks, Stanley C....buried 17 May 1966, lived in Burr Oak twp, 71 years, died 14 May 1966
Brooks, Walton A.....Lot 177, Sec 2, buried 10 December 1947, born 1866, 81 years, died 7 December 1947
Brooks, William Hamlet....Lot 7, Sec 6, buried 26 March 1946, lived in Bronson twp, widower, 79 years, born 1865, died 24 March 1946.....Note: Birth year from the papers of Geneva Smith.
Brothers, Victor Kane....Row 3, Sec 9, Grave 13, died 7 April 1990
Brown, Charles....Lot 519, Sec 5, buried 4 March 1939, lived in Gladwin, Michigan, married, born 1883, 56 years, died 1 March 1939.......Note: Geneva Smith's papers have this man buried on Lot 517
Brown, Charles H...buried 31 December 1966, lived in Fawn River twp, married, 61 yrs, died 28 December 1966
Brown, Clayton T.....Lot 3, died 15 July 1943.....Note: total entry from the papers of Geneva Smith, not in the cemetery book.
Brown, Dela.....Lot 102, Sec 2, buried 24 May 1931, lived in Burr Oak, widow, born 1852, died 1931....Note: First name spelled Delia in papers of Geneva Smith
Brown, Deortha....Lot 519, Sec 5, buried 25 April 1929, born 1916, 13 yrs 1 mo 9 days, died 22 April 1929......Note: Name is spelled Dorothy in the papers of Geneva Smith and says she is buried on Lot 517 with Charles (1883-1939)
Brown, Donald L...buried 25 April 1929, buried with Deortha, 22 hours old, both died 22 April 1929, buried together
Brown, Fred.....Plot 60, Sec 6, Grave 5, buried 3 March 1986, died in Sturgis, 76 years, died 27 February 1986
Brown, Hurlbert......Lot 117, born 10 July 1812, 48 years, died 1860
Brown, Lorona......Lot 102, born 1844, died 1909......Note: first name spelled Loren in Geneva Smith papers
Brown, Mrs........Lot 101, died 18 March 1873, ....... Note: lot number from the papers of Geneva Smith and she further says that Mrs Brown was the mother of Eliza B (Brown) Pease, wife of Rev Daniel Pease.
Brown, Mrs......burial 4 January 1892, died Monday, 2 January 1892, information extracted from the Burr Oak Acorn, no first name given.
Brown, Sally (Adams)...Lot 117, Sec 2, born 1822 in New York, died 20 April 1886.... Note: dates and place of birth comes from the papers of Geneva Smith
Brown, Spencer..no burial date,died in Battle Creek, born 1849, 38 years, died 1887
Brown, Thomas F...Plot 60, Sec 6, Grave 7, buried 13 November 1990, single, 55 years, died 11 November 1990
Brown, Tracy Lynn...buried 6 July 1970, parents lived in Burr Oak twp, stillborn due to strangulation on 2 July 1970
Brown, Wallace M...Row 0, Sec 8, Grave 4, buried 21 December 1993, lived in Burr Oak, married, 68 years, died 18 December 1993
Broyman, Thomas...born 24 September 1830, died 1903 or 1904 in Bronson, Branch Co
Bruner, Donald W...Row 29, Sec 7, Grave 13, buried 26 April 1971, lived in Sturgis, married, 38 years, died 24 April 1971
Brunn, Fred Michael...Row 17, Sec 7, Grave 17, buried 7 August 1974, lived in Fawn River twp, single, 23 years, died 4 August 1974, severe head injuries
Bryant, Abigil...Lot 166, Sec 2, buried 14 March 1938, lived in Burr Oak, born 1846, 92 years, died 11 March 1938......Note: Geneva Smith has this first name spelled Abigail
Bryant, Baby......Infant son, died 1881.....Note: Infant son of William Bryant from papers of Geneva Smith
Bryant, Byron H....Lot 425, Sec 1, buried 25 February 1943, lived in Fawn River twp, 79 years, born 1864, died 23 February 1943
Bryant, Huldah....Lot 146, Sec 2, born 1799, died 1885
Bryant, Joseph...Lot 166, Sec 2, born 1831, died 1912...Note: Geneva Smith has this burial on Lot 146.
Bryant, Joseph...Lot 146, Sec 2, born 1784, died 1863
Bryant, Joseph W......Lot 146, Sec 2
Bryant, Julia E......Lot 425, Sec 1, born 1884, 16 years, died 1900...Note: Geneva Smith papers have her birth year as 1886.
Bryant, Laura....Lot 166, Sec 2
Bryant, Laura J...Lot 2, Sec 2, born 1841, died 1912.....Note: Geneva Smith has this burial on Lot 146.
Bryant, Lucius W...Lot 242, Sec 4, born 1822, died 1891, deathdate 25 September 1891, extracted from the annual of Burr Oak burials in January edition of Burr Oak Acorn
Bryant, Lucius...Lot 242, Sec 4
Bryant, Milton H...Lot 146, Sec 2, born 1862, died 1863.... Note: Middle initial from Geneva Smith papers.
Bryant, Myra L...Lot 166, Sec 2, 9 years old, born 1868, died 1877....Note: birthyear from papers of Geneva Smith
Bryant, Samuel....Lot 166, Sec 2, born 1843, died 1905
Bryant Sarah L....Lot 146, Sec 2, born 1841, died 1895.....Note: Middle initial and dates from Geneva Smith papers
Bryant, Sarah S....born 1841, died 1895
Bryant, William C.....Lot 23, Sec 3, 58 years, born 1821, died 1879
Buck, Addelaid... Lot 115, Sec 2, died 1860.....Note: Geneva Smith has first name spelled Adelaid.
Buck, Mary A...Lot 115, Sec 2, born 1831, 41 years, died 1872
Buck, Mary C... Lot 115, Sec 2, born 1862, 12 years old, died 1874
Buck, Ott.....Lot 115, Sec 2, born 1868, 4 years old, died 1874.....Note: Geneva Smith has first name spelled Att and the death date as 1872.
Bucknell, Albert...Lot 241, Sec 4, born 1865, died 1912
Bucknell, Alice S...buried 20 July 1966, lived in Burr Oak, married, 57 years, died 17 July 1966
Bucknell, Anna ......Lot 235, Sec 4, born 1847, died 1891, deathdate of 15 September 1891 extracted from the annual list of burials in the Burr Oak Acorn, January edition, 1892
Bucknell, Anna.....Lot 199, Sec 1, buried 14 April 1949, lived in Sturgis, born 1868, 71 years, died 11 April 1949...Note: Papers of Geneva Smith give Anna's birth year as 1878 which would be correct for the age at death.
Bucknell, Beddian...Lot 235, Sec 4
Bucknell, Bediou....Lot 235, Sec 4, lived in Sturgis, born 1863, 62 years, died 5 January 1925...Note: first name is spelled Beadon in the papers of Geneva Smith
Bucknell, Charles...Row 28, Sec 7, Grave 2, buried 1 July 1977, lived in Burr Oak, widower, 73 years, died 29 June 1977
Bucknell, Gerold........Lot 235, Sec 4, born 1898, died 1900
Bucknell, George......Lot 199, Sec 1, born 1871, died 1884
Bucknell, Janice Ann...Plot 566, Sec 5, Grave 2, 62, 24846 Airline Road, died 1 October 1995, at her home. She was born 23 August 1933, in Burr Oak, a daughter of Earl and Edna (Lankenau) Maystead. On 26 February 1955, she married Richard W Bucknell, at the Burr Oak United Methodist Church. He died in 1983. She had been a lifelong resident of the Sturgis and Burr Oak areas and she graduated from Burr Oak High School. She was employed 22 years at the Kirsch Company and she attended the First United Methodist Church. She enjoyed her family, playing cards and reading. Surviving are one daughter, Mrs Thomas (Cindy) Bidwell, Sturgis; two grandchildren, Scott Mingus and Miki Mingus, both of Sturgis; three sisters, Mrs Elmer (Mary) Meyer, Goshen, Indiana, Helen Teadt and Mrs Bob (Betty) Davis, both of Burr Oak; three brothers, Don Maystead, Dick Maystead and Ron Maystead, all of Sturgis; one aunt, Merle Garner, Burr Oak; nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents; one daughter, Pam Bucknell; and one brother, Bob Maystead. There was no visitation and cremation was done. Graveside services were held at the Burr Oak Cemetery with Rev Terri Wallick officiating. Arrangements were handled by the Rosenberg-Schipper Funeral Home, Sturgis. Memorials may be directed to Hospice of Sturgis.
Bucknell, Katherine...Lot 241, Sec 4, buried 12 August 1956, died in Ypsilsanti , 87 years, died 9 August 1956
Bucknell, Lee......Lot 235, Sec 4, born 1890, died 1913
Bucknell, Lena Velda.....Lot 566, Sec 5, buried 28 December 1937, lived in Burr Oak, married, 33 years, died 28 December 1937...Note: Middle name comes from the papers of Geneva Smith
Bucknell, Marian...Lot 235, Sec 4, born 1910, died 1912
Bucknell, Pamela Sue....Plot 566, Sec 5, Grave 3, buried 3 Aug 1987, cremated, no death date
Bucknell, Richard...Lot 566, Sec 5, Grave 3, buried 23 July 1983, died in Three Rivers, married, 51 years, died 20 July 1983
Bucknell, Rose....Lot 235, Sec 4, born 1864, 31 years, died 1895
Buffham, Aram B.....Lot 403, Sec 1, born 1857, died 1911
Buffham, Hattie A.....Lot 403, Sec 1, born 1859, died 1920
Bullard, Coila.....Lot 519, Sec 5, buried 28 January 1956, lived and died in Saginaw, Mi, 68 years, died 25 January 1956
Bullard, Charles..... no information
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